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I woke up around mid day to an empty bed, and the sun shining through the window. I stretched my arms and legs before climbing out of bed. I stood on my tiptoes to stretch my legs again before I grabbed a pair of his boxers and a shirt out of his drawer. I yawned and combed my hair with my fingers while I walked down the hallway.

I softly called out his name.


A few seconds later his face appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with a huge smile spread across it. He lunged forward to scoop me up in the biggest hug he had ever given me. I giggled as he spun me around in a circle while still hugging me. When he finally put me down, he kissed me on the forehead before looking me in the eyes questioningly. 

"How'd you sleep my cute little Kitty?"

I smiled before replying.

"I slept wonderfully with you right there by my side the whole time. You make everything so easy to do."

"Well, I'm glad that I'm able to do that for you. Are you hungry? I made you breakfast again."

I nodded slowly while blushing because I was captivated in his eyes. 

"Sit down on the couch and I'll bring you your plate Princess."

"Thank you Sir."

He kissed my cheek before disappearing into the kitchen to grab my plate. I walked over to the coffee table, and sat down with my knees stacked in front of the coffee table on the floor. He came back into the living room with two plates in his hands. He set one of them down in front of me, then he sat down next to me on the floor and placed the other plate down in front of himself. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to a show that looked interesting but he knew that he wasn't going to pay attention to it anyways. He was gonna pay attention to me and his food instead. 

We ate while making small jokes about the TV show before both of us finished at the same time. He turned off the TV and scooped me up out of nowhere and threw me over his shoulder. I started screaming and giggling hysterically before we got to the bedroom and he tossed me softly onto the bed. We were both laughing when he crawled on top of me and kissed me gently before climbing off of me and walking over to his closet. He got out my jeans and one of his long sleeve shirts and walked back over to me to hand me the clothes. 

"I washed your jeans for you so that if we had happened to go out of the house before we got your clothes, you wouldn't have to wear my boxers outside."

I giggled softly and graciously took the pants. 

"Thank you Sir. I greatly appreciate it."

He kissed my forehead before walking back over to the closet so that he could throw on a pair of jeans and a button up shirt. When he was finished getting dressed, he walked back over to me.

"Let me undress you so that I can check your stitches to see when I need to take you back to the hospital for you to get them taken out. I also need to make sure that they aren't infected."

I nodded my head and stood up, raising my arms above my head. He lifted the shirt above my head and slipped off the boxers before lightly gripping my arms and turning them all around so that he could see every angle of every line of stitches. When he finished with my arms, he slipped the shirt onto me and then moved on to my legs. He examined them the same way that he examined my arms. When he was done examining, he had me step into one pant leg at a time before he buttoned and zipped up the jeans. He kissed my forehead before asking me softly,

"Do you want one of my jackets in case you get cold my little Butterfly?"

I nodded slowly, and then he proceeded to walk back over to the closet and grabbed a jacket and held it open so I could insert my arms. When I had them in, he zipped the jacket up have way, and kissed my neck once before grabbing my hand and leading me into the living room.

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