Chapter 14 - What Had You Done?

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Everyone in the living room,was in silent,as Taehyung was showing someone wrist,with red lines all over the white skin,still red and puffy,signing it was still new and fresh.The owner just can look down to the floor,as his tears can't be hide anymore.He was in fear,fear to look at anyone,especially Yoongi.

"Wh..What..What did you do..Jungkook?!" Yoongi said as the feeling of self blame and fears rushed into his body.

"I saw Jungkook,doing this to himself few days ago,at 3 am,while everyone is sleeping." Taehyung said angry as he looked over to Yoongi that can't seem to make any eye contact anymore with anyone.

"Jungkook..why..why would you did that?" Jin ask totally shocked and worried because he is the youngest.

"Why didn't you tell anyone Taehyung?Why now?" Namjoon ask frustrated.

"Because,maknae,was so scared and fear,that he,would blame himself if he know about it.Maknae was hiding all his pain away from everyone for the sake of him!" Taehyung shout as he pointed and look at Yoongi with disgust.

"Hyung..stop it already.." Jungkook whisper as he was crying.

"I'm,not gonna,stand here,and watch my maknae,ruin himself." Taehyung said fierce.

"Damn it..everything was mess up.." Hoseok said shocked as he look over to Jin and Namjoon.

"Min Yoongi,I'm not doing all this,because I hate you.I hate that behaviour,they way you lived and how that shit,affected everyone." Taehyung said.

"I..I...I'm..Sorry..I'm so sorry!" Yoongi shout as he run away from the living room out from the door,not stopping when everyone was shouting at him panic.

He just run.Run away,run as fast as he could.He couldn't take it anymore.He just needed,to release,to run away and hide from everyone.

"Yoongi wait!" Hoseok and Jin shout as everyone was panic that he suddenly run away,especially Jungkook,he want to run and chased him,but Taehyung hold his hand tight,not letting him do it.Looking at Taehyung face,Jungkook slowly pull of his hand from his wrist as he run away,leaving Taehyung with the feelings of betrayal.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shout as he chased after Yoongi all over up to the rooftop.Along the chasing,Yoongi sobbing can be heard by the echo of the stairs place.Thankful to his high school sports record,Jungkook manage to catch up with Yoongi in matter of time before he can reach the door to the rooftop.Jungkook doing what he can,hold onto Yoongi back as he was backhugging him tight but the older was strugling to get through his grips.

"Hyung I love you!Please don't do this please!It's not your faults!I'm so sorry!" Jungkook said as he was crying to hold on to dear life Min Yoongi that was bigger than him as hard as he could at least until the other members arrived and help him.

"Let me go!"Yoongi shout as he swing his hand accidentally hit Jungkook face,to more detailed his cheeks,making the younger gasp in pain as his hand automatically let go of Yoongi to touch the hit place,but he forget that he was unstable on the stairs.Not succeeding in standing straight,Jungkook fall backward then roll down till he reach the last hit on the ground.Yoongi,hearing Jungkook shout and something hard fall to the floor,turning his head to the back,to see a horror scene where Jungkook was laying on the ground at the end of the stairs,with bleeding head and unconscious body.

"Jung...Jungkook?" Yoongi call as he bring his body slowly to walk down the stairs,couldn't accept the fact that Jungkook was bleeding,because of him.

" wake up!" Yoongi said as he shake Jungkook shoulder also shocking everyone who reach the stairs.

"Yoongi what did you done to him you idiot!?" Taehyung shout angry as he saw Jungkook body.

"I..I didn' anything..." Yoongi said panic as everyone now,look at him,in disgust and hatred.Even Jin.

"We need to bring maknae to hospital.Faster!" Namjoon shout,totally ignoring Yoongi that was totally feeling bad and shaking on the ground as everyone turn their back on him,leaving him with Jimin last looking at him as tears roll down his face.

"I..don't know..who you are anymore.." Jimin said last before running away following the others leaving Min Yoongi,alone on the stairs.

'What had I done?What had I done?' Yoongi replaying in his mind numerous times as he try to breathe properly but tears just won't stop blurring his vision.

You are disgusting.

You hurt your younger.

You make someone bleed.

You are a failure.

You make other cut them self.

You are useless.

You hurt someone who just care about you.

You didn't deserve their care and loved.

Nobody needed you here.

Everyone will be better of without you.

What are you even doing here?

Trying to believe on a strand of hope you are gonna get better?

Who you think you are?

You didn't deserve the happiness.

You didn't deserve BTS.

You didn't deserve to live.

You didn't deserve it here.

And at that moment,everything was just black and white,and Yoongi let himself,getting swallowed by the darkness that had been consuming him since few years ago,and finally,he will not fight back.The voices was right after all.And he know,after this nobody gonna need him anymore here.Everyone hate him now.He is a total failure.

Back at the van,everyone was panicking with Jungkook to bring him to hospital,but then Hoseok stop and look around to find that Yoongi was not there.

"Where is Yoongi hyung?" Hoseok ask worry.

"Why do you care about someone who hurt maknae!?" Taehyung said in disgust and his way of saying that sound so unpleasant for him.

"You guys are not leaving without him.We can't,no,we are not allowed to leave him alone!" Hoseok said angry.

"Hoseok,get in the van,we need to get maknae to the hospital now.We can figure it out later with him.Now what important is maknae!" Jin said as he was panic to see blood on Jungkook head.

"Do you guys forget that hyung was about to get killed before!?" Hoseok shout angry how everyone could actually be that cruel and leaving him alone.

"Hoseok,let just determined it out right now.Jungkook or Yoongi?" Namjoon ask angry.

Hoseok look at everyone,trying to find just a slight uneasiness to what Namjoon are asking but none,he find none of them.Hoseok can't stand the facts,everyone turn their back on Yoongi.

"Jungkook will be so disappointed in all of you for doing this to Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok shout disappointed and angry before he run in back to the building,in the hope to find Yoongi alive and not doing anything dangerous.

I care hyung.I still care. - Jung Hoseok.

💮Author notes : I'm going to probably make a new book compiling all the famous and meaning full poems I guess.I just love how they hit me hard in my feelings sometimes.I love hurting myself by recalling the bad memories just so I can cry.I'm useless hahaha.Love you peeps. 💮

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