[I] A Surprise

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Feel free to comment and vote! I will be reading your opinions on the story!

Just in case you don't understand:

I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10

That's how the chapters are going to be numbered.

Also, is anyone re-reading the book?


My hands were filled with blood, just like my whole body. But I had to hide this dead woman before the police arrives and completely ruins everything.

I took all her clothes off and left them on the house. I walked to my BMW to get the most important things of this murder. The volatile liquid was poured all around the wooden little house, especially on the clothes of the dead woman. I lighted up a cigarette and harmed my lungs once more with this damn suicide tool, literally.

When I almost finished my cigarette, I threw it at the gasoline on the ground, almost creating an explosion. I sat on top of my car staring at the soon to be ashes house. I took it slowly, the police would not know about this a week later aproximatedly, if someone doesn't come visit her before.

I'm sure I'll leave no trail around here after all this is burned.

I took the dead woman's body and placed it on the trunk of my car. I sped out of the scene, I had to wash all the blood out of my body. I accidentally cut her neck and all the red liquid went out of her neck like a fountain, leaving me like this.

It was midnight when I finally found some place to shower and clean myself up. I hope there isn't anyone inside, I don't want to kill more people tonight, I'm tired. The lights were on, which means there is probably someone inside. I turned off my car lights so they don't notice my presence. I took my shoes off, so there was less noise from this murderer (me). I got out of my car meters away from their house, to not make noise and expose myself. My charged handgun was held tight by me, I needed it.

I was getting closer to this little cabin inside this enormous forest. I saw a person walking around the house. I tried to hide as fast as possible, but the lights went off as soon as I reached the door. That probably means the person inside knows I'm here, damn it. I'll risk it, I'm going in. I went around the house to break one of the windows so I had access to the cabin. I threw a big heavy rock at the window. Making so much noise, but I didn't care because the person inside already knows I'm here.

I looked around from outside and made sure I didn't hear any movement inside and was safe to go in. I went in, I widened my eyes and concentrated on whatever was heard, I was very alert. I started moving around the house, hoping my ears can fully work, because the room was filled with darkness.

I found a bedroom, I felt tempted to lay in the bed and get some sleep but it wasn't safe when there was someone inside. There was a door on my right, I carefully opened it exposing myself by the loud creak of the door. I looked inside, it was a closet. I sighed, forgetting I was supposed to be alert.

As soon as I sighed the lights went on and when I turned around, I froze, the woman in front of me was holding a gun pointing to my template. I can't move, I have no other choice but to let go of my gun.

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