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I woke up to his hair tickling my face, and when I opened my eyes, I saw his eyes in mine. He spoke softly because my head was still in pain.

"Well goodmorning sleeping beauty."

He smiled a soft smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes and pulled his face into a warm expression. He held me firmly, but also softly as to make sure that he didn't hurt me. I looked around to realize that we were in a parking garage. I am guessing that he saw the panic in my eyes so he cooed to me and shushed me.

"I'm just carrying you to the car. I didn't mean to scare you babygirl. Please forgive me."

I nodded softly and rested my head back against his chest, and when we finally got to the car, he opened the car door, buckled me in after carefully putting me in the passenger seat, and then slipped his warm hoodie onto me.

"Wouldn't want my little princess to get cold, now would I?"

I smiled softly as I got comfortable, but winced in pain because I pulled on my stitches. He saw the look of pain on my face and he held me tightly after kissing my forehead.

"Don't worry love, it's a short drive and then we'll be home."

I smiled weakly after wincing and he kissed me on the head again before shutting my door, and climbing into his side of the car. He started the car and held my hand as he drove. Every now and then he would plant small kisses onto my knuckles, and it made me smile at the warmth that his lips held. We drove for a while before pulling into a long driveway. When we got to the house, I realized that it was a quaint and warm looking little log cabin. He turned off the car, got out and came to my side to open up the door for me. He unbuckled me and picked me up safely in his arms, and transported me to the front door. He unlocked the door and walked in the dark and laid me down on what I could only assume was a couch. He walked away, and I heard a few noises before the room was flooded with fire light from the fire place. I looked around at the simple but cozy décor of the house and was suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of safety. There were a few paintings on the walls, a couch and love seat of a neutral lavender color, white lamps, and a grey area rug in the middle of the room. The room was very cozy and I felt warm and comfortable in it.

He approached me and put his hands on either side of my head and leaned in to kiss me softly on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, so he moved his hands to the back of my thighs and he picked me up while wrapping my legs around his waist. He placed one arm under my backside and then used the other to hold the back of my head softly. He walked me into another room with a queen sized bed that had a lavender colored blanket and a white lamp. It was also quite a cozy room. He laid me down onto the bed and then walked over to the fireplace and started the logs on fire. He walked back over to me and held my face softly in his hand. I got up onto my knees on the edge of the bed so that I could reach his face, and wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him passionately. When we pulled apart, we were both breathing heavily as I rested my head against his while I reached down and started to unbutton his shirt. He bent his head down to hold one side of my face softly as he kissed down my cheek onto my neck. He sucked softly on the sensitive skin on my neck as a small whimper escaped my lips. As I slid his shirt off, I let my fingertips glide over his shoulders. He let his hands glide up my sides on the inside of the sweatshirt to slip it off over my head. He let the sweat shirt hit the floor and went back to kissing me. He went to go slip off my t shirt, but then stopped himself to ask for permission with his eyes. I nodded softly and he cautiously slipped my t shirt off. He looked down my body and let his mouth fall open a little bit. He was deemed speechless, and I covered my body and looked down at the floor. He looked taken aback and then softly grabbed my hands as he whispered against my lips.

"You're beautiful baby, never hide that from me."

I nodded softly and let his lips take control. His hands moved from my cheeks to my hips and he held them close to his body. He took his hands off of my hips to reach down to unbutton my jeans, but yet again, pulled away to ask for permission with his eyes. I nodded softly as I nibbled softly on his upper lip. I unbuttoned his jeans and he pulled them off after he had pulled mine off. We were both standing in our underwear and could feel the passion radiating between us. He picked me up off my knees and laid me softly on my back and crawled on top of me. He kissed down my tummy, and then kissed back up to my collar bones. He kissed up my neck until he got to my ear. He whispered softly,

"Do you want a shower love? I'll wash you up and put you to bed."

I nodded and he kissed my lips once more before he climbed off of me and picked me up off the bed, wrapping all my limbs around him. He carried me down the hall into the bathroom, and set me on the counter by the sink.

He walked over to the shower and turned it on until the bathroom was filled with steam. He came back over to me with a hungry look in his eyes and he held onto my jawline softly as he lifted my head and kissed my neck. He suckled and nibbled in several different places until he pulled away. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders to unhook my bra. He let it slide down my arms until it hit the counter, and he respectfully didn't look down. He kept eye contact with me as he slipped off my underwear carefully so that he wouldn't irritate my stitches.

He lifted me softly off of the counter and slipped off his boxers before stepping into the shower and placing me onto my feet. He covered my eyes as I leaned my head back to wet my hair. Then he began to lather it with a lavender smelling shampoo. He massaged my scalp softly and I closed my eyes in relaxation. He covered my eyes again as he washed the soap out of my hair, and when he uncovered my eyes, he whispered, "This next part might hurt because I have to wash your stitches."

I nodded softly and watched as he grabbed a clean cloth and some soap and began to carefully wash my entire body. It stung very badly and I winced in pain as a couple of tears ran down my cheeks. He let the cloth hit the floor and immediately wrapped me into his arms and kissed the tears off of my cheeks. He held me closely and washed the soap off of one body part at a time to make it easier on me.

When he was finished washing me up, he let me cuddle him standing up until I felt like getting out. Soon after, he turned off the water and stepped out to grab a huge, fluffy grey towel. He held my hand as I stepped out and he wrapped the towel around my shoulders.

"I'll let you dry off while I get you some of my clothes to sleep in until I can go get yours tomorrow."

He kissed me on the forehead before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I stepped over to the full length mirror and dropped the towel slowly and took in the sight before my eyes.

Nasty, red, angry, thick, lines covered most of my body. And the cuts that weren't fresh were bright pink lines across my body. I let a few tears escape my eyes before I heard him walk back into the room. When he realized that I was crying, he dropped the clothes and rushed over to me and wrapped my tightly in his arms. I buried my face into his t shirt and wrapped my arms around him.

"Why are you crying Kitten?"

"I look so ugly. Why do you love me? I honestly don't understand."

He lifted my head and looked me in the eyes as tears dripped down my face, as he spoke in a firm but soft voice.

"Princess, you're the farthest thing from ugly. You're so beautiful, you take my breath away. You make my world spin, and I'm not good at words, but I'll try my best to show you every day that you mean the world to me. I love you Kitten, and that will never change."

"I love you too Sir. Thank you."

He let his lips collide with mine for a few short minutes before pulling away to dress me. He pulled a clean sweater onto me and then gave me a pair of his boxers. Once I was dressed, he held my hand as he walked be back to the bedroom and pulled the blanket back, so that I could crawl into the comfortable, t shirt material sheets. I sank into the bed as he walked around in, and crawled in next to me. He laid on his back and pulled me onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around me as I melted into his embrace. He kissed my forehead and whispered "I love you" as I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remember is his heartbeat under my shoulder, and me being finally happy.

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