8. Last Time He Stopped Searching (Flash Back)

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-3 years later/16 years old-

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-3 years later/16 years old-

Carina stumbled forward, the rusty armour clanking making an echoing sound throughout the barren land. Until finally, she saw a hut, cheers of joy flowed out of the door and windows, making Carina smile in achievement. Pushing forward the armoured girl waddled through the door,

She called, before she fell, crashing against the floor. She suddenly heard the screams of fear and feet rushing past her before she suddenly allowed the darkness to swallow her up.


Slowly sitting up, Carina held her head in pain, groaning slightly at the pressure. Her platinum hair pooled on her bare shoulders, draping against her yellow gown. That's when she realized, her nakedness, Carina quickly began patting her body confirming her thoughts. My armour. Focusing on her aura magic, she closed her eyes again and blocked everything out. 2 bodies, animal and hum- no. Not human, something else, something powerful. Slowly swinging her legs off the bed, the teen stood silently, trying to hear any sudden movement, hearing none the girl moved forward, taking small steps as to not bump into anything.

Finally finding the door the princess opened the door she felt a presence in front of her.


She spoke carefully, she stood awkwardly, not knowing where to look. Before a loud oink echoed before it squeaked mercilessly.

"She's awake!"

It honked and squeaked more. Flinching slightly, the girl could only listen to the obvious pig who squawked down the corridor. Slowly moving from the door, the girl held most of her gown with one hand while the other traced against the wall. Taking small steps in the unknown environment, while she did have Aura magic, she was still getting used to it. And being in an unknown environment isn't helping. Staggering slightly the young princess soon found herself hearing the familiar snorting and a male voice exchanging words. She did her best to ignore them until she suddenly realized the ground leaving her, while she floated miraculously in the air. Therefore, there was the natural reaction of her holding her breath waiting to collapse, but it never came instead she was surrounded by a warm embrace, cradling her.

"Are you alright?"

Carina didn't dare move, whenever for fear due to the crushing magical pressure keeping her grounded. Or whenever it was for the odd kindness in his voice, his familiar voice. The man slowly pushed her shoulders so they could lock eyes, Carina could hear him swallow deeply.

"I'm Meliodas."

Stated the gentleman as he tightens his grip to lift the platinum-haired girl off the floor.


Carina immediately gagged in disgust at the revolting taste of the meal she was offered she didn't say anything, she only held it in her mouth trying her best to smile.

"It's awful isn't!"

Chuckled the strange man, his blonde locks bouncing in amusement as he watched the teenager struggle coping with the food.

"Well duh, you're a terrible cook! Oink"

Snapped the pig who Carina learnt was named Hak, smiling slightly the princess shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, despite the poor taste you still gave me food that is a kindness I hope one day I can return."

Emerald eyes pierced her but not in anger or suspicion but instead with warmness and happiness. Before the smaller but older gentleman could answer or reply a loud knock echoed throughout the deserted Boar Hat tavern.

"Hak, lead her to the back door. Miss, run as fast as you can through the forest."

Standing up, Carina nodded with a face full of fear but never less followed the snorting pig who led her to the back door.

Once Carina finally reached the back door, she quickly ran, her feet finding a sensible path to travel upon, she didn't stop running. She continued to do so until she felt a magical blast head straight for her, it was strong and powerful because on its way to her it caused a shock wave destroying the forest on its way. But before she could get hit she was pushed to the ground, her back hitting the ground dodging the blast. A groan of pain left her as the earth dug into her back. When her mind cleared she felt Meliodas's powerful aura suffocating her, swallowing her up. Meliodas quickly got off of her and spun around to face the owner of the blast.

"What kind of man attacks a young woman?"

Yelled Meliodas standing above the teenager who began to sit up and try to identify the man who was not that far away from the pair of them.

"I am Twigo, an apprentice holy knight. I have been sent to annihilate the existence of Princess Carina the 3rd princess of Liones."

All four eyes widened miraculously as Meliodas turned to look at the young woman who shook in shock and fear.

"You're Princess Carina?"

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