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MAY 25th, 2018.

Dinner wasn't as bad as Adelina expected it to be. Turns out, Sergio had asked Florentino not to allow any of the players besides the team captain to speak to Adelina, and Florentino instantly agreed after Sergio told him part of what happened between Marco and Adelina.

Not wanting to cause any problems between his most important sponsor and one of his favorite players, Florentino tried to make this dinner pass by as smoothly as possible. It was obvious that many of the players were whispering and murmuring about Adelina, but he engaged in a long conversation with her to not let her hear any rumor spreading around.

Sergio and Cristiano were the only ones allowed to speak to Adelina, and the latter was trying as hard as he could to get her to speak to Marco, but he had no luck. Adelina refused. She only looked at him once, before Cristiano quickly pulled her away once he noticed how she clenched her fists together and had an angry expression on her face.

Meanwhile, Marco didn't look at anyone else besides her; it was like she was the only one in the world to him. He watched in pain as she laughed with her friends. Marco listened to Cristiano's words and remained in his position, but he couldn't deny that his heart went after her.

Marco wondered how everything has been going for her. How many boyfriends she's had during those two years? How has she dealt with Enzo's death? How is her mother? How many countries has she visited? How has her job been? How is Mattia? Does she ask about her father?

He needed answers, and this was why he was currently stood outside of her suite, gathering all his courage to knock on her door. And he did. He knocked once, twice, until he heard the lock open from inside.

"It's three-thirty a.m, you better have a good excuse for coming here, Cristiano!" She began to huff and puff angrily as she opened the door. Her brown bangs decorated her face; it was another thing Marco hadn't noticed, she changed her hairstyle. He remembered how he'd always tell her how much he loves her hair, she probably didn't want any memories of him, she needed to forget him and he knew exactly why.

Adelina's face went pale once she noticed Marco. Instinctively, she pulled down her short, silky robe that covered her tanned legs to reveal less of her body, not that it helped. Immediately, an angry expression overtook her features.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped at him angrily.

"I... needed to talk to you," Marco spoke quietly. "I'm sorry. Please, just let me in. I can't sleep without talking to you."

Adelina scrunched up her nose in disgust. She hissed, "You have the audacity to come here after what you've done, and try to talk to me? You better be kidding, Asensio."

"I'm dead serious. I need to talk to you, Adelina. I-I missed so many things, and I want to catch up on everything. On how you've been, how Mattia's been..."

"How I've been?" Adelina raised her eyebrows. "Better than you've been, that's for sure. And, you don't get to ask about my daughter. You gave her up, you don't get to know anything about her. You want to catch up? It's a little too late for that, don't you think?"

"Adi, please..." Marco said with pain lacing his voice. He used that specific nickname for a reason, he knew she'd always agree to anything he'd ask her to because this name had a special place in her heart; it was what Marco's mom used to call her. But then again, why would she agree to what he'd say after what he's done to her?

Adelina paused and took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Leave. Go away, Marco. Leave me alone."

"No! No, I won't leave until I talk to you because I love—"

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