Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

I waited in Dimentio's room like I said I would. Its been a couple of minutes since he left. I looked at a lonely window that was the only one in the room. I wanted to look out of it but I didn't feel like it. I went up to his desk and saw some blank paper and a pencil. I sat on the chair and started to draw.

Dimentio's POV.

( Oh this will be interesting XD.)

I teleported back to my room to see (Y/N) drawing. I didn't want to disturb her, so I stayed quiet until she was finished. She is a decent artist I must say. When she was done she put her head down. I looked over her shoulder to see a drawing of... Well really it was a self portrait of almost everyone. Nastasia, Mimi, O'Chunks, The Count and even me. I didn't think she notice my appearance yet, so I decided to scare her.

" I SHALL END YOUR GAME!" I yelled as I shook her. Startled, she quickly got up, turned around and punched me.

" What the freak Dimentio!" (Y/N) yelled at me as I can see a crack on my mask. She really broke my mask...

"I deserved it." Was all I can say before going to my closet. (Y/N) respected my space as I put on the same mask but this one wasn't cracked. I shut my closet door and all I do is suddenly feel guilty, but then I wanted to laugh.

"Dimentio don't do that again or it will be more then your mask I will break." (Y/N) threatened as I waves both hands up in defeat.

"Okay okay I won't. I surrender." I said playfully as she rolled her eyes.

"Also nice drawing." I added. She looked at me, then at her drawing and then shook her head.

"Oh uh, It's nothing really." Was all she said as she looked at the floor.

"Its nothing? Oh don't say that, Its Marvelous I must say!" I said trying to make her lighten her mood from her sad and gloomy look to happy and fun. It kinda worked as I heard a slight giggle from her.

"Was that a slight of happiness I heard?" I asked as I heard her giggle again.

"Oh shut up Dimentio." (Y/N) Said as she punched my arm playfully.

"Why do I have to?"

"You just–" Was all she said before stopping.

"Just what?" I asked.


"Because what–"

"Shh!"  She shushed and walked to the door quietly. She quietly pressed her ear against the door. I was really confused at this point.

"What's behind door Number one!" She suddenly announced as she opened the door and Nastasia fell on the ground.

"Oh hey guys... What's, What's up?" Nastasia said nervously as (Y/N) and I looked at her.

"Oh nothing really Nastasia. Just looking at someone who was spying on us that's all." (Y/N) said as she kept staring at Nastasia. (Y/N) crossed her arms.

"Well— I wouldn't say spying... I'll say... ease dropping." Nastasia said trying to sugar coat this.

"Why where you ease dropping then?" I asked.

"Well really I wanted to ask you two do you know where Princess Peach went. I was going to brainwash her until she just, vanished." Nastasia said as she stood up.

"She just vanished? Like, out of the Blue?" (Y/N) asked. Nastasia nodded as she pushed her glasses up.

"Well, Dimentio and I where here the whole time you were gone. Dimentio really only left to use the bathroom." (Y/N) added.

"She disappeared somehow. Well, thanks I guess." Nastasia said as she walked out of the room.

(Y/N)'s POV

Nastasia walked out the door as she actually look calm. I was shocked that Princess Peach was here. She disappeared? She doesn't contain those powers...wait does she??? I looked at Dimentio suspecting he did something. He only looked back at me.

"Now you know I could've left to do something more sinister right?" Dimentio said.

"Come on Dimentio. Think about it. Why would you help our enemy?" I pointed out as he thought about it. Yeah I knew the Princess basically my whole life, but I'm an enemy to her now. Once she see's that I'm working for The Count, she'll probably never forgive me. But hey, what can I say? I chose this path.

"I'm guessing that Mimi has defeated the Hero or else The Count would of called one of us down." Dimentio suddenly said.

"Dimentio! (Y/N)! Come to me...Count Bleck!"

"Great way to jinx us dude. Great. Way." I said. He spoke way too soon. He took my hand again and teleported us to Count Bleck.

"And so we arrive like a sudden windstorm at a kindergartner picnic!" Dimentio announced with his poetic self. Then I noticed I was still holding his hand, so I quickly let go.

"Aw I thought you liked that we hold hands." Dimentio said as he smirked.

"Shut up." Was all I really could say. Then I heard Nastasia snickering by the Count.

"Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... You both will like some playtime I imagine, Dimentio and (Y/N)?" That Count asked.

"Especially you (Y/N) since you didn't get to see some real action." He added. Wait how did... Never mind. I nodded and stared coldly at Dimentio.

"So you shall have it, do not disappoint Count Bleck. Dispatch this Hero. I'm setting you two as partners for now" Count Bleck said. Are you kidding me!? I bet Nastasia did this...

"Your wish is our command. Besides, this fool sounds like an amusing challenge. Now if there's nothing else, we'll just be on our way. Ciao my Count!" Dimentio said.

"Hey! That fool is still my brother Ya know." I pointed out.

"Aw put a sock in it sweetheart."

"Did you just-?"

"Time to go!" Then he waved his finger and made us disappear. We were at a room that was mostly green with a yellow platform.

"This place suddenly reminds me of Mimi." I said as I looked around.

"Ha, you too?" Dimentio replied.

"Yup. Oh and I have a question."

"And that would be?" I didn't give him time to react as I again pinned him down so he couldn't escape.

"What did you call me in front of the Count hm?" I asked as I started to twist his right arm the other way hard.

"Ow-ow! I called you Sweetheart now stop! You're going to- Ow! Use up all your strength on me and not your Brother- Ow!" I'll love to make him suffer more, but he's right. I have a brother to greet. I let him go and stood up, then he stood up.

"How long will it be until the hero be here?" I asked.

"Probably a few minutes." Dimentio replied.

"Well, what should we do to kill time?" I asked. He then pull out some cards. Well... There is really nothing to do..

"Pick a card?" He asked.


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