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Niall rapidly blinked his eyes trying to adjust to the sun beaming through the window. Niall knew last night had to be a dream, a wild one at that. Niall knows Harry wouldn't come back for him I mean why would he.

Harry was free now and Niall's sure Harry doesn't want to risk getting sent back to jail by kidnapping him.

Niall had a bad feeling in his stomach about last nights dream being true because he's never had nightmares before. Niall doesn't remember going to sleep last night but he does remember having late night cravings for food.

Niall remembers putting a taco shell on the pan then that was it and maybe he fell asleep. Niall felt a blush creep onto his cheeks as he thinks about falling asleep while cooking and his parents found him like that.

Niall's sure his father had to carry him to bed because his mother would've woken him up. Niall feels around him only to feel the warmth of the sheets so Niall knows he's definitely still at home.

Niall throws the covers off of himself before swinging his legs off of the bed only to stop his motions when he feels weight on his left leg.

Niall looks down and sees a black tracker latched onto his left ankle with a green light blinking. Before Niall could even think about why tracker was on him the door opened.

Niall wanted to cry or even scream at the realization that his dream last night was in fact real.

"Good morning babe !" Harry says closing and locking the door behind him then sitting next to Niall.

"Where am I ?" Niall asks noticing how the walls were pink, this was definitely not his parents house.

"My house ." Harry says in a duh tone while biting back a smile.

"Take me home ." Niall demands.

"No . I can do anything else but that ."

"Why ?"

"Your parents think you're dead."

"W-what ?"

Harry nods. " I had some guys who were your 'friends' say that you overdosed on drugs . After Nathan's death it took a tole on you because you two were fixing your relationship. You were depressed to the point where you thought drugs would heal the pain ."

"You asshole ! Take me home right now !" Niall yells only to get slapped on the mouth by Harry.

"Don't yell in my house . We aren't in Central Intelligence anymore. You don't run things, I do . I suggest you choose your next words wisely or things will get ugly ." Harry says before crossing his right leg over the other  then placing his hands in his lap looking at Niall expectingly.

Niall holds his mouth in pain not knowing what to say Harry. He was downright crazy and it was all his fault for having to deal with him.

"Why do I have a tracker locked on me like I'm a animal ?" Niall says knowing that was the safest thing he could say.

"Doll , I didn't put that on you to make you feel like a animal . The tracker is on you for my safety and yours . The light will turn yellow when you step close to a unsecured window or door . It will turn red if you try to take it off or open a window or door without my consent . You will then get tasered . "

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