Chapter 7 - Shopping pt 1

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Gabe POV

"Alright Trouble, are you ready to fucking shop?!" I ask her. We just got to the mall after Raven brought her over this morning. I don't know what happened between the two of them but the fucking Russian bastard came back with a big cheeky grin when he handed her over to me. Marc, Victor and Corey all decided to come while the others were either working at their respective jobs or working on small assignments for the Academy. 

"Yea Meanie, I am. Go crazy, money isn't really an issue." Shes gotta be kidding me if she thinks we are letting her pay. Ha! She has no idea.

"Okay Trouble, lets head in. Victoria Secret first." I tell her and I see Victor, Corey and Sang blush. I chuckle to myself.

"Why do we need to go there? I can get my own underwear and bra's another day Meanie."

"Oy! No fucking way! I can tell just by looking at you that your bra isn't fitting correctly. You are at least one cup size bigger than whatever size you are wearing now. I need to be here to make sure you get the right fucking size." I scold her. She looks a little shocked that I noticed. I didn't notice because I'm a creep or anything, I noticed because in the swoop neck tee she is wearing, her boobs are practically spilling out, and not in a way that it looks purposeful. 

"Gabe, don't embarrass her!" Corey calls out to me.

"I don't mean to embarrass you Trouble. I just want you to be comfortable and right now that bra does not look comfortable. Plus we can get a swim-suit for you. We are having that pool party Sunday and I bet you don't have one. Right?"

"Yes, you're right. Okay, lets go." She smiles at me and my heart does this funny thing where it stops for a second and then picks up ten times faster. I try not to blush when she gives me that look but I can feel that my ears have gotten hot so I know they are red. 

We head into Victoria Secret, the guys decide to wait outside. Stupid. But Victor hands me his black card and tells me to get Sang whatever she needs or wants. To spare no expense for her. I can tell some of my brothers are starting to fall under the Sang charm and I can't help but be a little giddy about it. We all know what we want, being the largest team in the Academy has been beneficial and also isolating. Someone is always out on missions, if not multiple someones. Plus we have our real jobs to keep up appearances with. Now we have this Ashley Waters mission plus the missions the Academy thinks we should have. It's exhausting and in all reality we would never be able to each keep up with a relationship, we have to hide half of who we are and what we do, we are gone quite a lot and can't fully explain. We know most women wouldn't put up with it, but when Axel and his team joined us and explained that even after that bitch, Kayli, they still wanted to try the one bird for the team and he thought with more of us it may work better if we can find one who can love us all. A big reason was because as the largest team in the Academy we are all never out on one job that pulls us away from home. We may all be on the Ashley Waters mission but we all are home for that, where as a lot of missions send us away or force us undercover away from Charleston. So the more of us there are we can always protect our bird. Plus we will never have a bird splitting us up like Kayli tried to do to them. We are a family and none of us want one bird or multiple birds to ruin that. I have a really good feeling about Sang, she seems to have come from a home like a lot of us. She holds a lot of hurt behind her eyes but she is trying to move on and I can tell we all have a soft spot for her. 

While we are I am looking around Victoria Secret, I have the sales woman accurately measure Sang so we can get her multiple comfortable bras. When she comes back and tells me her size, my mouth goes dry and my pants get a little more uncomfortable. But I'm a professional, I won't let her know how I'm reacting to the information that her chest is a 34D. I knew they were supple and a nice handful just by looking at them but damn those are some serious tits. 

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