[XI] Reunion

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"Oh what the fuck, didn't I tell the guys to put their guns on safe mode?" Lauren said standing up making her way back down there.

I followed her, and prepared myself for whatever was happening down there. I didn't have any guns on me so I guess I'll hide or fist fight whoever crosses my path with a gun.

In a matter of seconds we were already inside Lauren's Mansion. A mess.

Nobody was running away because, we're all killers, narcos, etc. We just stay there with our hand glued to our gun, and that's how they all were while paying attention to a not so adult dude talking.

"Pay attention! I'm going to fucking speak" he yelled at a man that was whispering to God knows who. "My name is Anto-" he began to speak but was cut off by the one and only, Lauren.

"No, no. Cut the shit, get out of here" Lauren said with a straight face.

"And who are you?" The man said while swaying from side to side. He's so fucking drunk, nobody would even think about talking to Lauren like that.

"I'm the fucking owner of this damn house now leave before I shoot the shit out of you"

"I was going to say something!" He yelled at Lauren, but Lauren took her handgun out and pointed at him. Getting close enough to place the gun on his template.

"Don't make me fucking shoot you. Get. The fuck. Out of here" she said pressing the gun hard on his template

"...Okay, okay. I won't come back, sorry, don't shoot, please" he said while slowly turning around walking to the exit swaying from side to side. "You had to hear me..."

"Come on who let this asshole in!?" Lauren yelled at the guards of the mansion. The guards looked at each other, expecting one of them would admit something but no one spoke.

"I think he found a way inside" one of them spoke.

"Well y'all better find where the fuck he came from" Lauren ordered. "What are you guys waiting for? Find out where the hell he went in from"

"Yes ma'am" the all said in unison, dispersing all around the place.

"Do you know him?" I ask Lauren, following her to wherever she was going.

"I've seen that asshole, but I don't know him. He has done this in other parties, I knew the shit he was going to say" Lauren answered.

"How is he still alive?" I laughed.

"I have the same question" she sticked her tongue out and went to a maid, poking her shoulder before saying excuse me.

"Yes ma'am?" The old lady asked.

"Uh, can you please clean the dust in this room, Y/N is staying tonight" Lauren modestly said while placing her hand on the older lady's back. Lauren was really sweet with the maids.

The party was already over, there was music playing but the volume was lower. The house was empty now, it's late too, its about 3am.

"Oh God, that was horrible" we both chuckled when we remember how stupid I was in high school, I was dumb as fuck.

"Those were really good times, Y/N. Sometimes I want to buy a time machine and go back in time but travel machines don't exist" Lauren fake pouted.

"Me too" I sadly smiled while playing with my fingers. We've been talking and joking in the room I'm staying for around an hour, how is Lauren not sleepy at all? "Pablo told me he had a work for me" I informed Lauren.

"I knew he had something to tell you. Do you know what you have to do already?" Lauren asked with an eyebrow raised. She knows I sometimes forget what I have to do.

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