23. Family

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Today Niall will finally be released from prison! He was there for nearly four months! I’m really excited and happy for him that he will finally be free. As a 'welcome home gift' I arranged a little surprise party. With our club of friends we wait for him to arrive home. It’s just a small party with balloons, cake and of course the essentials: beer, joints and Hardcore Music.

I wonder what his reaction will be. Hopefully he likes it… How would I react after such a long time in jail? I really have no idea.

Suddenly I start to doubt myself. “Is this a good idea?” I ask the rest.

They all nod. “I’m sure he’ll love it.” Liam says.

I haven’t seen Liam a lot lately, but he seems so much happier. He finally has ‘his act’ together. He can do what he always wanted and get paid for it! He is so fucking lucky. I want that too.

Bitch is mostly tired. I also don’t see her as much as I used to, but we have texted throughout the weeks. She is extremely busy with college and partly because of that she has problems with her boyfriend Michael. When she texted me about her problems with Michael I really wanted to tell her about Zayn. I think she can really help me and give me some advice. But I just didn’t dare to tell her, with the idea that Hazza might found out about Zayn. I absolutely trust Bitch, but when she has a little bit too much to drink or is a bit too high, she might spill the beans.

Hazza is still confused and upset about everything that is going on with me. I can notice it from afar. Even in his texts it’s noticeable. I can see it in everything. Just like today when we greeted each other. Normally whenever he sees me he gets this wide grin on his face. He smiles at me like he never smiles at someone else. It always made me feel special. This time his face was more neutral and he only had a faint smile. And we always give each other a small kiss on the lips when we greet each other, but this time he only gave me a hug. I tried to act like it didn’t bothered me, but it really pained me.

Overall he seems far more nonchalant when he looks at me. We try to be as normal as ever, but something has changed. It hurts me so fucking bad, but I can’t expect him to treat me like he did when I can’t even be honest with him.

We hear a lot of noise and rattling. We quickly move down and wait till the door opens.

I carefully look to the door from my spot behind the couch.

When the door opens we quickly stand up and scream in unison. “SURPRISE!”

Nialler is startled for a short moment, but I can also see a faint smile on his face. “Fuck! You guys scared the shit out of me.” I hear sympathy in his tired voice.

I’m relieved that he isn’t completely appalled to this idea. I would hate to disappoint another friend of mine.

“Come, let’s have a drink.” Hazza proposes.

“It’s so crazy to be home again. I don’t feel as happy as I expected to be honest.” Nialler chuckles awkwardly. Niall is always our bouncing, cheerful buddy, but I’m glad that he is finally able to show us more than that.

“I think that’s totally logical Nialler,” Bitch says as she takes the joint and inhales and passes it on to Liam. She blows the smoke out. “You have to get used to this again. You have been in prison for quite some time, so I understand that it can be quite weird to be home again.”

“Yes.” Nialler agrees with a sigh.

“We are really glad that you are home again.” Liam pats Nialler on the back.

“Thank you guys. For everything. For visiting and stuff.”

“No problem.” I instantly say. “But I don’t want to you see you in prison ever again, okay?”

Love & Hate and Friends & Lovers (Zouis/Larry)Where stories live. Discover now