10. In love?

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AN: New chapter! I don't have much time to write unfortunately, but I really wanted to post a new chapter. I don't know when I'll post the next one. Thank you for the few people that read my story and the people who vote on it. I hope more people will read/vote and I would love it if people would comment if they like it (or not and why?). But we will see, anyway enjoy =)


“Liam? Are you home?” I scream as I ring the doorbell for the second time. Because of everything that happened with Zayn, I’ve really neglected my friends. Especially the new bond that I have with Liam I’ve ignored.

Since the fight with Zayn – in which I killed him… not really – we haven’t spoken to each other anymore. It’s Sunday, the fight was more than a week ago and since then we have completely ignored each other. We haven’t talked or worked on our project. School is just like before, expect without the occasional bickering that we did before. And every time that I did glance around to look at him, he was looking at something else. Not once have I seen him looking back at me and that hurt more than I care to admit. Other than that it was just completely normal, like before we started on the project. It was yet again the same where everyone ignores me.

Even though I haven’t spoken to Zayn in over a week, he was still constantly on my mind. The whole week I was so furious at Zayn and if my gaze could kill than he would be death by now. Last week, because of Zayn, I haven’t even seen my friends. Not even Hazza! We did call and texted throughout the week, but only occasionally and always short. And every time he asked to hang out I told an excuse so I didn’t had to. I didn’t feel like hanging out, my mind was too occupied with Zayn. I was scared that if I did go to Hazza that I would just burst out everything. That I would just tell him what happened and how I feel. But that can’t happen, I can’t tell Hazza what happened between Zayn and me.

I feel really shitty for my behavior. Not only last week, but overall this whole year. I’ve been an emotional and angry mess and I was busier with hating Zayn than I was with my friends.

But it’s time for change! Everything will be as it was before. Hazza and me. Bitch and me. Hazza, Bitch, Liam, Nialler and me. The whole group again and hopefully I can see Liam more often.  I really enjoyed spending more time with Liam.

“Hi” Liam greets me as he opens the door, panting from exhaustion. He wears shorts and he has a towel over his torso. Nothing else. Just that. God, why does he have to do that to me? I flush and feel embarrassed because of my obvious lust over his body.

“Hi.” I stammer.

“Come in.” He smiles.

“Thanks. Yeah, I was wondering how things are with you? I haven’t talked to you in a while. I was very busy with school and stuff.” That always remains a great and believable excuse.

He nods. “Last year, huh?” He grabs two glasses and pours me a soda. “I was training, so I didn’t hear the bell. Recently I have my own fitness room!” He says excited.

“Here.” He hands me my drink.

“Thanks. That’s amazing! So how’s the gym?” I ask as I sit down on a chair.

“I’m starting to get used to it, haha! Still a bit strange though.”

“Yeah I understand, it always takes some time to get used to a workplace!”

He nods. “Yeah, but I really like it.”

“So how about my job?” I ask jokingly.

“Ah unfortunately they don’t need anyone, but when I start my own gym you can work there!” He says proudly. 

Love & Hate and Friends & Lovers (Zouis/Larry)Where stories live. Discover now