Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was almost done with my book when someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I yelled still paying attention to my book.

"Can't you open the door and see for yourself?" Someone yelled from the other side. I looked at the door kinda ticked off because no need for an attitude. The voice was new. It was a male but I've never heard of him before. I walked up to the door and opened it. I was Greeted to a man with a green and black signature look brown hair and silver eyes. His green cap had a black backwards "L" on it and he had a black masked on with a green Bandana. His outfit was all black with a yellow belt.

"Wow, Nastasia didn't say you were this cute. Your cuter then I thought." He said flirting as he leaned on the door.

"I'm sorry may I help you with something you obviously don't know how to do?" I snarled as I can now tell he's going to be the ladies man.

"Playing hard to get are we? Oh where are my manners? Name's Mr.L sweetie AKA The Green Thunder, newest member of Count Bleck." He said as he took my right hand and kissed it. 

"Flattered." I said sarcastically as I pulled my hand away.

" You're a feisty type aren't you?" He said as he got real close to my face. I stared at him... and stared...and stared... wait a minute...

"Luigi???" I asked as he gave me a frown and pulled his head back.

"Who is this Luigi you speak of. He sounds like a weak opponent ." Mr.L said as I now was confused. He doesn't know who his own self is??? Then, just in time, I saw Nastaisa walking down the hall.

"Nastasia!" I called out, getting her attention. She walked towards Mr.L and I.

"I've seen you met our new recruit (Y/N)." Nastasia said.

"Yeah about that, who the heck is he?" I asked.

"He's Mr. L—"

"No not that." I exclaimed as I pulled her inside my room and slammed the door on Mr.L.

"Who is Mr. L really? Is he a guy that's been brainwashed or something???" I asked.

"Yes, He's the man in green who is now brainwashed." Nastasia explained as I wanted to gag a bit. It was basically Luigi and he's trying to flirt with me.

"Nastasia, please don't tell me it's Luigi, my second brother."

"Who I brainwashed, technically yes." She said. I wanted to bang my head, but then again, Two family members versus one.

"I don't know if I should be mad, or glad at you, Nastasia." I said as I opened the door. Still, Mr.L was standing there.

"So, where should we be off to cutie?" Mr.L said to me as he flirted. Ugh if only he... wait. I just got an Idea.

 " Sorry to crush your Dreams Mr. L, but I'm your long lost little sister who's evil like you." I said as he now stared at me in shock.

"R-Really!?" He asked as I heard Nastasia snicker.

" Yup." I said popping the "P" at the end.

"Well now, how would of I've known that my "little sister" will look like the girl of my dreams?"

"Yeah you need some friends..." I simply said as Nastasia looked at Mr.L a little disappointed,

"Lost to the hero too huh?" Nastasia said to him.

"No I didn't." He debated.

"Mhm sure, Well anyways, I gathered everyone in the meeting room so that we can introduce Mr.L to everyone." Nastasia said as she motioned Mr.L and I to follow her. We did and everyone was there. Then I notice there was an extra platform.

"How come I didn't get my own platform?" I whispered to Nastaisa.

"We wanted you to be by Dimentio." She whispered back as I rolled my eyes. She then told me and Mr.L to go to our platforms. I walked towards Dimentio and stood in front of him this time. I looked at Mimi and O'Chunks as they looked at Mr.L. Then, I felt Dimentio holding my hand. I didn't mind and held his hand. Nastasia then started to speak.

"Yeah, so, guys? Huddle up K'? We're just gonna have a quick new-minion orientation. His name is Mr.L, and he comes to us from one of our key competitors." Nastasia said as Mr.L looked as us as we did at him.

"Mmm. Can't say I'm impressed by the minion quality..." Mr.L said.

"No, indeed. No wonder you've been trounced up to now. You're just like JUNIOR minions." He added. Mimi and O'Chunks got furious on what Mr.L had said, but at least Dimentio and I kept our cool.

"JUNIOR!? C'mere an' I'll introduce  yeh to Fist Jr. an' his wee pal, Slappie!" O'Chunks yelled.

"Gosh, Mr.L,  but didn't you get pretty spanked too? So maybe YOU'RE the junior!" Mimi also bellowed.

"Spanked, you say? Ho ho! I was scouting him, dear. He will be mine next time. Yes, he shall know the fury of the one and only Mr.L, AKA The Green Thunder!" Mr. L exclaimed. Then he turned around to face the Count.

"But enough about me... I need to head to the repair bay for Brobot modifications. L-ater!" Mr. L announced as he walked out. 

" "Though the man in red shall wield formidable powers, one shall stand against him. The man in green shall use the Chaos heart's power to bring darkness to all." So it is written in the dark Prognosticus." The Count said as he laughed. So... basically Luigi... is the man in green...?

"So what you're saying is... the "Man in green" is our minion-in-training, Mr.L?" Dimentio asked The Count. Did he just read my mind???

"Whut?! That makes as much sense as a beef an' broccoli sandwich!" O'Chunks exclaimed. Sometimes I don't understand what he says through his accent.

" Calm yourself, O'Chunks. Make ready. Count Bleck is sending you on a mission." The Count said as O'Chunks was now pumped.

"Ah, now THAT makes sense! It'll be me honor, Count! I, O'Chunks, swear to you... This hero's got a hot date with me feet. Chunks away!" O'Chunks said as he ran off. Then, Dimentio let go of my hand and started to speak.

"My, aren't we all hot blooded? Well, well... I suppose that's to be admired. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to be on my way as well. Ciao!" Dimentio said as he teleported away.

"So poor little Mimi doesn't get to be in on the fun? This stinks." Mimi complained as she walked off as well. Me, Nastasia and the Count were the only ones left in the room.

"Is there something on your mind, (Y/N)?" Count Bleck asked me making me startled a bit.

"N-no, my count. I will make my leave." I said as I started to walk out of the room.

"(Y/N), Come here, to Count Bleck." The Count said as I did what I was told.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"No, you are not. Just wanted to give you an option. Would you like to pick a new partner or stay with your former one." Count Bleck asked me.

"I'll like to stay with Dimentio as my partner my Count." I said.

"Very well then, you may be excused." The Count said as I nodded and made my leave. I walked in the hallway and was about to go in my room when I looked at Dimentio's door. I guess I can stop by. I went up to his door and knocked. There was silence. I knocked on it once more and heard nothing. I guess he had something in plan... I'll wait for him to return. I went inside my room and started to think...

What DOES he have planned?

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