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The book is finished!

I had so much fun searching for the photos, creating the characters and simply writing the book. I left you on a cliffhanger and I know it sucks when you have to wait a long time to finally know what happens. But don't worry, there's a sequel to this book that I'm preparing for you.

You thought O'fox was over? Well, you thought wrong!

O'fox is the main ship and couple of this book and if it ends, then what's the point in writing a sequel? Of course they are going through many hard stuff. In the sequel, you'll get the answers to your questions.

I just wanted to say that in the sequel, Dorothy, Mary, Lily and Harry are going to be main characters not recurrent ones. They're going to appear a lot on social medias and even create a lot of drama.

You'll be surprised by the other character that's gonna join in. Really surprised.

I'm thinking of changing the book's name. When I first started it, I knew why I called it So cold but now that I've finished writing the fanfiction, i realized that there's no link between the title and the content of the book. That's why I'm thinking of changing it and choose one that fits better.

Anyways, I'm so happy to finally end this book so that I can start another one. Thanks to all of those who commented, voted or simply enjoyed reading my book. At first, i started writing for enjoyment because I was bored and that I shipped Dylena so fucking much. But now, it's become the first thing I think about in the morning (not really just exaggerating).

Thanks again!
To the sequel!
- D Y L E N A M Y I D O L S

SO COLD | DYLAN O'BRIEN [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now