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When Niall went to sleep last night he didn't expect to wake up the next morning to his door bell ringing. Niall groaned as he got out of bed slipping on his brown slippers then answering the door.

Only to be met with a man in a navy blue jumpsuit holding a Echinopsis cactus in one hand and a bouquet of red and white roses in his other hand.

The man clears his throat before speaking. "Niall Horan ?"

"That's me ."Niall says slightly lifting his hand as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was told to give these to you ." The man says holding out the items for Niall to take.

"Who gave you these ?" Niall calls out as the delivery man walks away.

"He was in the lobby ." The man says with a shrug. He wasn't paid enough to do a full on investigation of everyone who enters the lobby.

Niall closes his door with his foot before walking towards his kitchen still confused on who knew where he lived and the choice of gifts.

Niall set the plants down on his counter then rummages through the flowers finding what he was looking for which was a note.

It took me days , weeks even , to finally have the courage to write this for you.
Our relationship may have died but our love hasn't and we both can't deny that. Time is ticking and it's only a matter of hours before you look back at this and figure out what I mean . But don't worry to much because I did this for you even though it's to late and I know the outcome. Don't think of this as a goodbye think of it as a celebration. A cheers to our love and all we've fought for . I love you and I always will until that cactus dies .

~ Nathan

Niall wanted to cry from how loved he felt. He's proud of Nathan's growth. The old Nathan wouldn't have gave the gifts to someone else. The old Nathan would've brought it up himself as a 'sorry' and if Niall didn't accept it the old Nathan would've made him.

Niall thought Nathan was being sappy with the 'love you until the cactus dies ' thing and had a fake cactus. But the cactus was real to Niall's surprised but that didn't matter.

Niall thought he would be able to bring his happy mood to work but once he stepped into Central Intelligence building he knew that wouldn't happen.

All the memories from yesterday came crashing into him reminding him how he had to have a talk with Jose.

"I want my division changed ." Niall says not even giving Jose the chance to greet him when he walked in. He felt like his life was in danger.

Jose chuckles sitting upright and clasping his hands in front of him. "And why is that ?"

"You were right, Harry is too much for me to handle . " Niall says knowing he could handle Harry he just didn't want to.

"How about I tell Tomlinson to take Styles in one of the no camera rooms. Then you give him something that will shut him up, yeah ?"

"Are you suggesting I rape him ?" Niall says looking at his boss weirdly.

"No. I was going for a little ass whooping ."

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