Chapter 69: Hands

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I arrived at the entrance to the park and checked if Dylan was already waiting for me there. I knew pretty well that I shouldn't have came as he told me but, I also knew that I should listen to him.

He broke my heart.

When I woke up in his hotel room and found a note just next to my head on which is written the words that clearly shattered my heart into million pieces. "It was a mistake." As if it was an excuse.

I couldn't look at Dylan anymore knowing that he broke my heart. With all the smiles he brought me, I could never think that he would be the reason why I'm bawling my eyes out. I tried to act like it wasn't a big deal. But I eventually failed.

Every time i tried to move on and to tell myself that he didn't deserve me, he was right there, on social medias, on television, in interviews... He was everywhere.
Since I wanted to take revenge, to make him regret ditching me in such an intimate situation, I suggested to Tyler that we fake date.

Of course everyone believed us, and I had to lie about us during the interviews. I had to fake smile every time the interviewer asked me about Tyler.

I'm not dumb. I know that Dylan and Britt aren't really dating. It's obvious. I just want Dylan to explain to me why he left. If he liked me like I thought he did, why did he have to act like such an asshole?

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around, suddenly meeting the brilliant hazel eyes of none other than Dylan. He smiled but I stood neutral and decided to let him speak first, "Hey Cristy."

I looked away and said, "Hey."

He took my hand and intertwined our fingers. I watched him as he made me walk with him to a bench, "Sit down please." He told me and I sat down. Our fingers were still intertwined and I couldn't help myself but stare at them. It's been a long time that I hadn't felt his warm touch.

"Listen Dylan, i started, the only reason why i came here is for you to tell me why you left me in the middle of the night. Why did you have to ignore me and make me feel like a worthless slut. So, go on, I'm listening to you."

Dylan took a deep breath then began, "Firstly, i'm so sorry for breaking your heart. It was never my intention even though i knew that that would be the consequence."

He stopped talking. I stood skeptical about what he just said. If he knew from the start that he would be breaking my heart, why did he leave me? Why did he leave me when he knew I fucking liked him. Hell, i even loved him. I refrain myself from asking him these questions.

"The truth is, i wasn't prepared."

I frowned, "What do you mean? Not prepared for what?"

"For us." He simply said.

"Why fuck me then if you were never prepared?" I half-yelled causing many people to look at us.

Oh my god I hope no one recognized us.

"That is the problem. You don't know how much I suffered when Britt told me that she preferred to break up with me just because people didn't appreciate our relationship. I had the feeling that Britt had never really liked me and she only thought about her career while I considered her as the only woman who could fill my heart with joy. She was everything to me. I can't describe the love I expressed towards her."

I looked at him not knowing what to say. His words made me remember how adorably he used to talk about her in interviews. How much he adored her and how she was all he wanted. At that time, i wasn't famous at all, and i could never imagine that I'll end up arguing with Dylan about our feelings. My life has really changed.

"What does this have to do with us? You can't be with someone when you're thinking about someone else. This ain't fair for both of us!" I exclaimed seriously.

"Can't you understand Cris that I was hella scared when I realized that you were actually the only women who could make me truly happy?" He said softly and I found myself speechless.

I didn't know how to react to his words. Was I really the one who made him happy? Was I really the one he really liked?

He's the one that I love.

"Dylan, this is not an excuse-"

"I know that! He cut me off, "I know and I'm deeply sorry but I had to distance myself from you in order to clear my thoughts and to clarify everything to myself. And eventually that's what I did, and I had came to a conclusion, I love you Cristy Fox."

I remained speechless. I never imagined this moment that way.

I couldn't refrain myself from pulling him closer to me and smash my lips against his. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mixed. I pulled closer until there was no space left between us and i could feel the beating of his heart against my chest.

His hand drifted to my hip. It settled there, and he began caressing it softly. I inhaled briskly. I was against his warm chest. I missed those soft lips of his.

We both pulled away at the same time and looked down, our eyes still closed and our foreheads resting against each other. When I opened my eyes, all I could see were Dylan's beautiful mixture of brown and green colored eyes.

"What's next?" I asked.

"We can't go out with each other now. Since everyone thinks that you're dating Tyler and that I'm dating Britt, it would be hella weird if we just confirmed our relationship out of nowhere. Plus, people would undoubtedly call you a slut for "dating" Tyler then breaking up with him to go out with me."

"You're right."

"Do you have recent interviews this week?" He asked me.

"Yes, unfortunately I have two interviews tomorrow and a shooting with GQ magazine." I replied.

"Then if they ever ask you about Tyler. Tell them that you too broke up. I'll text Tyler to inform. He would certainly be happy for us."

My eyes widened, "No! Don't talk to him! I'll do that!"

"Okay." Dylan whispered and placed his soft lips on mine.

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