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JANUARY 23rd, 2018.

After taking Raphael's and Cristiano's advice, Marco was going to do whatever it takes to win his family back—and he wasn't talking about Mattia and Adelina, he was talking about his father and brother who hadn't seen him in six months, when he had a fight with his brother.

He figured that he had to start somewhere, and he was going to start by winning their trust back. He parked his car in front of his brother's house, he was sure his father would be there. Marco knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.

"Marco?" His brother's girlfriend frowned in confusion when she found him. "I didn't know you were coming over. What are you doing here? You know Igor won't be happy to see you after wh—"

"Who is it, mi amor?" He heard his brother's voice from behind her. She sighed and let Marco inside the house. Igor raised his eyebrows at his little brother. Marco cleared his throat. "I need to talk to you."

The elder Asensio took a deep breath and nodded. Marco followed him to the garden where their father was drinking his tea as he played with Igor's dog. Igor took a seat beside him.

"Marco? What are you doing here?" His father questioned with a harsh tone. "I thought you said you didn't want to be part of our family anymore. What brought you back?"

"I miss you, padre." Marco's voice cracked as the words rolled out of his tongue. "I miss you, and I miss Igor, and I miss madre. I know I made a mistake by leaving Adelina and Mattia but please, just give me a chance to fix everything and I promise you—"

"Woah! Calm down, son. Just take a seat and explain everything quietly," Gilberto raised his eyebrows and spoke reluctantly. Marco nodded and sat across them, as he patted the dog's head.

"So, what brought you here?" Igor asked , maintaining his cool temper.

Marco cleared his throat. "I... I want to visit Mattia and Adelina in Italy." His words surprised the two men. They raised their eyebrows in confusion and their jaws dropped slightly, their eyes widened from the shock they received.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that? You're two years late. Besides, do you think that Adelina would let you back in their lives just like that, after what you've done to them?" His brother scoffed.

"You didn't let me continue," Marco paused, turning to look at his father who was waiting patiently. "I want my family back. I know I have no right to say this and all, but I do, I want them back more than anything. I'm not here to discuss this with you, this is my decision. I'm here to just fix my problems with Igor. I also came to apologize to you two for being the reason why Mattia doesn't see you anymore."

"She visits us a few times," Igor shrugged. "She comes with Adelina's sister. It's good to know that your ex-wife is still a thoughtful person, she could've kept Mattia away from us because of what you've done but she's still the great woman she is."

Marco opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. "I—um, wow. I wasn't expecting that."

"Well," Gilberto sighed. "If you're planning to fix your mistakes, then I can welcome you back to our family, happily. You just need to work a little hard to win our trust. Show us that the old Marco is back."


The next stop for Marco was Mateo and Izabel's house. Of course, he wasn't going to forget his ex-wife's best friends. Especially Izabel, who humiliated him in front of all his teammates. But on her defense, it was all his fault because of his stupid mistakes.

He gathered all his courage and knocked on the front door, waiting patiently. Marco pushed his hands in his pockets and stood quietly. Soon, the door opened and he heard Mateo's voice.

"Marco," he said with a surprised tone. Mateo cleared his throat and let him inside. Marco took a seat in the living room and Mateo stood by the doorway. "Would you uh, like to drink somethi—"

"No. I just wanted to talk to you and Izabel," he shook his head. Mateo sighed and called his wife's name, proceeding to tell her that Marco was in their house, waiting to talk to them. They started arguing in Croatian and Izabel soon appeared, and she did not look happy.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped angrily at him.

Mateo rolled his eyes. "Smiri se, Izabel. He's here to talk to us quietly. Try to keep your temper under control, yeah? Please, for me."

"I came to apologize to you," Marco began. "About everything I've done—starting from my... issue, with my family. That was very stupid of me, and-and I know I shouldn't have done that. I also want you to know that I'll do whatever it takes to win them back."

"Well, that's too late. She's changed into a different person and it's all because of you. I don't think you can win her back any way now." Izabel shook her head.

"You should've believed me when I said I'd do whatever it takes. I loved Adelina and I still do. Mattia is my daughter, I'll always love her. I'm going to fight for my family just like you've all wanted."


[ WORD COUNT — 963 ]

sorry for this short chapter.
i'm debating if i should delete my other book (criminal — andre silva). could you please tell me your opinions if you read it? should i delete it or not?

have a good day/night.

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