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Niall sighed for the millionth time since he first woke up. He grabbed his keys before leaving out the door to Central Intelligence prison.

Niall knew that his mother would probably have several heart attacks when she found out what his job is. But Niall also knew he had to take this job. He couldn't depend on his parents to pay his bills forever.

Niall feels his mother should actually be glad he gets fifteen dollars an hour for just standing by cells.

Niall isn't tall but he is above average. He isn't bulky, but he does have a few muscles and carries a few pounds. So, being a prison guard wasn't the perfect job for him but it is a good fit.

Niall knows for a fact that his father would be proud of him because this is his first time ever completing the job process. Niall's parents aren't rich but they aren't poor either. Niall didn't think he needed a job in his teen years.

In his junior year he did apply for Sonic restaurant and went to an interview. When he was showed the hours he would be working he never went back.

But that was years ago.

When Niall walked into Central Intelligence he had to go through a metal detector and get patted down even though he showed them his employee ID. Then Niall had to wait in line with his fellow coworkers before having to talk to a very rude  desk lady.

Niall won't lie he did take a glance or two at the young looking guards who had fit bodies when he entered the locker room.

But his uniform took his mind off of them from how big it looked on him. He may have went to the back room to switch sizes which he's supposed to pay for since his previous one was free but didn't.

"Why do I have to go through security when I'm an employee?" Niall asks Jose, his supervisor/boss, once he was sat down across from him.

"Last year a guard brought an inmate a gun from the outside, fucking bozo. " Jose grumbled as he tried to clean up his messy desk that was scattered with papers.

"What happens if I lose my ID ?" Niall says as he clips his name tag onto his shirt.

"You won't get in."Jose chuckles as he digs in his drawer. He pulls out several brown folders and a thin sheet of paper. "These are the inmates you will be watching. This is your schedule with the directions to your division on the back."

"Is there anything not on here that I should know ?" Niall says as he takes the papers from Jose. He watched a couple of cop movies the other day to prepare for this job. But they still weren't enough.

"Don't talk to any of the inmates. All of them are manipulative, but the one you should watch for the most is Styles. He's more annoying than all of them combined ."

Niall nods. "Is that it ?"

Jose stands up from his seat. "When you're done reading those, grab a belt and pick five tools out of that cabinet. I highly recommend the launcher and stun gun."

"I don't get a real gun ?"

"If your plan was to  shoot people then you're at the wrong place buddy ."

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