17. Nialler

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“Hi, I'm here for Nialler.”

The police woman, or whatever she is, looks at me with a puzzled look which soon turns into an annoyed expression. The look on her face says ‘I have better things to do’, but before she can say something I restore myself. “Sorry I mean Niall Horan. He should be in here.”

The woman nods. “Yeah that’s right.” And without further ado she walks away.

I quickly walk after her, from one hall to another. I curiously look around. It doesn’t look as bad as it does in the movies, but it definitely would not win the price for best looking or comfy place.

The woman abruptly stops, which almost makes me run into her. “Sorry.” I mumble.

She opens a door and says. “Sit here and wait for Niall. You have 30 minutes, no longer.”

I nod. Normally I would never be polite to such a grumpy and vile woman, but I know that this isn’t the person or the place to open my big mouth once again. Yeah, I did that before. Twice as a matter of fact, but once I was completely innocent!

I walked with my group of ‘gabber’ friends and as usual people automatically assume the worst. They looked at us as if we were strange, scary creatures just because we were in a group and our appearance is different from the standards. We didn’t do anything, but because everyone was watching us with a careful, slightly scared eye, the policeman noticed this. He came to us and fucking asked us. “What do you guys think you are doing?”

I was just so incredibly pissed off! We were just walking in the city and because of some judgmental people we were seen as the bad guys. Of course I couldn’t shut my mouth and with an irritated tone I said “What does it look like?” And so it began and I was arrested for aggressive behavior.

That happened once more, but that time I wasn't completely innocent. I had taken an XTC pill and I felt so freaking amazing. Even when we left the party and me and my group of friends walked towards the car, I still felt the XTC running through my body. Everything felt so intense and I was so energetic. I felt like I could do anything and I was even clingier than usual. I grabbed Hazza for dear life and started to kiss him all over. To be honest, I wasn't just kissing him I was practically groping him. I pushed him against a brick wall and started to grind myself up against him as I stroked his dick. My heart rate increased heavily by the XTC along with the excitement of our bodies pressed together. I was in such a great mood, I was so horny and flushed and I felt Hazza hard against my hand and thigh. Until suddenly this nasty guy walked by and made a comment along the lines of ‘ugh that’s disgusting’. That awful comment made me so incredibly furious, much more than other times. I abruptly moved away from Hazza, ran after the guy and kicked him in his back. We were fighting until Hazza and some policeman had to break us up.

After a minute or two the woman comes back along with Niall. He looks grumpy and tired, but does not seem unpleasantly surprised by my visit.

“Hey.” He says as he sits down across me.

“Hey.” I say back, feeling slightly uncomfortable in this unfamiliar environment. When I got arrested I had to go to the local police station, which is just a small place. This is different. This is jail, a fucking large prison with lots of criminals. It doesn’t only look different, it feels different. And the sad part is that Nialler is well-known with this place by now. He probably knows his room inside-out. I wonder what his room looks like. Is it like in the series? I hope not…

“How are you?” What a fucking stupid question! As if he is going to say ‘it’s going exquisitely well’.

He doesn’t look particularly cheerful, which is very logical, but still surprising for me. Nialler is always happy and energetic. Now he looks exhausted and even a bit sad.

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