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APRIL 29th, 2016.

"Adelina Isabella Medici Alves, are you sure you want this divorce?" Her lawyer asked her for the tenth time that day. Adelina crossed her arms over her fragile body and nodded as she sniffled. She could feel Marco's cold glare on her as she spoke in Portuguese to the lawyer.

"You got married too early, Adelina." Ana sighed, shaking her head as she handed the papers for Adelina to sign. Weakly, the pregnant lady lifted the cold pen and put down her signature where Ana was pointing.

The lawyer turned to Marco. "Marco Asensio Willemsen," she paused, giving him a nasty glare. "Are you sure this is what you want? Are you aware that you're wrecking your family apart, and that your daughter will grow up with only one parent present? Are you aware that this divorce might be one of the reasons why she will not trust anyone or get married easily? You're crushing your daughter's heart." She said in an attempt to make him feel guilty.

Marco's tongue darted out to wet his lip. He nodded slowly, not removing his gaze from his uncomfortable soon-to-be ex-wife. "Yes. I'm very aware, and I'd like to sign the papers as soon as possible so I can leave this stupid country and go home to my girlfriend in Spain."

"Deus, Adelina, I told your mom this is the wrong man for you. She didn't listen. Those Spaniards, they come to Portugal to get girls pregnant and just leave." Ana shook her head, talking to her client in her native language.

"Speed it up, dos Santos." Marco's lawyer glared at her. Ana rolled her eyes and turned to Marco. "Alright, senhor, sign here and here." She said, handing him the papers. Marco quickly signed them without a second thought.

"I want to add something." Adelina spoke up, her voice barely audible. The two lawyers nodded and Marco's eyebrows rose to his forehead. Adelina let out a shaky breath. "Any relative to my daughter's father won't have any legal right over my children without my consent. Just because my children are their heirs or whatever, doesn't mean they can take any one of them away from me or make a decision regarding them without discussing it with me. No relative to my ex-husband has a right over my children."

Marco hummed and nodded as the two lawyers quickly wrote down everything she said. "Señora Medici, you have a right to leave this room with half of my client's wealth and properties. Are you sure you don't want anything?" He asked again.

"No. We'll be okay," she whispered. "I don't need his money."

"Alright, then." He nodded, sighing as he stood up and returned the papers to his briefcase. He turned to shake Marco's hand and Ana's. Martin looked at Adelina and gave her a sympathetic smile, asking if he can have a word with her outside. Adelina nodded and followed him out of her father's office.

"Are you sure you won't need anything?" He asked. "Just a month ago, you were an Asensio and it was my job to make sure you and Mattia are safe and healthy, as your husband's friend and lawyer. I can easily make him sign a new contract and give you half his money, you'll need it, trust me. Marco has been heartless to you, but some part of him still cares for you."

"No." Adelina shook her head. "I'm okay. Thank you, Martin. If I need anything, I won't hesitate to call you. Thank you, for everything you've done to us."

Martin nodded sadly and gave her a hug. "It's alright, Adelina. Just take care of yourself and of Mattia. Stay strong, may God bless you."

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