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SEPTEMBER 10th, 2018.

Marco wolf-whistled as he watched Adelina go down the stairs towards him and Mattia in the kitchen. She rolled her eyes at him and ran a hand through her hair. Marco put his hand on his hip and looked her up and down with a proud smirk. "Where you off to, señorita?"

"I'm going out." Adelina mumbled as she searched for her lipstick in her purse. She took it out and re-applied it to her lips as Marco watched with raised eyebrows. She put it away and sighed. "Okay, I better leave now. If you guys want to go out, just send me a text before you leave. If you guys want to eat, just ask one of the maids to make whatever you want, I don't trust you in the kitchen. Don't wait up for me, alright?"

"Um, okay," Marco shrugged. Adelina smiled and kissed Mattia before she grabbed her Mercedes keys and left. Marco sighed and turned to Mattia. "Alright, amor, what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Let me give you a makeover like tía Claudia does to me," Mattia nodded excitedly. Marco chuckled and nodded, following her upstairs to her bedroom. She made him take a seat on her bed and took out her little makeup sets from her vanity. The two remained in silence as she ruined Marco's face.

"Hey, daddy? Can I ask you a question?" Mattia broke the silence. He nodded and gave her a smile. She pouted, "Are you and mommy not together because of me?" Marco frowned in confusion, he pulled her to sit on his lap and she elaborated.

"Well, there are some kids at school who tell me that we aren't a family because of me," Mattia furrowed her eyebrows and fiddled with her fingers. "And then mommy is always angry at you but I know she loves you, she doesn't want to say it but mommy loves everyone. But whenever you're here, she forgets to say she loves me. I know mommy loves me and all, but sometimes I hear her crying at night, but she doesn't tell me why."

"What?" Marco asked with wide eyes, but it came out like a whisper. "Look, mija, of course you aren't the reason why. We're definitely a family, no? You and your mom are the most important people in my life. I don't want some stupid kids telling you things that aren't real. Maybe your mom and I aren't close or anything, but believe me, I'm trying everything I can to get her to forgive me so maybe, we could be a family again someday. Your mom loves you more than you'll ever know, okay? Never forget that."

"You know, one day, she told me that me and Enzo are the most important people in her life. Sometimes she goes to where Enzo is sleeping and she talks to him. One time, she took me with her. I miss having a brother," she chuckled sadly. "I didn't want Enzo to leave."

"I know you did, sweetheart." Marco sighed. "I'm sure he's looking after you from heaven now, yeah? He's proud of you for being such a great sister."

"Why do you want mommy to forgive you, daddy? What did you do?" She asked curiously.

Marco sighed and took a deep breath. "I don't think I should tell you, amor. You just have to know that I did a really bad thing, and it hurt everyone around me. But I also want you to know that no matter what happens between your mom and I, I'll do whatever it takes to get her to forgive me, because I love her."


DECEMBER 9th, 2014.

Marco wrapped his arms around Adelina from behind and began kissing her neck. Adelina sighed and shook her head, turning to face him. She crossed her arms and he grinned at her. "Marco, now is not the time. You've already gotten me pregnant, what else do you want?"

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