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Niall was livid when he walked into Central Intelligence. His fists balled as he impatiently tapped his foot on the floor.

Finally he was in the locker room where he hurriedly put on his uniform not caring that his belt was lopsided.

Niall had cried his heart out last night and was sure he had faint bags under his eyes from barely getting any sleep.

Niall didn't even greet Tomlinson when he walked past him he just went straight to Harry's cell. But he wasn't there nor was he in the tv room so Niall looked all around the division for him.

When Niall entered the shower room Harry's back was towards him and Niall couldn't help but smirk as he grabbed a towel wrapping a bar of soap in it.

Niall knew how hard the soaps were and also  knew that Harry was wet and naked so it would hurt even more.

Without a second thought Niall wrapped the towel once around his hand then swung again and again. Niall didn't care when Harry screamed in pain from his first swing and continued to wack Harry until Harry finally gained strength and snatched the towel from him.

"Niall ? What the fuck is your problem ?" Harry says turning off the shower water and throwing the balled up soap towel across the room.

"You're my problem ! I know you killed him you bastard !" Niall says hitting Harry's chest with balled fist continuously.

"Who ? What are you talking about ?" Harry asks as he grabs Niall's wrists so he wouldn't hit him anymore.

"Nathan. He's dead and it's all your fault !"

"I would rather have him alive to see me take you from him then kill him. That's the easy way out and I'm just an inmate, remember?"

"You said it yourself you have outside ears ." Niall says snatching his wrists out of Harry's grip.

"Yeah but I wouldn't waste their time in killing your boyfriend ."

Niall eyes Harry still not believing a word coming out of his mouth. "Stay away from me and I mean it ."

Niall leaves the shower room opening the door to fully exit only to bump into Tomlinson. Niall shoves past him ignoring the fact that Tomlinson went inside the shower room after him.

Niall knew that Tomlinson had probably heard everything and had most likely went to check on Harry or to be nosey.

Niall feels like he hasn't been fulfilling his duty as a prison guard properly. He wasn't supposed to let Harry feel comfortable with kissing his cheek, inappropriately might Niall add.

Niall definitely wasn't supposed to be talking and joking with Harry as if he was one of his friends.

But what's done is done and Niall knows he can't change that so he fixed his belt and his appearance before leaving the bathroom.

Niall grabbed his baton before going outside where the inmates were at since it was sunny out and the rain had cleared.

Niall stood near Harrison who had a stern look on his face with his lips tightened and hard eyes as he scanned everywhere an inmate was.

Niall decided to copy Harrison since he has and is doing his job better than him and Niall thinks he should ask Harrison for tips.

But then again Niall doesn't want to face the embarrassment of asking another guard how to act like a guard.

"Hey. Did Jose give you a follow up on that object ?" Niall decides to say instead of what he first was.

Harrison nods. "He didn't really say much just that he's close to finding who it is ."

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