Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

Nastasia lead me to a dark room with five platforms. Count Bleck, Dimentio and O'Chunks was on each platform as Nastasia and I Stood on one.

"(Y/N) will you please stand by Dimentio for now until further notice?" Nastasia said as she looked at her clipboard. Am I cursed being by this guy or something??? I just nodded and walked my way over to Dimentio and stood by him. He didn't bother to look at me then The Count started to speak.

"BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! The Void has been ripped in the dimensional fabric! Yes, Count Bleck is Pleased. All has gone as foretold in the Dark Prognosticus. Now its just a matter of time until all worlds meet their demise! BLECK!" The Count announced.

" Wow, that's just Super, Count! Yeah, first you'll erase all these naughty worlds... And then you're gonna build a perfect world with out war and all that Icky Stuff!" O'Chunks said. Wait didn't he have an accent in some sort? I pushed that thought away as Dimentio spoke.

"Yes, yes, no one likes the icky stuff... Yesss... A perfect world... Sounds magical..." He said as I nodded agreement.

"Ah ha ha I can hardly stand the wait." He sang as I heard someone approaching.

"SORRY IM LATE!" Said a voice. Then O'CHUNKS came crashing down on a bottom platform ahead of Dimentio and I.

"W-..How....who??" I just stuttered as I now see Two O'Chunk's! The one who just came seemed to realize this too as he turned around to see himself.

"What in Blazin bog rats...? How'd I beat meself 'ere!? What's going on!?" The one O'Chunks said as the other started to laugh.

"Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimi! Oh O'Chunks, you big silly! Didja oversleep or something?" The other O'Chunks said, then he transformed into the Count himself!

"I guess its kinda hard to be on time, though, when you got muscles instead of brains!" The False Count Announced. This made O'Chunks furious!

" 'EH! Yeh can't fool me 'wit that crazy shape-shifting hooliganary! It's Mimi innit!? Show a little respect fer the Count! Yeh can't go a 'Borrowin' 'is face, lass!"

"Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... How delightful Mimi. Almost as dapper... as Count Bleck!" Count Bleck sang.

"Aw, golly, thanks, Count! With you around, it's nothing but big smiles all the time! Hanging out with the count! That's MY idea of a perfect world!" Mimi then said as she transformed into Princess Peach.

"And here I thought Mimi's ideal world was a gem-filled pool with hunky lifeguards..." Dimentio said as I snickered at his joke and high-fived him, then Mimi transformed into Bowser.

"Hey! Dimentio! Have you been reading my diary? I mean... um... Never mind." Mimi said. I tried so hard not to laugh but failed and laughed away.

"Seriously?! That was in your diary Mimi?" I manage to asked as I caught my breath from laughing.

"Hey! I was asking your boyfriend a question because that's private information (Y/N)!" She said as I gave her a cruel stare.

" One, he's NOT my boyfriend. Two, You should hide that diary of yours better!" I told her as she growled at me.

" Bleh heh heh... well, different strokes for different minions... after these rotten worlds are ended, Count Bleck will make all your dreams come true! But for that to happen, we must follow the instructions of the Dark Prognosticus." Count Bleck said.

"Yeah, about that, just an FYI? I've got an urgent memo for your imbox..." Nastasia said as she pushed her glasses up.

"Apparently there's been some unapproved interdimensional activity lately. Yeah... I think it's the hero of the prophecy. We're gonna need an action plan for this guy..." Ugh... my brother... I already knew who I was up against.

"A dimensional interloper!" Count Bleck suddenly boomed making me startled a bit. I couldn't figure out what else The Count had said because Dimentio started poking me under my ribs which one, it tickles, two, it hurts at the same time and I keep jerking sideways.

"Can you stop?" I asked getting a bit annoyed.

" As you wish your majesty." He then replied. I looked at him seriously confused.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh nothing (Y/N)."

"You better spill what you said before I-"

" COUNT BLECK!" O'Chunks interrupted before I can finish my sentence. I sighed in defeat and looked at O'Chunks to see what he was going to say.

"Lemme get this right in me brain. The 'ero Nastasia's goin on 'bout... He yer enemy? Then you gotta cut me loose on 'im! Yeh gotta! I'll give 'im a nice 'o O'Chunks!" O'Chunks said and pleaded as The Count thought for a second.

"Very well O'Chunks. I'll leave the hero-chunking to you. Do not fail Count Bleck." The Count warned as O'Chunks nodded.

"Yeh can count on me, Count! I'll rain down like a fat thunderstorm! I swear it!" Then O'Chunks turned to us.

"Mimi! Dimentio! (Y/N)! Yeh should tag along! Yeh could witness a proper chunkin'!" He announced to us as he went on his mission to destroy my Big brother, I'll love to see this.

"Well then, I believe I'll head out as well." Dimentio said as he disappeared.

"Crap! Wait for me!" I yelled out as I ran out of the room. Just as I was going to run out the exit from this place Dimentio appeared.

"Come on slowpoke."

"Hey! I'm not slow! I don't have powers like you ya know."

"So you don't, wanna come to see the fight?" He asked as I just rolled my eyes.

"Just take us to where the action takes place Master of Dimensions."

"Who told you?"

"Mimi." I answered. God he can be annoying, but why doesn't it bother me like any other time?

"Let's go before we miss all the fun." He said as he took my hand and teleported us away.

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