1. Our Hope was Restored PT1

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7 years had past since Carina had left her home, since she had left her father without a warning, just like Lucy had once done. She didn't regret leaving, but she did regret leaving without a word. But it was for the best.

Carina smiled at the thought, the 19 year old stared up at the sky, allowing the whispering wind to echo through her ears and blow through her hair. Everything was peaceful here in Magnolia. The silence was suddenly disturbed by the sound of footsteps.

Light, achy,large. An old man. Over whelming heat but weak. Fire Mage. Macao.

"Your late Master."

Bluntly spoke the woman, it may have sounded rude but with her soft voice it was impossible to be offended.

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

Snorted the half sober man as he stood next to the silver haired beauty.

"We better get a move on!"

Spoke Carina as Macao wrapped an arm around the other before guiding the blind mage towards the farm scenery Fairy Tail guild.

"You know, you shouldn't worry so much, Romeo is a big boy now. He's not as fragile as you want him to be."

Smiling up at the much older man, Carina felt Macao glare down at her,

"He's still a boy, of course he's fragile!"

Yelled Macao, making Carina roll her eyes.

"Look, i understand why he's like this. I feel the same and we all deal in different ways. Romeo doesn't smile, Droy eats, you lead and i live in hope. You can't blame Romeo for being like this, maybe one day things will be different. "

Scoffing slightly Macao gritted his teeth, trying to bite back a remark, knowing that angelic girl was right. Making Carina smirk to her self in achievement.


Carina wiped down the bar, the wet rag stained her hand with water, the guild was in almost exact silence. Every now and then would be Wakaba and Macao would argue, same as Jet and Droy. Carina suddenly jumped as Macao slammed his mug down, angrily

"Why hasn't Romeo made it back to the guild yet? I'm gonna be seriously pissed if Alzack and Bisca ditched the poor kid just so they can make out"

"Take it easy will ya! It's not like he's a little boy anymore he's a young man now. "

Smiling smugly Carina, got back to cleaning the counter, there was just no telling Macao.

"How many times do i have to tell you, for you to call me Master! Get it together Wakaba!"

Bellowed Macao, making the silver girl sigh in annoyance, trying to block out their arguing. It seemed to work, because by the time Carina snapped out of her thoughts Kinana was gently grazing her arm. Smiling gratefully at the other girl, she allowed the pitchy girl to giggle in amusement.

"Even Kinana and Carina are more ladylike, but you on the other hand.."

Trailed Jet as a built up his argument.

"What have i said about being an example!"

Hissed Carina, but it was whispered, therefore Kinana was the only one who heard it. Kinana also sighed in annoyance at the two males, who were acting like bickering children. Kinana began washing up some mugs while Carina dried up.

"I mean, what do you think Levy would say if she ever saw you like this! "

Barked Jet, without a second thought of the consequences, causing Droy to collapse back in his chair.

"Levy's never coming back!"

Bellowed the over weight man, causing everyone to slip into an awkward silence, and Carina to place the mug on the counter and just stared blankly at it. However, it was suddenly disturbed by the guild doors opening and a voice to call out.

"How pathetic! No matter what time I come here the place is always quite"

Huffing slightly, Carina looked towards where the voice was coming from. 4, no 5 members.

"I thought i told you to never step foot in here again!"

Calmly spoke Macao as he stepped forward towards the violent barbarians.

"Come on! You should show a little respect when you talk to your superiors. Twilight Ogre is the best guild in Magnolia, you should bow down and kiss our boots!"

Taunted the leader of the group. Twilight Ogre, the name left a bitterness inside her mouth.

"You used to be the strongest guild in Fiore, but those days are long gone.Now your nothing but a bunch of worthless out of work wizards! Look at this dump you call a guild hall! Have you seen the palace we got right in the centre of town! One look at our guild, and it's pretty obvious who can do for Magnolia and it aint Fairy Tail!"

Teased the man once more, making Carina gulp nervously, someone was going to make a snide remark, and then all hell breaks loose.

"You think your better than us because you've got a bigger hall?"
Questioned Max, as he frowned at the small group of wizards.

"Yeah! We've got more spirit than you can imagine!"

Spoke Warren, backing up Max's remark with one of his own, Carina looked over nervously, her maroon like skirt waving as turned around. Kinana too looked over, wearily.

"Good for you! But you can't make a living out of spirit"

Barked another member of the opposite guild, smirking wickedly, making Carina shiver with the mere thought.

"What are you and your lackeys doing here Teebo?"

Asked Macao, as he shifted nervously but stood his ground.

"We've come to collect this months payment."

Bluntly spoke the leader, causing Wakaba to turn to Macao and accuse him.

"You mean to tell me you haven't paid them yet Macao!"

Yelled Wakaba turning to his old friend. This situation caused a rise in her anxiety which allowed Carina to lightly grab hold of Kinana, for both of their comfort.

"Hey didn't I tell you to call me master!"

Argued back Macao, growling slightly at his friend.

"If you pay your loan on time, we wouldn't have to drop by like this"

Suddenly spoke one of Teebo's 'friends', making Macao sigh.

"We don't have the money because we haven't had any decent jobs lately. We'll pay it in full next month. So get off our backs alright."

Spat Macao in disgust, causing both Kinana and Carina's grips to tighten.

"Watch it old man, lets not forget you and this shabby pub you call a guild hall wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us"

Another one of Teebo's accomplice spoke, raising a hand to Macao. Carina didn't like where this was heading, so she let go of Kinana and slid to the floor. The bar becoming her shelter as she covered her ears and blocked the argument out. A major difference between Carina and Lucy, was that Carina still hadn't gotten over the shouting. It was the curse of living in an abusive home, luckily it wasn't as bad as it was before. However she could still here the words but they were slow and unable to translate into proper English. But what she could hear was her own shriek of fear as something was thrown directly into the bar. More banging followed afterwards, causing the guild to end in ruin and panic. Then eventually silence.

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