Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I stayed quiet and watched as The jester and a Girl with a yellow dress talked.

"I'm getting bored Dimentio!" The girl whined as the so called Dimentio just shook his head.

"We have to wait for Count's Orders, Like two baby birds waiting for there mother."

"But I don't want to wait! I wanna do something fun now mimimi!"

"We need to wait. The count said that the hero has two siblings. We need to get both of them Mimi, For Count Bleck, It's all in the Dark Prognosticus. Remember He said that the Void will Destroy All worlds Then He'll create brand new ones for us."

"Ugh Fine.. I'll wait. What was the girl's Name again?"

"It was (Y/N) I believe."

"Let's Go Get Her!!! NOW!!!"

"For the last time Mimi.."

I stopped listening and couldn't believe my ears. "Chaos Heart, The Void, Count Bleck, Dark Prognosticus!?" This all sounded like an adventure to me. Without thinking I Interrupted the little argument them two had.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but I couldn't help but hear about The Void. Do you Two have something to do with that?" They just looked at me Dumbfounded finding no words to answer me.

"Dimentio We've been spotted Let's go!!!"

"Wait Mimi. Why do you want to know if we have something to do with the void?" Dimentio asked me as I leaned on the tree.

"Well I want to show my Brothers what real danger is. Don't Worry if you're Villains or some sort, Just want to say, I'm one of you." They Both exchange faces and looked back at me.

"Who Are your Brothers?" The Girl asked me.

"Mario and Luigi. Mario is the Guy in red cap wi-"

"With the Fabulous Mustache?" Dimentio finished as he looked at me in shock.

"Yep, that's him."

"Dimentio. She can be on our side! All we need is for the Count to accept and BAM! She with us!" There was a moment of silence until Dimentio took my hand.

"Its worth a try."

"See ya with the Count!" Mimi squealed as she disappeared.

"We shall go like the Sun leaving the sky."

"Poetic aren't you?"

"It's Habit." We then when from the hill to a Dark room in front of a Man with a White Top hat and a creepy vibe.

"Count Bleck we Have Big news!" Mimi yelled as she Pulled me towards The man.

"Count Bleck sees that you two have captured The Girl. Count Bleck says well done."

"No! Even better! She wants to be one of us! The hero is her brother but She wants to stop him! Can she be with us! Can She! Can She! Can She! Can She!?" She kept pulling my Arm while she Jumped up and down which made me a bit annoyed. As I was about to tell her to Stop a Girl appeared By Count Bleck. She had Purple Hair that was in a bun and wore Red Glasses. She also had a white Professional Shirt with Black Leggings.

"Just swear you're undying loyalty to the count and you're in." She said as everyone looked at me.

"I swear my loyalty to Count if it means stopping my Brother." Mimi Cheered and clapped ans I just shook my head.

" You're In..." There was a slight pause till everyone yelled out.

"Welcome to the Count Team!!!" I actually felt like I Belong here.

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