I woke up the sunlight being gone, and I could hear the crickets chirping from the cracked open window. His breathing was still deep and even, and his face looked so relaxed. The way his face curves, and the way his lips are so curvy and full, makes his face look like a scene in nature. I watched the way that his lungs contracted and expanded, and the way that his eyes fluttered behind his eyelids. He had to have been the most beautiful human that I have ever seen. I planted a small kiss on his forehead, then tried my best to climb out of bed without waking him up. I walked down the hall to the bathroom and grabbed a towel out of the closet. I laid the towel on the counter and left the door open as I stripped down, and turned on the shower. I climbed into the steaming water and let all my muscles relax. I let the hot drops roll off my skin for a bit before I grabbed the shampoo and lathered up my hair. I massaged my scalp and let myself relax for a bit before rinsing the suds out of my hair. I grabbed the bar of soap and lathered some in my hands before rubbing it gently into the skin on my face. 

While I was rinsing my face, I felt arms being wrapped around my waist, which made me jump, so I turned around and wiped my eyes. Only to see Louis's love-struck eyes looking back at me. He whispered softly without breaking eye contact.

"I'm sorry Princess, I didn't mean to scare you. I woke up and missed you."

I replied with a soft smile and warm eyes.

"It's alright Sir. I missed you as well. Don't apologize."

He smiled before placing a hand underneath my chin and nipping at my top lip before letting his lips softly crash down onto mine. He was gentle, but he also held my hips against him firmly. He stroked my cheek softly as our lips moved rhythmically against mine as his other hand roamed over my back. His  actions were filled in love, and I could feel the passion radiating from his fingertips. He always had that way of making me feel special. He pulled away and grabbed the washcloth and lathered on some soap before lightly brushing it against my skin as to not hurt me. He was even gentle in that action, and I felt liked the only girl that ever existed in the world. 

He laid the cloth back down and he let me rinse my skin off before I lathered more shampoo in my hands and began to massage it into his hair. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as  I made him tilt his head back so that he could rinse the soap out. He smiled after he rubbed the water out of his eyes.  He grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face in his neck. He made everything seem so small, like nothing could ever hurt me. 

He turned the shower off, and grabbed the towel to dry me off, and then went to go grab himself a towel. We both dried off, and went to the bedroom. Without getting dressed, we both climbed in bed next to each other. He pulled me up onto his chest and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. I felt the warmth radiating off of his skin, and I felt sleepy again. I yawned and nuzzled into his neck before he decided to stroke my hair and rub my back. When I started to drift off, he kissed my forehead, so I opened my eyes back up. 

"Angel, I love you. I really do. You're amazing, and I'll always continue to cherish you for as long as I'm alive. Get some sleep because tomorrow we're gonna go get your clothes and then I have work love. I love you Kitten."

He kissed my head again as I replied.

"Thank you so much Sir. I love you too. Goodnight."

The last thing that I remember, is him humming in my ear and stroking my hair. Complete bliss. 

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