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I sit my daughter on the bed and give her a toy to play with. After Klaus and I had sex in the woods, I found out I was pregnant. I had no clue how, because vampires can't procreate. I only told one person I was pregnant, one person I can trust with this information. I told Damon. He's the only one who knows about Aubrey.
"Hi princess. Which dress do you want to wear today?" I say holding a yellow and blue dress up. "I'm thinking blue too." I say and put the blue dress on her. "How about we go to the park today then maybe do some shopping?" She claps her hands.
"You're really my daughter after all. Can you believe you're already one?" I say picking her up. My phone starts ringing.
It's Damon.
"Hey Blondie. How's Aubrey?" He asks.
"She's good. We're going to the park then shopping for her birthday today."
"I was thinking maybe you could bring her here and finally introduce her to everyone." He suggests.
"They'll judge me for sleeping with Klaus."
"They'll get over it when they see the precious angel created from it."
"I guess we can, I mean what bad could come from it. Damon will you do us a favor and get everyone in the boarding house?"
"Yeah. I'll see you soon Barbie."
"Bye. I'll get her a cake."
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome." He says and hangs up.
"I guess we're going to Mystic Falls today baby."
"Ya!" She says.
Damon's POV
Finally! No one has a clue about the baby, and it's getting annoying hiding where Caroline is or who's she with. She went to Fashion Week in Paris, she's visiting her distant cousin, she's found a secret British lover who is dying and she needed to save. That's my favorite one. I dial Klaus' number, cause he deserves to know about Aubrey. I would rather him find out about the baby now then when she's walking down the aisle.
"Damon." He says when he finally answers.
"Klaus, you need to come to Mystic Falls. It's important." I say.
"What is it that's so important?"
"it involves a blonde baby vampire."
"Is Caroline alright?"
"Oh she's peachy, a hybrid bite never hurt anyone." I had to lie to get him here. Caroline said he would never come back for any reason, but her in danger would definitely get him her.
"I'm on my way." He hangs up the phone. Perfect, poor guy is really obsessed with her.
"Elena!" I yell.
"I need you to get everyone here."
"Bonnie, Jeremey, Stefan, Matt, Alaric, Jo, and Tyler?"
"Maybe not Tyler." I say and smile.
"Just do it, okay!" I snap at her.
"Alright, no need to yell." She says and walks upstairs.
"Everyone is on there way." Elena says and sits next to me on the couch. "Why is everyone coming over?"
"Caroline is coming back today. And she has big news. BIG."
Stefan walks through the door, "Hey I got your message, what's going on?"
Elena jumps up, "Care is coming back!" She says excitedly.
"She is? That's amazing." Stefan says. "Is she going to be here soon?" Elena turns to me.
"Couple of hours. But for now, we have a list of things to do."
"Such as?" Stefan says.
"I need you to get a cake that says 'Happy Birthday'"
"Who's birthday is it?" Elena asks.
"Caroline's...boyfriend. She wanted us to meet him." I say.
"What's his name, so we can put it on the cake?" Stefan says.
"Not important." I say.
"What do I need to do?" Elena asks.
"Will you blow up some balloons and hang a birthday banner."
"Meet back here is two hours." I say.
"Wait! Shouldn't someone wait here, everyone is coming over here?" Stefan says. Bonnie walks through the door.
"Hey guys, what's happening?" Bonnie says.
"Caroline is coming back today, and she is bringing her boyfriend, and today is his birthday. She wanted us to meet him." Elena says.
"Yes, and while Stefan, Elena, and I are out, you'll wait here for everyone." I say and usher us all out the door.
"Thanks Witchy!" I say. "Come on, we don't have much time!"
Caroline's POV
I get Aubrey out of her car seat. Okay, I can do this. It's just my friends.
"We can do this sweetheart. These guys are my friends, good people. Most of them." She giggles. I knock ok the door.
Damon opens the door.
"Caroline, Aubrey. She's gotten so big since the lasts time I saw her. Come on in." He says and I walk in to see everyone in there. Including Klaus. KLAUS. What is he doing here? I look at Damon and he just smiles.
"You can thank me later Blondie." He whispers.
"Caroline! You have a daughter?" Elena says and hugs us. Klaus just stares between me and Aubrey. He probably sees the resemblance between the two of them. I stare at him for a minute too.
"Yeah." I snap out of it and continue taking. "Her name is Aubrey, and today is her birthday." I say and smile.
"She's adorable!" Bonnie says walking over to her. Bonnie grabs her wrist and shakes it a little.
"She's perfect." I say.
"Congratulations Caroline." Jeremy says and smiles at Aubrey.
