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JUNE 1st, 2018.

"Miss Medici," her assistant knocked on the door. Adelina looked up from her laptop and raised her eyebrows at Sofia. Nervously, the Italian replied. "There is a man outside waiting for you. He claims  that you two were old friends."

Adelina sighed and pushed away her shiny MacBook. She took off her reading glasses and put them on the desk. "Let him in. Oh, and call Francesco, let him know that the Rossi's called and they need an answer soon about the shipment that just came in. I need a meeting with them soon."

"Yes, ma'am. Anything else?" She asked. Adelina shook her head and grabbed her phone, reading the messages she received from her father, asking her to have dinner with him later. She quickly responded with a yes, and put her phone away.

"So you're the old friend, huh. Couldn't find any way to reach me, so you've decided to come to my office?" She asked him, raising her eyebrows.

Marco shrugged and leaned back against his seat. "If I haven't done that, God knows when I'd accidentally run into you again, no? I couldn't just sit around doing nothing, I had to come here. It was the only solution. I just want to talk to you."

"Speak." Adelina said with a sharp tone. She pressed on a number on her telephone to summon Sofia once more. She knocked on the door before entering and waiting for her orders patiently. "Get me my coffee, Sofia. And see what he wants to drink."

"Just a glass of water," Marco responded, not removing his gaze from Adelina. Sofia nodded and scurried out of the office, closing the door behind her.

"You've changed," he said, sighing. "I remember when your dad used to beg you to come with him to just a meeting, and you'd ask him not to go because you always hated his work. Look at you now, most successful businesswoman in Europe. Time changed everything, no?"

"It seems like you've forgotten everything, Marco. You forgot how stupid and naive I was, haven't you? Well, you're right. I've changed, everything's changed now. So, tell me, how's your little toy doing?" Adelina smirked at him.

Marco rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I broke up with her. She was just with me for my money and fame, she never had feelings for me. I guess you were right after all."

"Well," Adelina paused. "I guess I should say, you deserved it. You tossed us out on the streets like we were rats, and you know what they say. Karma's a bitch, Marco Asensio. Hopefully, you've learned a lesson."

"I miss you." Marco said hesitantly, his eyes watering. "I miss you so much, Adelina. I miss Mattia, I-I miss us. I miss our family. Don't you miss it too?"

Adelina looked at him and searched for any trace of a lie in his eyes. She tore her gaze away and glanced at the frame that decorated her desk. Marco hadn't seen it, and she was happy he didn't, he would've known that some part of her still cared. Clearly, it was a big part that still cared for him, it cared enough to place a picture of the three of them together on her desk beside a picture of Mattia with Enzo.

Her eyes watered as she looked at the picture, thinking of his words. Don't you miss us? Adelina shook her head sadly. The picture was taken on Marco's birthday. He was holding Mattia on his lap and Adelina had her arms wrapped around his neck from behind.

They were seated in front of his birthday cake, just a month before Mattia's first birthday. Marco was kissing Adelina's cheek, she and Mattia were laughing in the picture, showing how happy they used to be. It was a beautiful picture full of memories.

"I do," Adelina admitted. She cleared her throat, glancing back at Marco. "Of course I do. You think those two years have been easy for me, but you're wrong. I've only learned to handle everything a few months before last Christmas. You see? You see how soon that was? Seven months ago, Marco. It took me twenty-one months to get over what you've done to us."

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