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Harry was pissed when a guard woke him up early in the morning until he remembered what day it was, his trial day.

Harry couldn't wait to get out of Central Intelligence since he had been there for three painful years. He would've gotten out sooner if he had rejoined the Anarchy sooner but at the time he didn't want to.

They wanted him to kill his best friend and Harry felt disrespected from them to even ask him that. Harry had beaten the leaders son so their was a bounty for his head.

Harry didn't care because he didn't like being told what to do. He definitely didn't like how the leader acted like everyone was like gum at the bottom of his shoe.

Harry was looking for a way out so when he saw an opportunity he took it even if that meant hell coming with it.

A few months ago Jose had taken him to the call room. It was the leader of the Anarchy on the phone. He told Harry that if he joined their gang again he would drop the hit out and forgive him for fighting his son.

Harry didn't believe a word coming out of his mouth but when he told Harry he would get him out of jail Harry accepted his offer almost immediately.

Jose later explained how he had been working with the Anarchy for awhile and he would have his back as long as Harry had his.

Jose made the plan to act as if he hated Harry and it wasn't a full lie because he did have a strong disliking towards Harry. Jose felt Harry was to much of an asshole and acted immature at times.

Harry was also hard to work with. He had multiple fights and was close to killing an inmate making him almost get sent to maximum security.

If Harry were to get sent to maximum security Jose would be in trouble because he was supposed to watch over him. Jose almost jumped out of his seat when he found out Harry would have a trial.

"Who would've thought you, of all people, would write in journals." Louis says shaking his head while chuckling as he threw the journals in Harry's box.

Harry wipes at his eyes sitting up. "Who would've thought an ass like you would be an prison guard ."

"Let's not forget why this is my job ." Louis says setting the box on Harry's bed.

"All your suffering will end soon ."

"I wouldn't be so cocky, Styles. There's no guarantee you'll be set free ."

"Louis, you and I both know I will be getting out . Hopefully I'll see you at my welcoming party ."

Louis arches an eyebrow. "That was supposed to be a surprise . Who told you that ?"

Harry smirks. "You did ."

Louis flips Harry off before leaving Harry to himself in his cell not before throwing his suit at him.

Harry went to the jail showers smiling his whole way there because it would be his last time showering in there.

Even though Harry knew he was protected by Louis, Jose , and other guards no one else did. Harry was always afraid of getting held down by other inmates while getting raped.

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