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MARCH 30th, 2018.

"Have you heard the news?" Izabel said to Adelina as she sipped on her mojito. The two were laying under the sun on Adelina's yacht as it cruised through the Italian seas. After a long week of hard work, Adelina felt like she needed to take a break with her best friend.

Adelina glanced at Izabel and raised her eyebrows, motioning for her to continue speaking. Izabel bit her lip, "There are rumors that Marco is leaving Spain. Some say he's going to Liverpool, but Taylor said he talked to Sergio about moving to Italy and that he's considering it. I think Cristiano said he'll mention it to Allegri."

The Italian lowered her Fendi shades and peered at Izabel. "And I care because..? Honestly, I have no idea why you and Geo are always talking about him to me. I couldn't care less. That man is a waste of my time."

Of course, Adelina was lying. She definitely cared. She still cared about him, she cared about him more than the successful business empire she's making. What if he moved to Italy and tried to take Mattia away from her?

"You know I can hear you, right? You're thinking out loud again," Izabel sighed, shaking her head. "He'd never do that and you know it. If he could do that, then he would've took Mattia away when you got a divorce, no? Marco might be all the horrible things in the world, but he could never separate a mother and her daughter."

"Right," Adelina sighed. She cleared her throat. "I shouldn't care about him. I'm out here living the life I've always wanted, it's the life I've sacrificed so much for. I have a pretty daughter, great parents, and the best friends ever. I'm successful and rich, I can have whatever I want. I don't need him, and I don't care about him. I used to be his stupid, little trophy wife, but now I've changed. I took half his kingdom, spent it on my daughter, and look at me now! I'm more successful than I thought I'd ever become."

Izabel sighed and pouted. "Would you ever go back to him?"

"My life was pretty great with Marco, I'm not going to lie and say he was a horrible husband because he was great. He kicked me out of his house with a one-year-old baby and another baby inside me. He ruined my life. For a year, I was known in my father's family as a liar, a cheater, a homewrecker, when it's him who's all those things. So, the answer is no."


"Marco?" Cristiano called out when he entered his friend's house. He went up the stairs until he found the door of Mattia's room wide open. He slowly entered it and found Marco frozen in his place with hundreds of photographs around him.

Cristiano bit his lip, Marco still hadn't noticed his presence. He shuffled beside him and shook his head at Marco. The Spaniard had a frame in his hands and the tears were rolling down his cheeks freely.

"You're doing it again," Cristiano cleared his throat. Marco remained silent. He was holding the picture of him and Adelina on their vacation in Germany. He was standing behind her and he had his hands wrapped around her, they rested on her visible baby bump. They had smiles on their faces, but the smiles weren't just for the camera, they were genuine smiles that showed how happy they were.

"It's alright to cry, you know. We all knew how much you loved her. It was quite surprising to find out what you've done to her, to be honest. You know, Marco, at some point in the team's dressing room, you and Adelina were the only definition of love. You, Mattia, and Adelina were the definition of a perfect family." Cristiano spoke with a warm smile on his face.

Marco sighed and looked up. "I know what you all call me, Cristiano. The idiot who left his family. Now that I think of it, there's no way Adelina will ever forgive me. I'd be lucky if she even looked at me again, or if she agreed to even be in the same city as me. I don't think she'd even agree to come to a game if I'm not injured."

Cristiano's eyes immediately lit up and he snapped his fingers together. "That's it!" He gasped to himself. Marco raised his eyebrows as he watched his friend mutter to himself in his native language.

"I've got it! I'm a genius!" Cristiano grinned happily to himself. "We have the monthly dinner with the Bernabeu's sponsors in three weeks. I heard Sergio say that their contract is to be renewed next week!"

Marco furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But what does my ex-wife have to do with all of this?"

"Don't you get it?" Cristiano shook his head. "I'll convince her to sponsor the team! Adelina knows it'll benefit her, she'll agree without a second thought. She doesn't know about the mandatory dinners, and the meetings with the players for commercials. You, Marco Asensio, have got the greatest friend in the world."

"Don't lie, Cris. We all know Adelina will never agree. How can you be so sure? You know she's very stubborn."

"I'm Cristiano Ronaldo, Marco. I think you and I both know that you should leave everything to me."


[ WORD COUNT — 930 ]

hi! i hope you're all having a great day/night. remember to drink enough water and to stay healthy and safe!

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