4. The Assignment

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For the people who have read it: do you like it? (or not?) Please tell me =)
I really hope people will bother to read it, because I feel excited about this story! But if no one reads it, why would I post it?

And for those of you who want more Zouis action: be patient!


“How many of you have already read the study guide?” Ms. Boonstra questions as she looks at her students with a stern look. Miraculously she doesn’t directly look in my direction with an evil glare.

Everybody keeps quiet.

“Nobody? Not even you Kim?” she asks, seemingly unpleasant surprised.

I look at Kim who is shaking her head in shame, already having a red blush on her cheeks. “No I didn’t,” she stutters, a scared tone in her voice.

“I’m very disappointed,” Ms. Boonstra states bluntly before focusing her attention on the whole class. “If you guys had bothered to read the guide, you would have known that you guys have to do an assignment this semester. This is a very important project, which counts for twenty-five percent of your whole grade. So if you screw this up, you will most likely fail my class.”

Internally I roll my eyes at her. She is such a negative bitch. Seriously, nothing positive comes out of that ugly, tiny mouth.

“It’s a collaboration project,” she continues in a demanding voice. “You will work in pairs of two. I’ve already assigned you in teams and I don’t want to hear any complains. If you disagree with my choices it’s your own problem. Not mine.”

This time, as she says those words, she looks directly at me. I can’t find any sort of emotion in those creepy eyes.

I sit restless at my chair and my legs are bouncing up and down: what is she up to?  Probably something nasty, she loves to torment me.

Names go by, annoying students pass, but I haven’t heard my name yet. With gritted teeth and slightly trembling hands I await until I’ll finally hear her call my name.

“Nick Grimshaw will collaborate with…”

I look at Nick fucking Grimshaw with his arrogant and stupid hipster face. As usual he is clinged to his phone; probably scrolling on Grindr to find some desperate boy who he can fuck (although I’m probably the only one, surprisingly, that knows he is gay). I’m absolutely certain that Ms. Boonstra will call my name. That Bitch really likes to ruin my life.

“… with Adam Slang.”

My mouth falls open in complete shock. I’m stunned. She knows, from barely a few classes, how much I already hate Grimshaw. But astonishingly she didn’t pair me with him.

I look over at Grimshaw, who looks far too happy with the choice. He’ll probably try to seduce this Adam with his bizarre flirtation techniques. I hope that this Adam kid will kick him in the balls.

A heavy weight falls off my shoulders, since I know I don’t have to work with Nick.

Somewhat less stressed I await for my name to be called. I’m not that worried or bothered anymore. The people I hate the most in the class, which is around fifty percent, are already assigned. Finally I have some luck!

As far as you can call it luck. It still sucks that we have to do an assignment in pairs, knowing I have to work with someone who hates me. Knowing nobody likes me.

“Kim, you will work with Zayn.”

Thank god, another big relief. Although Ms. Boonstra might be crazy, she isn’t that foolish. After our first encounter she knows that we can’t work together. If we would work together we would probably end up in a hospital.

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