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It was hours later when Harrison had finally woke up and was able to have visitors.

Niall let Harrison's wife and kid talk and comfort their loved one first. Niall gave Harrison a soft pat on the shoulder before sitting next to him.

Harrison's wife waited until their child went to sleep before she asked what happened to him. When Harrison had went on break and was on his way back he got into a car accident.

A SUV came out of nowhere and crashed into the side of his car tipping it over. Harrison smelt gas then seconds later the front of his car was on fire. He couldn't get out because of his seat belt being stuck but luckily for him a off duty firefighter was near by and saved him while calling the ambulance.

Niall thought that was the end of Harrison's story but when he asked his wife to step out Niall knew there was more.

"Nice to see a familiar face for the last time ." Harrison smiles but he seemed to be in pain once he did it.

"Last time ? You're quitting?" Niall asks. He didn't know why he was surprised. Harrison won't be able to work in this condition.

"I have to . The man who pulled me out said so ."

"You don't have to listen to him . We have to finish the case, remember?"

Harrison shakes his head. "There wasn't a firefighter there, I lied. A man pulled me out then pulled a gun out on me . He threatened me saying if I didn't quit my job he would come back ."

"You need to tell the police ."

"And risk my family getting hurt ? No thanks ."

"So you're going to quit and then what ?"

"When I get out of here I'm packing up and leaving with my family ."

"I'm gonna miss you, bud. " Niall says placing a hand on Harrison's shoulder with a  smile.

Niall didn't bother trying to talk Harrison out of not quitting because that would be like him asking Harrison to put his safety at risk.

Niall would definitely miss his friend and their bond but all good things don't last forever.

Niall thinks that Jose or someone that made the object found out about Harrison trying to crack the case so they made him leave.

Facing the fact that Harrison wasn't secretive about trying to figure out who made it.

"Hey, I heard about what happened to Harrison . I hope you're doing okay as well ." Tomlinson says side hugging Niall.

Niall lightly pushes him off. "You were his friend too . Shouldn't you be just as sad as me ?"

"Yeah but you two were closer than me and him ."

Niall rolls his eyes already knowing what Tomlinson was implying. "You know he has a wife and a kid. "

"He does ?"

Niall nods. "If you actually took the time to get to know him you would've known that ."

Niall shakes his head leaving Tomlinson in the locker room by himself. Niall went to Jose' office still wanting to talk to him about the object case.

Niall decided he would drop the case but he couldn't help the feeling of wanting to know who made it.

"Horan ! I haven't seen you in awhile . Sit ." Jose motions for Niall to sit across from him.

"I just came to ask about that object case . Did you solve it ?" Niall says shifting in the little chair uncomfortably.

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