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APRIL 3rd, 2016.

"I think Marco's home," Izabel Kovacic told Adelina. She looked up and smiled at her husband who just entered the house. Adelina turned back to Georgina and Izabel who were having dinner with her and Clarice that night.

"Have you told him yet?" Clarice squealed quietly, glancing at Adelina's barely noticeable growing belly. She bit her lip and shook her head. Clarice sighed and rolled her eyes. "Why not? Lina, he'll be thrilled. Especially when he finds out it's a boy."

"Yeah, but... we've been having troubles lately," she admitted. "He would rarely have dinner with us, and he just leaves at three a.m every day and I have no idea where he goes. It's like he's drifting away from me slowly. I don't think it's the ideal time to tell him now."

"Why don't you talk to him?" Georgina suggested. "If you aren't happy, tell him. You guys are married. He shouldn't keep anything from you, Adelina. You even stopped coming to all the games since Mattia's birthday. What's going on with you two?"

A small, muffled gasp came from Izabel. She had her hand on her mouth as she watched Marco come closer. Izabel quickly cleared her throat. She forced a smile as Marco greeted them politely. He turned to Adelina and gave her the same smile. Without saying any words, he turned, and made his way to their bedroom.

"Wow. I remember when Marco was so obsessed with you, he'd call you ten times each hour just to see if you're safe. Something definitely changed, Adelina, and it's definitely not you. There's something wrong with him. It's like he's hiding something from you." Clarice shook her head. The other two nodded in agreement.

"Can I talk to you?" Izabel mouthed to her Italian friend. Adelina nodded and took Izabel to the guest bathroom, closing the door after them.

"When was the last time you slept with Marco?" She whispered. Adelina raised her eyebrows weirdly. Izabel rolled her eyes, "Just answer me!"

She bit her lip and looked down shyly. "When our baby was conceived, a little over two months ago. A few days after Mattia's birthday."

"Well, it seems like your man is with someone else. He has some hickeys on his collarbone, Adelina. I might be wrong, but I thought I should tell you." Isabel sighed. Adelina's face went pale as she tried to assure herself that maybe Izabel hadn't seen it that well. Izabel rubbed her back and opened the door, she made her way to the garden where the other girls were.

"I'm going to take off. Mateo is alone at home and he could burn the kitchen down." Izabel chuckled and picked her Chanel purse and opened her arms to hug Adelina. "Take care of yourself and Mattia. Text me, alright? Try to talk to him."

Adelina could only nod. Georgina and Clarice soon left after Izabel. Adelina quickly cleaned up after them and made her way upstairs. She rubbed her temples and sighed deeply.

She passed by Mattia's room and quickly entered to check on her. Adelina smiled to herself, she kissed her cheek and covered her with the blanket before heading to her bedroom.

"... no, baby, I still haven't told her. Just give me an hour, yeah? I promise you, they'll be out of my life before you know it. It'll just be you and me, I promise you. Besos, amor. Buenas noches."

"You're cheating on me," Adelina said breathlessly as the tears welled up in her eyes. She shook her head at him and felt her heart drop in her chest. "I tried not to believe Izabel, but you're cheating on me!"

Marco cleared his throat. "You and I have to talk," he said confidently. Adelina sat on the edge of the bed nervously as she awaited the words she knew he would say, every pathetic excuse men said: I'm sorry, I made a mistake.

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