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"Why am I rinsing out my blonde dye again ?" Niall says as he wraps his hair with a towel, stepping out of the shower with only trousers on.

Niall and Harry made it in Miami at five o'clock in the morning and Niall thinks he likes Miami more than Columbia. They had a nice condo by the beach and Niall had to admit the sight is more beautiful at night.

Niall had a quick nap since he was sleep half of the ride here before he went in the bathroom to take a shower.

In the middle of Niall's time in the shower Harry came in being a pervert and told him he should change his hair color

"I never said you had to change your hair color . I only said it because I don't know how to dye hair and I know you don't either ." Harry says as he places his hand behind his head, laying on his back.

"I think I look better with this color ." Niall says as he takes the towel off of his head and uses the blow dryer to make his hair dry faster.

"Of course , baby . You look good in anything ."

"Shut up ." Niall mumbles shyly.

Niall heard the bed creek from behind him then Harry's tan arms being wrapped around his waist.

"Do you mind hurrying up ? We do have reservations at Juvia ." Harry says as he kisses Niall's neck.

"What's Juvia ?" Niall says looking at Harry.

"A restaurant in a parking garage." Harry says smiling at Niall's facial expression.

Don't get Niall wrong he doesn't mind being taking to places that aren't full of rich and stuck up snobs. But a restaurant in a parking garage was just low of Harry.

Niall was beginning to think that Harry was just joking and was going to take him out to a nice restaurant. When he saw the sign for the restaurant and the little letters under it saying garage restaurant Niall knew Harry wasn't joking.

What was irking Niall the most was  Harry's goofy grin that he had the whole time they were in the car. Niall understood Harry when they went inside the restaurant and the sight was breathtaking.

Their table was next to a wall of greenery and glowing lights shining from the reflecting pools.

The menu had dishes that Niall could barely pronounce so Harry explained to him that they were Asian, French, and Peruvian dishes.

"This is so nice !" Niall says looking around to see if he missed anything.

The waiter came to their table and set Harry's sticky glazed chicken with a fried rice bowl in front of him.

Niall wanted to try something different from Harry so he ordered a Peruvian dish called arroz chaufa.

"So , tell me something I don't remember about you ." Niall decided to start conversation since they were just eating and not talking.

Harry shakes his head at Niall's words as he wipes his mouth with a napkin "I have a mother that lives in Vermont. I don't have any siblings and I never wanted any ."

"What about your father ? Where is he ?"

"He left us when I was about five years old ."

"Maybe he got tired of your orange obsession." Niall jokes.

Harry laughs "I'm hurt that you would disrespect orange ."

"Someone has to do it , Harry . Orange isn't that pretty of a color ."

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