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"You walk out that door and we're done!" I scream at Klaus.
"Seems like we're already done!" He says and opens the door.
I throw the flower vase at him. He walks out the door.
"What have I done? I love him." I lean against the wall the cry. No one knows about me and Klaus. I didn't want to tell people. Klaus walked out that door because I chose Tyler over him, even though I'm in love with Klaus, but he doesn't know. I don't know why I chose Tyler. I don't know why I let Klaus walk out that door.

The next day at lunch with Elena and Bonnie

"Care are you alright?" Elena asks.
"Yeah, just a little tired. I stayed up late." I stayed up late crying.
"Are you sure?" Bonnie says.
"Yeah! Don't think too much about it." I say and eat a fry.
"So Bon, who are you going to the dance tonight with?" Elena says.
"Enzo, probably. He doesn't really like dances." She says.
"What about you Care?" Elena says.
"I'm not going."
They both stop eating.
"Wait! You're not going?" Bonnie says.
"I'm not going." I say again.
"Care! You planned it you have to go!" Elena says.
"Well I don't want to." I yell at her and speed out the door into my car. Damn it! Damn it! I need to see Klaus! But I know he doesn't want to see me! Damn it!
I drive to his house and sit outside in my car. I haven't gone in yet, I don't know if I should. I don't and drive away.

Later that night.

I'm helping Bonnie and Elena get ready for the dance tonight.
"Why did you walk out like that earlier?" Bonnie says.
"I freaked out that Tyler is going with someone else. I dont think I'm completely over him." I lie. I am completely over him, but I'm not over Klaus. I don't know if I will be over him.
"Oh I'm sorry Care. I didn't even think about him." Elena says.
"So, is Damon going to wear a tux?" I say to change he subject.
"Actually he is!"
"I didn't think he would." Bonnie says.
"Me either." I say.
The doorbell rings, "here I'll get it and you finish Bon's makeup." Elena says.
"Okay." I say and she walks out the room.
"Care! It's for you." Elena yells and I walk downstairs.
"Elijah?" I say, Elena walks back into the bedroom with Bonnie.
"Ms. Forbes, can we talk outside?" He says.
"Yeah." We walk outside.
"My brother Niklaus has been miserable, and I believe you are the source of his misery."
"Why do you think that?"
"When he came home yesterday, he burned the pictures he drew of you."
"Elijah, I made a mistake. I made a mistake choosing Tyler over him. He didn't even know I was still seeing Tyler while I was dating him. Well we really weren't dating, it was mainly just sex! Good sex Elijah. But how do you not develop feelings? I fell in love with him! I'm in love with him! And he'll never know because he walked out the door. I made him walk out the door! Elijah I'm so stupid!" I'm in tears again.
"You're in love with him?"
"Yes! Yes! I love him. I really love Klaus. But I ruined everything! How could I be so stupid! I just didn't want to be with him because I thought it would mess up my friendships! But that doesn't matter."
"Ms Forbes, I believe you are the first person he has actually been in love with, there has been lots of puppy love, but never real love like this. I've never seen him so hurt."
"What am I going to do? I can't lose him!"
"Maybe you should tell him how you feel."
"Elijah you're the best!" I give him a hug, "Tell Elena and Bonnie I'm going to get back the man I love!"
He nods his head and I run to my car and drive to Klaus' house.
I run to the door and knock on the door as hard as I can. Rebekah answers it.
"What do you want Caroline, don't you think you've done enough damage?" She says.
"I just need to talk to Klaus. Please?"
"Upstairs, you know the room. I'll give you two some privacy." She says and leaves the house.
I walk up to his room, and knock on the door.
"Not now Rebekah!" He shouts.
"It's Caroline!"
He opens the door, he is wearing sweatpants and no top.
"What do you want?"
"Klaus, I made a mistake choosing Tyler, I only cared about what my friends' thought, and they all hated you, but now I see that doesn't matter. You're what matters, and I messed up big time. An-and I understand if you don't want to get back together, officially this time, no more sneaking around. Klaus, I love you, I love you so much it hurts! This one day without you has been miserable! I cried all night last night, and this morning. I came earlier to tell you how I feel but I thought it would be better if I didn't, I thought we were better off without each other. But we aren't, I'm not. Klaus I love you, a-and I think you love me too. I keep making mista-" he cuts me off with a kiss, he knew this was the only way to shut me up.
"I do love you Caroline." I smile and kiss him again. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

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