15. Lovers

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“Gem and Anne just practically forced me to sit down with them and chat.” I say as I open the door of Hazza’s room.

Hazza immediately looks up. “Oh you know how they are, they all want you.” He says with a casual smile as he walks over to me. He takes me into one of his famous hugs. “But I’m the only one who can.” He says satisfied.

“Well, I have to say that your sister looked very good today.” I say teasingly.

Hazza holds me even tighter. “Don’t you even think about it, I need you.”

I smile into his embrace. He needs me, just as much as I need him.

“I need you too.”

“Good.” He says as he lets me go and falls down on his beanbag.

“Were you studying?” His desk is full of books. Seeing this, it once again reminds me I really need to study. But I always have an excuse and right now I just really can’t. I’m too busy in my head to study.


“Oh do you want me to come back another time?” I really don’t want to leave, but Hazza is always there for me. I can’t always expect Hazza to change his plans for me.

“No, you sit. I can tell something is bothering you.”

How can he tell? Well that’s a stupid question. It’s probably written all over my face. And Hazza always knows these things. Especially when I’m sad or confused.

I sit down next to Hazza and close the distance as I lay my head on his shoulder. I press the rest of my body against his body. This feels so good. Just sitting next to Hazza has a calming effect on me. Just to feel his body, his presence.

“It’s just… I have a lot on my mind.”

With his long fingers he combs through my hair. My shoulders immediately relax and I instantly close my eyes. “Hmmm.” I say content.

“How’s your mum?”

“Still not better. She is going to the doctor tomorrow.”

“Okay that’s good I suppose.”

“Yeah I guess. I just hope it’s nothing serious.” I sigh. I try not to worry about my mother too much, but that’s easier said than done. And I already don’t feel good after the painful conversation I had with Zayn, so suddenly everything seems too much. Everything doesn’t go as planned. Everything that is except with Hazza. Why can’t I just live in a cage with him? We’ll ignore the world around us and just be happy together. Just the two of us.

“It’s probably nothing serious and even if it is, your mother is a fighter. You have that from your mother. No matter what stands in your way, you always keep fighting.”

I smile at his sweet words. He always knows how to comfort me.

“Can’t we just leave our lives and live in a cage? Together?” I practically whine.

“A cage? Why not a beautiful castle?” He questions.

I chuckle. “Okay, a castle is fine. As long as I’m together with you.”

“Deal.” He smiles.

“But you do know you have to clean everything?” I say seriously.

“As long as you keep me company, I don’t mind.”

Oh my, we are such saps. It’s not like we are always like this, a big part of it depends on my mood. When I’m emotional I tend to be more cuddly and needy. I’m always needy when I’m with Hazza, but we can also just watch a movie in silence, talk about the most stupid stuff or prank someone in the neighborhood. Right now I just need my Hazza and need to know that he will be there for me. And I want to show him how I will always be here for him.

Love & Hate and Friends & Lovers (Zouis/Larry)Where stories live. Discover now