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JANUARY 21st, 2018.

"Fine! Slam the door, do whatever you want, I don't care!" Marco yelled at Sara once she slammed their bedroom door behind her. Marco sighed and looked at the door beside him, it was Mattia's old bedroom.

Reluctantly, he opened the door and slowly strolled in the room. He found millions of picture frames decorating every wall. Earlier that month, he ordered the maids to print every picture of him, Adelina, and Mattia that ever existed, along with every picture that they ever took.

They were hung all around the room, along with Mattia's drawings and her paintings. All their clothes and belongings were in Mattia's walk-in closet. He would only enter this room when he's sad and heartbroken or in need of something to remind him of the life he had before he gave it up for a woman who wasn't worth any of it.

He felt the tears well up in his eyes when he looked at a picture of him and Adelina. They was on a date, when they were both fifteen. Marco had braces and his hair was a mess, Adelina's hair was in braids and she was shyly covering her face.

Another picture was next to be held in his hands. It was of Adelina and Mattia with his arms around them. They were on a vacation together in France, and it was one of Marco's favorite pictures.

Next one; Marco had his arms wrapped around Adelina. They were together at her parents' house in Milan and she had just found out they were expecting a baby. Her face was beautiful, she had no makeup on but it still managed to glow and look soft. Marco looked like the happiest man alive. He chuckled at the memory, feeling a tear stroll down his face.

Next one; it was the day Mattia came into the world. She was in her mother's arms on the hospital bed, Marco remembered taking that picture. Adelina was tired but happy, and he was never more proud of her than on that day.

The next photo was the one that shattered his heart the most. It was the day he made his debut for Real Madrid. Adelina was proudly wearing his jersey and the smile on her face looked genuine.

Then, it hit him. She married him when barely had any money and he still played for Espanyol, yet she supported him and pushed him to be the one of the greatest players in all of Europe. He remembered the sentence that made him love her even more.

"I barely have enough money to support a family of two. I'm poor, Adelina. I'm only nineteen, I won't go far in football. My mother is dead and I'm pretty sure I'll never have half the amount of money your father has. Why are you choosing me? Why am I the one you'll marry? You could have any millionaire you want. Why are you choosing a poor kid from Mallorca? Are you sure you still want me?"

Adelina lifted her hand and stroked his cheek with her thumb. Her eyes were full of love for the man in front of her. "Of course I want you. I'm not with you for your money or anything, I'm with you because I love you. Money isn't everything. I'll always be happy as long as I'm with you. I will always love you, Marco."

And it was true. Marco remembered how happy she'd be whenever he'd do the least thing for her. Just getting her a rose makes her whole week. The least thing he would do would just make her happy.

"But I lost it all," Marco murmured, sighing. "Maybe, maybe it was all a dream."


Marco was at night training later that day, and as usual, he was sitting by himself. Most of his teammates began to distance themselves from him after almost everyone found out what he did to Adelina two years ago.

Sure, they would assist his goals during games, get him out of fights with the opponents and whatnot, but they weren't actually his friends. They stopped talking to him, it was rare when someone gave him a small hello, he would be surprised. However, Cristiano, Mateo, and Isco completely cut him off. The rest would chat with him every now and then.

"Hello," Marco heard a French accent. He knew that voice, Raphael. He looked up and faintly smiled at the Frenchman. Raphael had a warm, friendly smile on his face, he took a seat beside Marco.

Even though most of the players left, Marco was waiting in the pitch. He was exhausted, he knew he should be going home, expecting another fight from Sara, but he was waiting. Waiting for what, you may ask? He had absolutely no idea. He felt the need to stay behind and be alone.

"It's almost midnight, training was over an hour ago. Why are you still here?" Raphael asked. "I just finished the press conference and I found you here on my way out. You looked like you needed a friend, so here I am. Talk to me."

"Look, Rapha, you don't have to be here if you don't want to. I get that you all still hate me for what I did two years ago, but honestly, i hate myself too. so, you can leave and go home to your wife and your da—"

"I'm worried about you, Marco. You've changed, a lot. I know you and I aren't that close, but I want you to know that I'm your friend and I'm ready to help you whenever you want. I feel like you don't care about football anymore, too. What's got you feeling this way? You can talk to me." Raphael had a warm smile on his face.

"I just don't have the motivation to play anymore," he shook his head. "I... I only reached where I am today because of her. I would've never been a footballer if it weren't for Adelina. She was the only motivation I needed, but I don't have her anymore. So, why should I bother? I already lost everything, this wouldn't matter."

Raphael nodded as Marco continued speaking. "And whenever anyone just gives me that look in the dressing room, I feel like I want to disappear. They're all disappointed in me because of what I did to her, but I don't blame them; I'm disappointed in myself too."

"But Marco, I don't think it's too late to fix what happened. You know Adelina loved you, I'm sure that there's a part of her that still does. And so what if it's too late? There will always be hope for you to win back your family."

"I just—when I see Cristiano with Junior, or you with your son, or-or Karim with his daughter, I feel like I'm a failure. I remember Mattia crying that day, and God, how was I so heartless? I made my daughter cry, Raphael. I'm a monster."

"Well, I'm not going to lie. You were, but that doesn't mean you are one anymore. Now, you're a hopeless man who wants to save his family. Look, Marco, the only reason why the boys treat you this way is because we all loved Adelina. She was a part of our family, you know? Everyone loved her. Maybe, maybe if you talk to them, they could help you."

"I miss her, Rapha. I miss them. I miss going home every day to my wife and my daughter. Now, I go home waiting for a gold digger who's somehow, always angry at me, for whatever reason."

"I'm going to help you," Raphael nodded. "I don't like seeing you this way. I'm going to do whatever it takes for you to get your family back, and I promise you that the boys will want to help us too. But you've got to help me, Marco. You have to change if you want my help. I can't help a man who's busy chasing his perfect dream that will most likely never happen. Perfection doesn't exist, my friend."


[ WORD COUNT — 1374 ]

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