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It was ten o'clock in the morning when Niall headed over to Harrison's house after several calls and texts from him. Niall had an afternoon shift and so did Harrison, who wanted to get an early start on the object case.

"Did you look at the cameras like I asked ?" Niall says as he looked through the files Harrison had gave him.

"Several times and none of the inmates looked suspicious ."

"They must've deleted the real footage somehow ." Niall says tossing the file onto the table.

Harrison nods in agreement. "I've been thinking all night on this and came up with something....Jose and Tomlinson are the only two who have access to the camera room ."


"Maybe Jose is taking so long to solve this case because he's guilty."

"Of what ?"

"Of making that object for Styles ."

"From what I've gathered Jose hates Styles. He barely likes taking him to his lawyer. I doubt he'll make a weapon for him ."

"Maybe it's just an act ! Being friendly with Styles would draw attention to them . But acting like he hates him won't ."

"I guess you've got a point . But what about Tomlinson ? You said he's got a key too ." Niall felt like a proper detective. They were getting close to the culprit.

"Tomlinson is going through some financial issues so I don't think he would risk his job over Styles . "

Harrison then gets up and grabs his laptop from the couch and opens it.

After a few typing and clicking Harrison gave the laptop to Niall who then pressed play for the black and white video to start.

Seconds later Jose came into view but his back was towards the camera. Since the video is in black and white Niall couldn't really see what he was digging in.

Jose looked around then grabbed something and shoved it in his back pocket before leaving then the video ended.

"What was that ? Where was he ?" Niall asks confused on what he just watched.

"He was in the kitchen digging through silverware . Turns out you were right, the guard wasn't the one who stole the knife it was Jose ." Harrison had to call in a lot of favors to get the video and it was definitely worth it.

"You can't really say it's him . All we've got is a video of him digging around in a drawer then putting something in his back pocket ."

"You see that time ? Minutes later the cook came and found out a knife was missing ."

Niall chews on his bottom lip. "What if we find out it is him . Who do we tell ?"

"The counselor. I refuse to work in a jail where my boss can't be trusted ."

"I agree . But first we need to find that object and that's if he hasn't already bagged it ."

Niall and Harrison decided it was time to head out to Central Intelligence when the clock hit eleven thirty. Niall already had on his uniform so he had to wait on Harrison who got ready fairly quick.

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