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JUNE 20th, 2018.

"Good morning, Miss Medici." Miguel smiled politely as he entered Adelina's suite in Russia. She gave him a smile and handed him some money. "Good morning, Miguel. Now listen, I want you to find the best restaurant in Moscow and order everything on the menu. Mattia's grandfather and uncle having lunch with us today."

"I'll be back in an hour." Miguel nodded. Mattia ran towards them, wrapping her arms around her mother's legs. "Get me ice cream, too!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, little boss. Anything else?" He chuckled. Mattia giggled and shook her head. Adelina dismissed him and he exited the room.

"Are you sure you're not doing this to impress your in-laws?" Caterina teased Adelina with a smirk. She crossed her arms and took a seat on the couch across her daughter.

Earlier that day, Adelina decided to invite Igor and his father to have lunch with her, Mattia, and Caterina in Adelina's suite. They were going to Spain's game together after having lunch.

Adelina sighed and shook her head. "What do you want, mom? Why would I want to impress them? I couldn't care less about Marco. He's the one who's chasing us, I'm not chasing anybody. Now, why would I want to impress him?"

She stood up and Caterina followed her. Adelina opened her safe and took out her jewelry box, her wallet, and her gun. Caterina gasped in horror, "You still have that thing?!"

"Mamãe, I own an armament company. You seriously expect me to not have a gun? Besides, I have a daughter. Which means, my gun would be leaving the safe more often. My daughter comes first, and any guy who tries to hurt her, is going to meet me and my gun. Are you sure you still don't want to learn how to use it?" Adelina chuckled.

"No!" Caterina gasped, quickly moving to the other side of the bed.

Adelina opened her jewelry box and sighed when she looked at the first necklace to come to her vision. Adelina didn't even know why she brought it with her to Russia. It was the necklace Marco gave her on their one-year anniversary. She smiled at the memory.

Marco turned to smile at his wife. Gently, he picked her up and placed her on their bed. Adelina groaned when she felt Mattia kick her. Marco smiled and got in the bed beside her, he took his hand and rubbed her swollen 30-week pregnant belly.

"I have something to give you," Marco said. She raised her eyebrows at him and leaned her head against his shoulder. Marco took a small box from his pocket and slowly opened it, carefully not to let the necklace fall. He took it and she gasped once she saw it.

"Wow," Adelina sighed. "It's so beautiful. I love it."

"Happy anniversary, amor." Marco grinned as he moved her hair away to help her wear it. Marco kissed her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her. "You deserve more than all the diamonds in the world. I know this isn't much, but this is all I can afford now. I promise you that one day, we'll be living the perfect life together. I love you, I always will."

"Adelina!" Caterina called, bringing her back to reality. Adelina blinked and looked at her mother. "Huh, what?" She asked, clearing her throat.

"I asked if you were listening to me," Caterina sighed. "What's with you, minha linda? You must have something on your mind for you not to be listening to me."

"Sorry." Adelina shook her head. She held the necklace in her hands as she observed it. The small diamond heart was dangling from the necklace. She turned it around and read what was on the back, it had Marco and Mattia's names on it. She sighed and shook her head sadly.

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