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FEBRUARY 13th, 2016.

"So, how's it going with you and Marco, Lina?" Adelina Medici heard Alice, one of her friends, ask her. A grin immediately grew on her face. Nothing ever brought a smile like this to Adelina's face except when she spoke about her husband, her sister, her daughter, or her parents.

"Oh, everything's wonderful! We just returned from Greece last weekend. He's the best husband and father anyone could ever want, I'm so glad I married him. He's amazing. I love him, so much. I don't think I'll ever love someone like I love him. Just watching him play with Mattia is enough to melt my heart." Adelina bit her lip as she spoke about the love of her life.

It was true, Marco was a great father and husband. He did everything he could just to see a smile on Adelina and Mattia's faces. They were happy, and on their wedding day, he promised he would never do anything to take away their happiness. Without them, he was nothing.

"Must be nice," Sara dos Santos nodded. The Brazilian had no smile or at least a hint of one on her face. She couldn't help the rage that was building inside of her. All of her friends were either successful at their jobs, married, pregnant, or in a relationship. She had nothing, and the fact that her friend had all that was killing her.

But then again, who wouldn't be jealous of Adelina Medici? She had everything. Loving parents who raised her in a hard-working, rich household, a great husband who treats her like she's a star that fell from the universe, and a gorgeous one-year-old daughter who did nothing but bring a smile to her mother's face whenever she came into her gaze.

Adelina was the definition of perfect. She had it all. Her beauty was definitely the main source of jealousy in Sara's heart. She was smart, successful, rich, kind, caring, funny, loved, beautiful, and she loved football. What else could Marco want in a woman?

"Are you excited for Mattia's birthday?" Georgina Rodriguez asked Adelina. The Italian squealed and nodded. Her daughter was days away from turning one, and of course, her mother would never miss the chance to celebrate her first birthday party.

"Well, Cris and I are very excited for you and Marco." Georgina said with a warm, kind smile. She knew how much her best friend loved her husband, and even though all the other WAGs at Madrid were surprised that Marco and Adelina were married with a daughter, she was the only one who did not judge them for getting married at such a young age.

Most of the players considered Marco a kid. That's what they always called him, they were surprised that this kid, had a kid and a wife. Before meeting Adelina, they all tried to talk him into a divorce. After they met her, however, they all loved her just like he did. They all ended up telling him how great Adelina was, and how he should never let her go.

"Yes, Alvaro and I are too," Alice nodded with a grin. Adelina smiled to herself as she thought of how lucky she was to have friends like them in her life.


FEBRUARY 16th, 2016.

"Feliz cumple, princesa!" Marco grinned as Mattia jumped in his arms. She giggled and tightened her chubby, little arms around his neck. He kissed Mattia and made his way towards her mother who was stood with her friends. Marco smiled, he threw his arm around Adelina's shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Marco! Meet Sara, my friend. You already know Alice and Izabel," Adelina said with a smile. She opened her arms for Mattia and Marco extended his hand to greet Sara. Adelina quickly walked away to greet Cristiano and Georgina who just arrived. "Hi," he said breathlessly. His tongue darted out to wet his lips unconsciously. Marco flashed her a charming grin as she greeted him back with a small, sly smirk.

He cleared his throat and turned to greet his teammates' wives. Marco smiled as he hugged Alice and Izabel. The two Europeans walked away and he turned back to the beautiful Brazilian who was already working on a sneaky plan in her head, to take her friend's husband away from her.


[ WORD COUNT — 787 ]

short chapter i know, but i needed to start like this so y'all know where the drama begins and who caused it
i have a great plan for this book, i hope y'all like it like i do!
the first few chapters are gonna be kinda sad and depressing but it'll get better i promise

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