[XXXV] Bank Thiefs (Part II)

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We have to wait in the van until Lyane shuts the power of the area down so we can go to the back and get inside from there.

Approximately 30 minutes have passed. We're outside waiting for someone to come and turn the generator on.

"Come on, for fucks sake" Lauren rolled her eyes, blowing a strand of hair off her face.

"Shut u-"

I was interrupted by the opening of the door. It was an old man, it is the janitor or at least looks like it. Good thing is he has an I.D.

I nodded as a sign to keep going. We will sleep him with chloroform, the typical subtance thiefs, rapists, etcetera use for their victims.

"One, two... three" I whispered before I saw Camila silently walk behind the old man, placing her arm around the man's neck to keep him in place while she puts the wet cloth on his nose, instantly knocking him out.

We looted the old guy before picking him up to bring him inside the bank with his I.D.

"Confirm kill" I heard Lyane talk on the small device on my ear.

"Lyane, we didn't kill anyone... at least not yet"

"O-Okay, keep going then. The area is clean for now" I heard her stutter. I rolled my eyes in response although I'm used to this.

We threw the old man on the side of the door with nothing but his clothes. We took every single thing. Now, it's showtime for the people inside.

"Okay girls, we'll go in there and try to gather everyone on the floor in a group. Lauren, Gaby and I will open the safe and make the hole while Y/N and Camila watch the hostages. Don't bother to shoot the guards as soon as you see them, we do not want them calling reinforcements. Don't forget to lock the doors and block them with everything you find. Remember this is serious, you are killing guards and probably hostages. If you get caught you're getting life in prison or death penalty; But I trust you guys, I'm sure you'll do great... you always do." Violet spoke, instantly making the adrenaline on my body rise. It is time. I don't know if I'm excited, nervous, happy or worried.

After a few seconds of walking, we got to the center of the bank. The guards were reunited, maybe they where discussing a way to get the clients outside in a civilized way.

Our group spread out, Violet, Lauren and Gaby went to clear the way to the safe while Camila and I put some order up here. Camila and I are behind a wall close to the back of the bank, which is where we went inside from.


"Have no mercy" I whispered to myself after sighing. This is what I do, this is what I'm made for.

"Y/N, put your mask on. You don't know when the cameras can turn back on" I heard that soft soothing voice behind me. "I'm scared we might do something wrong"

"Don't worry babygirl, we'll be alright." I whispered. Maybe she wanted me to say something more, but I don't think there is really anything else to say. Plus, I don't have time to.

I grabbed my extended magazine M416 from my back and aimed it at heads of the guards from behind the wall, before pulling the safety off.

"Three, two..."


I kept my finger on the trigger, feeling the rifle shake uncontrollably on my hands. I heard screams, cries and cussing. When I had the chance to look back up at the guards, none where alive. There was a pile of them and I didn't even have to touch them. I think that's all of them, I hope. Lyane hasn't said anything so I guess there aren't any more around. Or maybe she can't see them.

"Everybody on the fucking floor right now!" I shout from the top of my lungs raising my rifle to let them know I'm armed.

The sounds of their bodies hitting the ground was so satisfying. I love this.

"This is a robbery, do as we say and you'll get out of here alive!" Camila shouted.

"If you don't, I'll make sure you get a free ticket to hell!" I finished, making some of them scream of fear again.

One of the hostages stood up, walking towards me to confront me. Tall man in his late 40's, strong enough to knock me out, but I have guns, he doesn't have anything to defend himself against.

"What are you doing sir?" I asked confusedly, but the man kept walking towards me. He was angry and unarmed, probably the worst combination ever; not because he could kill me, it's because he wouldn't care if I'm armed and I don't care about his life.

I grabbed my handgun from my thigh because I don't have time to reload the rifle. If he attempts to attack me he is getting shot in the head.

"I know who you are" He whispered when he was close enough.

"...What?" I asked, but I was interrupted by the brunette behind me.

"Dad?" She whispered. Her eyes where starting to water, that's all I can see because she has her mask on. "Why are you here?" She asked, trying to hold back from crying. I don't understand what the fuck is going on.

"You know why I'm here. I told you I'd find you and this little shit" He despectively looked up and down at me.

"That's it, go back to your place. I don't give a fuck about who you are" I pointed my handgun at him. I couldn't care less if he is Camila's dad, nobody cared about my dad when he got shot.

"...Dame el arma Camila" He is asking Camila for her rifle. She won't give it to him, if she does, she instantly becomes an enemy.

"...No dad. Go back to the floor" He voice cracked at the end. I don't understand why she's so emotional. Nothing interesting is happening.

Suddenly, I saw another man stand up from the floor charging towards Camila. I guess we got lost in the moment, maybe it was interesting after all.

"Hey, don't fuck with me. You're the unarmed one here, remember that. I don't care about you or your family, I'll shoot you if I have to!" Camila shouted angrily before angrily using the rifle to hit the man on the head repeatedly. I don't think she's going to stop.

What surprises me is that her dad just stands there watching her. Doesn't he have the balls to stop her?

"Camila stop." I ordered without taking my eyes off her dad, and she stopped. She snapped out of it.

"That's my girl..." He smirked, looking at his daughter proudly. I'm so bothered. Who the hell is he and why is he here? How the hell did he know we would be here? Wait... Shit.

It was fucking Gabriela. I'm going to burn her. She thinks she can just go and bring this man here. What for? Oh, she's not getting away so easily. Fuck this.

I guess it runs in the family after all.


Woah, that's crazy.

Gabriela is also a traitor, I wouldn't be surprised.

If you want to text me privately feel free to do so.

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