[XXV] My Princess

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I woke up confused. I don't know what happened yesterday, I'm in Gabriela's bed. She's laying on it too with only her underwear. What happened yesterday? What the hell. At least I still have my clothes on, which means she didn't rape me. All I can remember is drinking some strong ass shots of alcohol, I don't even know the name of it because the room was too dark to see it. I passed out on her bed. I- Shit, my head hurts like hell.

Well, I guess I was super wrong about Gabriela; she's straight as fuck. You're probably wondering how I know she's extra straight: she has posters of men all around the room and they're almost naked. She's like the female version of the kid in puberty who jerks off to pictures of girls in magazines. I didn't see the posters yesterday because the room was too dark to notice.

"Fuck" I say pulling myself up from Gaby's bed. I stretched and went out, I've got to go to my bathroom.

I opened the door and slowly walked out of the room and supported myself on it once I was out. My head is so dizzy, I don't even know.

"What were you doing in there?" I hear a recognized sleepy voice, it's Camila. I don't even want to imagine what she thinks I did there. Looks like she just woke up though, maybe she's not fully awake yet.

"We were drinking and playing videogames yesterday and I passed out on her bed" I say as I ran my hand through my hair. How could I speak to her with the mess I have on my hair? I must look like a piece of garbage.

She stared for a bit too long, it doesn't bother me at all. I missed this. It's funny how she wanted to start issues but looks like she changed her mind. I couldn't help but laugh calmly, making her snap out of it. When she saw me laughing a smile made it's way into her lips, that was so damn cute.

"Why are you laughing?" She asks trying to hold back the contagious laughter.

"Nothing it's just... it's weird that you wake up and look so flawless"

After saying that, I saw them, I saw her cheeks blush. She was blushing because of me. Looking at her react like that made my heart accelerate, I don't know what I'm feeling because I can't explain it but I hope I'm not the only one who's felt this.

"Thank you, Y/N. I... haven't heard something like that in a long time" She smiled widely, her cheeks blushing more that I've ever seen them blush. Doesn't she have a boyfriend though? If he doesn't tell her things like that is he even a boyfriend? "I'll be downstairs making breakfast, if you want some you should be there" softly smiling, she turned around and headed downstairs. Well, looks like she's not as mad as yesterday. I'm so thankful, I thought it was going to be almost like the first time we met which wasn't the best way of getting to know each other.


"Do you want some toast?" She asked, getting two slices of bread, buttering them before placing them on a pan. She toastes bread on a pan, I would burn them if I try.

"No, this is enough for me"

"That's what I expected you to say" She laughed, contaging me with that smile of hers.

"I'm alright with this" I pointed at the omelette on my plate, it's quite big so I suppose that will do.

"So that Lamborghini outside is yours?" She asked, but I don't remember bringing my Lamborghini here. I never even had the chance to go to Lauren's house and get it. I hope it didn't happen yesterday while I got drunk, that would be fucked up.

"What?" I quickly stood up and looked through the window. That's my car out there. Lauren must've brought it then, she knows me well. I can't believe I didn't look outside yesterday, didn't think I'd have to anyway "Yes, that's mine. Do you have one too?"

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