1. The last time I saw her. (Flash Back)

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Carina Heartfilia, the 12-year-old daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia

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Carina Heartfilia, the 12-year-old daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia. Unlike her older sister Lucy, she didn't have her mothers vibrant golden locks or her fathers dimmed blonde hair, instead, she had long silver hair which shinned when the sun beamed down. Fringe was pulled away from her face so that you could stare into her dimmed blind blue eyes.

Blind. The mere word left the girl disgusted. After all, it was one of the many reasons why her own father couldn't even look at her. Well, that's what Spetto and Lucy had told her, how he wouldn't even look at her eyes. The opposite of her mother it would seem. Carina could remember her mother always caressing her cheeks, almost no distance between them. Instead of a disability or a failure, Layla saw the blindness as a unique and beautiful quality.

7 years. 7 years since Layla had died since their loving family had broken. Likely Carina and Lucy had each other, comforting each other during each storm, each nightmare. Until Lucy had walked away. Carina didn't blame her, in fact, she was proud. That her sister could escape.

Carina signed as she grazed her finger against the heated window. Her legs tucked up, in a huddled position. She imagined the world outside her window, Lucy had said the sun was bright, a warm but light colour. While the sky was dark and cold, but light at the same time, the colour was opposite to that of the sun.

"Miss Carina!"

Humming in acknowledgment, Carina didn't even look at the maid standing beside her.

"It's Miss Lucy, she's returned!"

Spoke the female maid, her voice filled with excitement and relief. Frozen in shock, Carina snapped her head towards the maid, a small smile itching onto her face.

"Take me to her!"

Ordered the Heartfilia as she slowly leapt up from her window seat. Hearing the maid's footsteps coming closer to her, Carina raised her arm outwards. This allowed the maid to link arms with the young girl before directing her towards the courtyard. Her white gown trailed after her as she walked, unlike other rich gowns this gown this gown left her stomach wide open. The material reminded the girl of wrapped bandages but it was comfortable never the less. Her bare feet grazed the floor, shoes were overrated.

As they closed in the courtyard, Carina immediately heard cheers and cries which made her heart swell. The maid stopped suddenly, making the girl stop also.


Called the silver-haired maiden and she unlinked from the maid. Silence echoed throughout the courtyard before a soft patter of feet closed in on her. Quick and unpaced, until it stopped and arms wrapped around her. At first, she assumed she would suffocate by Lucy's breast's but instead was led against her shoulders. Lucy obviously is kneeled in front of her.


Gasped Lucy, her arms tightening around her. Before she moved back and cupped her little sister's cheeks.

"I missed you so much!"

Whispered Lucy as she smiled down at her, Carina smiled in return which was the opposite of her lifeless eyes.

"Miss Lucy, Master requests your presence in the study!"

Called out a maid. Lucy signed and raised from the ground, her hand gently grazed her sisters head before she walked into the mansion.


Carina slowly raised her hand to the door and she sat on the floor, her ear pressed harshly against the fine wood.

"I'm sorry father, but that is not going to happen!"

Carina heard Lucy's voice speak out against their father.

"I didn't come here to make amends. I came here to say my final goodbye, I realize it was wrong of me to just leave without saying anything. It's a decision I've regretted every single day. And so I've come back to tell you exactly what I think before I leave for good!"

Carina could hear the radiated passion as she yelled.


Flinching at the man's yell, Carina narrowed her eyes.

"All the money in the world can't buy you happiness! I figured that out when I was a child, finally, I'm truly happy! And I'm not gonna let you ruin that! I'm warning you, you better not mess with Fairy Tail ever again!"

After she had threatened their father, ripping was heard inside the study. Her dress?

"It doesn't matter if you're my father if you threaten us we will crush you like any other enemy!"

Blind eyes widened,

"It didn't have to be this way! You and I could have gotten together and talked things out. But now I can't trust you. Because you've hurt too many people I care about, I or Carina need fancy dresses or the big house or lots of money to be happy! I just need to be accepted for who I am!"

Touching her heart to steady the pounding, Carina smiled.

"And I am not Lucky Lucy Heartfilia anymore, I'm Lucy of Fairy Tail! The people there treat me like family something you never did. It was hard for me to leave this house, to leave Carina. Only because I had many fond memories of mum and Carina. "

Signing in contentment Carina moved away from the door, biting her lip nervously.



Called out Carina as she stood next to Spetto, waving goodbye to her. Hearing her footsteps the youngest Heartfilia raised her arm, motioning for an embrace. And she did, her sister hugged the blind Heartfilia as tight as she could. While Carina's head was buried in Lucy's shoulder she whispered

"One day, I'm going to be just as strong as you! And join Fairy Tail so we can be together forever!"

Gasping in astonishment Lucy pulled away and kissed her sisters head

"We'll see each other again!"

With a last pat, Carina heard her footsteps walk away, but she could still feel an intense heated gaze. Before it disappeared, along with her sister.


Whispered Carina, as she turned towards the shorter woman.

"Yes, my dear?"

"I need you to pack all my stuff, I'm leaving at nightfall."

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