3. Last Time I Walked Alone (Flash Back)

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Alone. It was the feeling that first washed over her as she listened to the people surrounding her. Shouts, screams, mumbling, harsh breaths and an overwhelming raise of anxiety. Gulping nervously, Carina slowly began to walk, in an unknown direction, all she could do was follow her instincts and pray for the best. Tasting the sweet bitterness of smoke from the train, the celestial mage pushed forward with her luggage in hand. However, due to her improper outfit, those around her kept stepping on her dress, making her continue to stop.

As she still tried to fight through the crowd a sudden forced knocked over the small girl, allowing a small cry to escape her throat. The rough floor scraped against her feet as well as her hands which tried to catch her. Dammit. She signed, helpless on the floor, that was until she felt two achy hands touch her shoulder.

"Are you alright dearest?"

She spoke softly, her voice filled with warmth, which was something Carina had missed ever since her mother's death.

"I'm alright thank you for your concern."

Replied Carina, in almost a hushed voice, her cheeks a flaming scarlet, for a rich girl she sure was a klutz. She heard the woman chuckle slightly, it was a croaked and strained laugh, which meant this woman was old.

"At least let me help you up, dear."

She spoke with such kindness and she helped the 12-year-old up from the ground, once she was up she was faced towards the woman, or she thought she was.

"Oh, I see."

The woman's voice trailed off, Carina signed it meant that the old lady had seen her eyes, she could almost feel the pity radiating off this woman.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I was wondering if you perhaps know the direction of where the mountains are located"

Questioned the young girl, nervously moving her eyes around.

"I can show you, I myself live at the base of the mountains"

The woman gently grasped the silver-haired girl's hand, clutching it in her wrinkly hands. Carina could feel the warmth radiate from her hands, as well as her bending down. Probably to pick up her luggage. Carina, too bent down to pick up 2 of her cases, well the handle to drag them that is. The woman slowly guided the teen through the streets, squeezing the young girls hand as tightly as she could.

Sharp and blunt rocks dug into Carina's heels, the dirt attached itself in between her toes. Causing Carina to cringe in both disgust and pain. Why did she prefer being barefoot again? It didn't matter, because she still carried on, carried on alone. Feeling a sudden zap from her earing in disagreement.

"Okay, Okay! Not completely alone."

Giggled the platinum blonde, shaking her head. Biting her lip nervously, the 12-year-old gently pressed her earing, allowing a key to materialize in her left palm. The trident like key was described as a vibrant golden colour with blue twirls swirling around the base. Oh, how she would love to see the colours. She ignored those thoughts and raised the key, directly in front of her.

"Open the gate of the Water God: Poseidon!"

A golden circle appeared in front of the key before a man stood in front of the fragile lady. Dressed in a white suit, with the same shade of hair, however, his look included vibrant sapphire eyes. His face included a story and defined jaw, allowing the spirit to appear as an 'alpha' man.

"At last I'm free!"

Cheered the white-haired male, making Carina put a hand on her hip, glaring at where he would be.

"Oh shush you fool, you could have forced your gate open anytime"

Laughing nervously the man known as Poseidon walked towards the young girl.

"Yeah I didn't think of that"

Chuckled the water being as he looped his arm with the young girl with that they both began walking. If there was one thing Carina loved the most about Poseidon was the fact he didn't show pity or treat her different because of her disability.

"So, may I know the plan you have in mind?"

Questioned the snow-haired male as he continued directing the small maiden.

"It isn't necessarily a plan. I just want to be strong and be with my sister, but I cant see and that's a major downfall. This may be the only way I can get close to sight. "

Poseidon smiled down at the girl, the girl whose face contoured into a passionate and determined look.


Her feet echoed against the floors, as she glided through the ruins. Poseidon had disappeared moments ago, allowing the girl her privacy and to do this on her own.


She called nervously, still wandering around the ancient building. Paranoia welled up in her as she positioned tightened more. Her self-hugging portrayed that she was in distresses and she was.

"Oh hello deary"

Whipping round in a speed of light, Carina recognized the voice.

"The old lady?"

Asked the platinum-haired girl, frowning in suspicion. Cackling slightly the old woman rested her hands on the petite girl's shoulder.

"Indeed. But this isn't my true form."

The once old and bony hands shifted slightly, causing the teen to flinch as they slowly turned soft, youthful.

"My name is Marinette, the Celestial Aura Queen"

Introduced the youthful woman. She had beautiful blue hair and dress which grazed the floor delicately.

"Wait for what? Who? Why? Aura what?"

Questions flooded Carina which allowed them to tumble out causing the queen to chuckle in amusement.

"I knew you were searching for me, so I had to know if you were pure enough to be trained. And Aura is what I train celestial wizards in. So they would able to see enhance their senses and feel one with the world. I specially train those with loss of sense, people like you. "

Standing silently, Carina was thinking her situation over again.

"So other celestial wizards have disabilities like me?"

Was all the platinum girl said, a small ray of hope filled her, she could do this.

"Indeed, and Miss Heartfilia, it will be my pleasure to train you. If you think you can handle it?"

"Yes, I can!"

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