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JANUARY 22nd, 2018.

"Hey, bro." Raphael said with a smile as he took a seat beside Mateo at training the next day. "Aren't you thinking of talking to Marco anytime soon? I think it's time to move on, Mateo."

"Absolutely not," Mateo scoffed. "That man is the reason why my wife's best friend became the woman she is today. He ruined his daughter's life, Raphael. How can you suggest such a thing? I could never forgive him. Adelina is one of my best friends. He should've thought it through before he did what he did."

"Yes, but that man is also the same man who regrets everything he's done and wants to do whatever it takes to win his family back," Raphael said, gently patting Mateo's back. "Think about it. Put yourself in his place. He changed, Mateo. He's not the same person he was anymore. He's ready to do whatever it takes to win them back."

"I'm not forgiving him unless Adelina does," Mateo shook his head. "Sorry, Rapha. Ask someone else to talk to him."

"I understand," Raphael nodded. Just as he was about to call Cristiano, Marco entered the room with his head down. He took a seat in front of his locker and quickly got dressed. The room went silent and all the laughing and jokes went down.

"I heard he cheated on her," someone whispered.

This was the usual routine. Marco would come in, the room would go silent with just a few whispers here and there. People would be whispering rumors about what happened between him and his ex-wife.

"Yeah, then he kicked her out and married her friend."

"No, I heard she was the one who cheated on him."

"I thought their daughter died. Someone told me he left them because they were cra—"

"Just stop!" Marco snapped angrily, having had enough of this. "I don't need you to go around and make up lies about my family and I, I'm already going through enough bullshit so stop talking about this, please! Why can't you leave me alone?! Isn't it enough that I lost everything? What else do you want me to lose?!"

Everyone was quiet. Marco looked around the room, he quickly rushed out and left them alone in silence. Raphael shook his head. "Look what happened now. What would've you lost if you talked to him quietly? Why am I the one who's always cleaning up after your mess?"

He shook his head and made his way towards the door, but Cristiano stopped him. "Let me," he said. Raphael raised his eyebrows at his Portuguese friend, unsure if he should trust him with Marco. They all knew how bad Cristiano could be when he's angry.

Cristiano rolled his eyes. "I won't do anything! I'll just talk to him. Let me go, Rapha." Without even waiting for another word from the Frenchman, Cristiano exited the room and made his way to where he believed Marco would be.


"You always come here after fighting with Adelina."

Marco didn't bother to look up to know who it was. He already knew it was Cristiano. Marco remained silent. He was sat on the roof of the Bernabeu, his legs were crossed and he was looking over at the beautiful view of the city of Madrid in front of him.

"I'm not going to lie, I was surprised when you stormed out of the room like that downstairs. I always thought it didn't bother you. I mean... that issue between you and Lina." Cristiano took a seat beside Marco.

"But that's because you're all guessing! No one knows what I'm going through! You don't know how many nights I spend regretting everything I've done! You think I'm a heartless man who did this for fun, but no! You're all wrong. I spend every day trying to figure out where the idea of divorce even came from, but you know what? I realized that I made a mistake just like you all did."

"You've put her through a lot, Marco. A divorce, raising a kid alone, trust issues, inability to fall in love again, the death of a kid... she's been through hell. All because of her friend, and you." Cristiano sighed.

"Death of a kid?" Marco raised his eyebrows. "I haven't killed anyone, what the hell are you talking about?"

"You had a son." Cristiano turned to face him. Marco's eyes widened and his eyebrows shot to his forehead. "His name was Enzo. He was three months old when he died. Adelina was pregnant when you two had a divorce," he chuckled humorlessly.

"He died in a car accident," Cristiano sighed. "Adelina lost control of the car and... yeah. Thank God nothing happened to her, but Enzo died. That was last year."

"Why-why hadn't she told me?" Marco felt the tears welling up in his eyes. "Why didn't anyone else tell me?"

"She tried to tell you but you didn't listen," he shrugged. "It's sad, isn't it? Losing everything for someone who isn't worth it in the end. Makes you feel—you know what? I don't think it'll benefit anyone if we continue to talk about this."

Silence fell upon them, the only sounds were the busy cars in the city of Madrid. Marco's thoughts were flying everywhere in his head, he didn't know what to do anymore. His life was a mess and he wanted to fix it, but he had no idea where to start from.

"So... how are they?" He managed to get the words out of his brain. "Mattia and Adelina. How have they been?"

"Well, last year was a pretty rough year for them, Adelina specifically. Mattia was a baby, she didn't understand anything. But Adelina had to convince herself that you weren't coming back and that she had to move on with her life. Mateo and I have been taking care of them," Cristiano shrugged.

"But she changed a lot. She became... heartless, to the people she doesn't know. She rarely makes new friends, even her business partners! She doesn't trust them. But I have to admit, she's been doing a great job alone."

"What do you mean?" Marco asked reluctantly.

Cristiano cleared his throat. "I mean, all her workers are now afraid of her. She's like two different people at the same time. When you see her with Mattia, it's like you're seeing the old Adelina. But when you see her with anyone else except her family, she's completely different."


"She's mean, you know?" He chuckled. "She's like, cold, heartless, cruel, mean... but at the same time she's kind, caring, loving, and she's still a great mother. Mattia doesn't spend as much time with her as she did anymore."

"Why not? Mattia never left her side before they left," Marco asked.

"She spends a lot of time with Claudia now because Adelina is always busy. She always has work, you know? She's always traveling all over Italy for meetings with business partners. Claudia is still the same carefree party girl we know. Although I should warn you. She sworn to get revenge for them. You know how she is when she's angry. She's like Geo, Izabel, and Taylor combined together."

"Did Adelina talk about me?" He asked, his voice was barely audible.

"Of course," Cristiano chuckled. "But that was until she decided to forget you. Now, you're just dead to her, it's like you don't exist anymore. You can try to fix your everything, but it won't be easy."

"Then, there's no point in trying. I'm dead to her, she'll never forgive me."

Cristiano grinned. "That's why you've got us. We're a family of twenty-three idiots. Real Madrid is more than just a club, Marco."


[ WORD COUNT — 1305 ]

i love cris he's my fav
besitos, amores

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