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Caroline's POV
"Bonnie, Elena! What am I going to say? He doesn't want kids! I've just ruined my relationship! I love him." I say.
"Don't worry he loves you, he will stay around for this baby. But, I think the more important thing is to figure out how you got pregnant." Elena says.
"Yeah, Care you're a vampire, this isn't supposed to happen." Bonnie says.
"I don't care how I got pregnant, I just know I am, and I have to tell Klaus!!"
"Care don't worry, he loves you, he will love this baby." Bonnie says.
"How am I going to tell him?"
"Just tell, rip the band aid off." Elena says.
"Okay, he's going to be home soon, you guys should go." I say.
"Call us." Elena says.
"I will, I promise. Bye."
"Bye." Elena and Bonnie say at the same time.
I close the door and sit in front of the fireplace. I put a blanket on me. Klaus is going to be here soon. I have to tell him.
He walks through the door, "Hello love."
"Hi." I say and give him a kiss.
"Klaus I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" He says and we sit on the couch.
"I, uh, I have to go visit my mom." I say, ugh! I should have just told him!
"Alright. When will you be leaving?"
"Tomorrow morning, I just want to visit her grave."
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, it's fine. You need to find Rebekah anyway."
"Klaus, do you want kids?"
"I rather not talk about it."
"Caroline please don't."
I think he thinks he will be like his father, but he won't, I know he won't.
"You're not going to be like you're father. You're nothing like him."
"No stop doubting yourself, you'll be a great father, I know it."
He just stares at me for a second.
"You're pregnant?" He says.
"Caroline, I won't mess this up. I won't be like Mikael."
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too Caroline."
I kiss him then I give him a hug.
"Do you really want to see your mother or was that an excuse?"
"It was an excuse, I didn't know how you would react. I thought you would leave."
"Caroline I would never leave you."
"I know, I don't know why I thought that way."
"It's alright love."
"No, it's not. I always doubt you. You always see the best in me and I see the worse in you!" I say.
"Love, settle down."
"No! No! I-i always assume the worse in you! And it's not okay! Why do you think it's okay? It's not Klaus!"
"Caroline, calm down, it's alright."
"Stop, you're just being emotional."
"I-I'm sorry."
"Let's go to sleep love, it's late."
We lay in the bed, I curl into his chest, I fall asleep quickly.

The next day
I wake up next to Klaus, he is still asleep. I smile, I'm carrying his baby. I'll finally get to be a mom. I wouldn't want anyone else to be this baby's father.
I lay there staring at Klaus. But I start to feel sick to my stomach, I speed to the bathroom and throw up. Klaus comes speeding in.
"Love are you alright?" He is so worried.
"It's just-" I throw up again. "Morning sickness." I finish.
"Every morning?"
"'Most I think."

4 months later
"I feel like a watermelon!" I complain to Elena.
"Caroline your pregnant! You have a little baby vampire growing in you!"
"Elena, I'm scared. What if I'm not a good mom?"
"You'll be a great mom, don't worry. And it's you're a terrible mom, Klaus will help you."
"He's been getting ready like a mad man. Changed the fourth guest bedroom into the best nursery. Today he's with Elijah and Kol trying to build the crib."
"I wouldn't be surprised if they're at each other's throats."
"We should probably go check on them."
"Yeah, come on." She says and gives me a hand up.
We walk back inside and into the baby's room.
"Kol!" Klaus screams.
"Kol put Elijah down!" I say. Kol throws Elijah to the side.
"Caroline, you have a spell over all of them." Elena says.
"They know not to make a pregnant vampire angry. Okay, what's the problem?" I say and look between the three brothers.
"Elijah kept putting the piece in the wrong spot!" Kol says.
"Kol refuses to believe that I am correct." Elijah says.
"They're both being idiots." Klaus says.
"Hand me the instructions."
Kol walks over and gives them to me.
"Elijah's right." I say and hand Kol the directions.
He sighs and screws the leg to the other part.
Elena and I walk back outside and sit on a swing by the garden.
"So, how are you and Damon?" I say.
"Really good. Stefan is moving out, and I'm moving in with Damon."
"Where's Stefan going?"
"He says he's with someone. I don't know who, but apparently that's where he's going."
"Has he told anyone who is she?"
"Not that I know of." Elena says.
"How are Jeremy and Bonnie? It's been a while since I talk to Bonnie, cause you know."
"Yeah, the big thing with you not trusting Jermey, but I actually think they aren't doing too good. When I went home yesterday there was a bunch of screaming."
"Elena, I love you and all, but Jeremy is a dick."
"You cant tell me it's not true."
"I love him, but sometimes he is a dick."
"Ahhh!" I start screaming in pain.
"Care!" Elena jumps over and lays me down, "I think you're going into labor!"
The boys come running outside.
"Caroline! Get Bonnie here now!" Klaus yells and speeds over.
The images start to get blurry and I fade away.
When I wake up I see Klaus sitting beside me on the couch. He's holding something, someone.
"Love, you're awake." He says quietly.
"K-klaus? Is that my b-baby?" I say slowly.
"Yes, it's our little boy." He says and smiles.
I smile back, "Can I hold him?"
"Yes, of course." I slowly sit up and Klaus hand me the baby.
"Hi handsome." I say. "Klaus, we made him." I wipe a tear from my eye.
"We did. What are we going to name him?"
"Henrik. Are you okay with that."
"It's perfect." Klaus says.
"Henrik Mikaelson." I say.

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