11. Truths and lies

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AN: Please tell me if you want me to continue. I don't want to sound desperate, but well if I do sorry :P lol. I just really like to know what people's thoughts are, both the positive comments as the feedback! Because I'm posting this and I only got a few votes so I have no idea what you guys think of my story.

So I would really appreciate if you would comment and/or leave votes!
Enjoy =)


After my realization that I love Zayn I’m fucking terrified to go to school. Yesterday, Hazza and I have talked for over an hour about Liam and the more we talked the more I got uncomfortable. But I believe he wasn’t really relaxed either. He kept asking me how it happened and what I felt for Liam. He even wanted to ask Liam to come over and I panicked. I tried to explain to Hazza that Liam is very confused about the kiss, which isn’t far from the truth, and that he needs his time to think. He did understand that, but he kept asking things. To be honest, I’ve never felt so irritated with my Hazza. I tried to change the subject, but apparently it was so important for Hazza that he couldn’t do that. Damn it. After a while I decided to go home, with much protest from Hazza. I was so exhausted and confused. My mind kept drifting off to Zayn, Liam and Hazza. I’m lying to all of them and it makes me really uncomfortable.

As I enter the classroom I don’t dare to look at Zayn. At the same time I really want to see and talk to him. We still don’t speak and we haven’t talked about the assignment.

“So class, as you all hopefully know your project is due this Friday.” Ms. Boonstra says with a stern voice. Without thinking it through my eyes drift towards Zayn in panic. This Friday? How can that be? At first he doesn’t look back, so I can just look at him with mixed emotions. That is until this stupid Matt taps on his shoulder and points at my direction. Zayn looks up and I can’t look away. His beautiful dark-brown eyes stare at me. His eyes look kind of sad. It breaks my heart, just as he broke mine with his statements. We both sigh at the same time and look away. We know we have to talk to each other soon and finish our project. And what else? Is there still something? From my part there is, but I don’t know about Zayn. He barely looks at me and he doesn’t even try to talk to me.

“Tomlinson?” A voice calls me and I look up. in shock. Ms. Boonstra is just a few inches away from my face and looks at me with an annoyed look.

“Yes?” I asks.
“Have you done your homework, page 75 and 76?” She asks me. Loud and clear with perfect pronunciation. As if I’m too stupid to understand her if she doesn’t speak that way. I fucking hate that bitch!

“No” I say bluntly. I’m not even trying to lie anymore. What is the point?

“Okay great, that just costs you three hours of detention!”

“What? Three hours? That is ridiculous!” I say loudly.

“Did you say something?” She says with a disgusted look.

I shake my head and decide not to argue for once. I know it doesn’t matter anyway; I can only make it worse.

“And that also applies to you Matt and Zayn.”

Completely baffled I look at her direction. At least she follows the rules. That is something.

“Ms. Boonstra. I’m really sorry, but I have to go to the orthodontist this afternoon?” Matt says in an innocent, whiny voice. Matt is a pathetic kid and I don’t understand why Zayn even hangs out with such a loser.

“Alright.” Ms. Boonstra says and with that it’s settled. Of course she falls for such a stupid excuse like this! Matt doesn’t even have Braces! Any excuse is good enough, unless it’s me.

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