"Care, is this where you've been, hiding her from us?" Elena asks.
"Yeah. I wasn't really hiding her from you guys, I was protecting her."
"From what?" Jeremy asks.
"Everything. I just wanted to keep her safe." I say and sit down on the couch with Aubrey.
"How did you get pregnant?" Alaric asks.
"I'm not really sure. I just know she's here and healthy. That's all I really care about now. Making sure she's okay and perfect." I say.
Aubrey looks at Klaus, "Daddy!" She screams.
"Is He the father?" Stefan says.
"Yes." I say. Aubrey stretches her arms in Klaus' direction, she wants him to hold her.
Everyone turns to me, shocked, except Damon, who already knew.
"She's mine?" Klaus says. He walks over and takes her.
"Yes." I nearly whisper.
"I think we should give them some space to talk it over." Elena says and everyone agrees. They all walk outside.
"I have a daughter! And you're just telling me now?!" Klaus says.
"First of all dont yell in front of her." I say.
"Hi darling." He says and smiles. Aubrey buried her face in Klaus' chest.
"She's got your eyes." I say.
"She does."
He rubs her back while holding her.
"Why am I just finding out about her now?" Klaus says.
"I was scared. Scared you wouldn't want her." I say.
"Daddy." Aubrey says again.
"Yes. I'm your dad." He says to Aubrey.
"Where do you live now?" He asks me.
"I live in Georgia." I say. "We go to the park every Friday, she loves the swings. She also likes going shopping."
"She is your daughter after all."
"That's what I said!" I say and we both laugh.
"I would like you to come to New Orleans with me." He says.
"Can I have some time to think about it?"
"Of course." He says and sits on the couch with his daughter.
"It's her first birthday, let's celebrate." I say.
I open the door to see everyone listening in.
"Ah, come in. We're ready for that cake Damon." I say.
Everyone walks to the dining room and I sit Aubrey in her high chair that I guess Damon bought at some point.
"Here." I give my phone to Elena to film her eating the cake.
I give Aubrey a piece of cake and we sing happy birthday to her. She sort of eats the cakes, but more of it gets on her face.
"Come to Aunt Bonnie." Bonnie says and picks her up. She wipes the cake off with a napkin.
"Klaus, can I talk to you outside?" I say, he nods and we walk outside.
"I've decided to come to New Orleans with you, but I want to visit Mystic Falls a lot. These guys are her family too." I say.
"I want you to take her to New Orleans tomorrow morning, and I'll go back to Georgia and pack all of our stuff."
"Will you be getting your own apartment or will you move in with me?"
"I was thinking we could move in with you, but if you want us to get our own place, I'll understand."
"Nonsense, you should move in with me, there's plenty of space."
"Okay. Let's get back to our daughter, she should celebrate her birthday with her parents." I say.
"Is her last name Mikaelson?"
"Aubrey Erin Mikaelson."
"Is she supernatural?" He asks as we walk back inside.
"Yes. Vampire, witch, and werewolf. You gave her all three."
"It wasn't a one man act love."
"Oh don't I know it." We walk back in the house and Stefan is holding an asleep Aubrey.
Klaus' POV
I have a daughter. She has my eyes but Caroline's hair. Aubrey Erin Mikaelson. I'm glad she gave her my last name, even though I didn't know about her.
Aubrey and I just arrived in New Orleans. I take her out of her car seat and we walk inside. She's asleep and I have a blanket over her, because it's cold in New Orleans. Not that it matters, because vampires don't get cold.
"Nik! Where have you been?" Rebekah yells when I walk in. She walks on the room.
"Rebekah, be quiet. She's asleep."
"What in the bloody hell is that?"
"My daughter."
"Did I hear that correctly?" She says and picks up Aubrey.
"Yes. Her name is Aubrey."
"Hi honey." She says in a baby voice, "Who's her mother?"
"I'm not sure. Where is Elijah? We must prepare a room for her." I say.
"He's out with Kol and Freya."
"Would you like to go shopping then? We need to get stuff for her."
"Always." Rebekah says and we drive to the baby store.
"Nik. This dress is perfect for her." Rebekah says while pushing the cart that has Aubrey in it. Aubrey giggles. "See, even she likes it."
"Get whatever you think she'll like." I say and put some toys in the cart. I go and look at cribs.
"Hi! Can I help you?" The store associate asks.
"Yes, I would like to purchase this crib."
"Okay, fill out this form and we'll have it deliver to your house."
"Thank you." I fill out the form and give it to him. I walk back to Rebekah and Aubrey, and a filled cart.
"I see you didn't hold back."
"She's a Mikaelson, she gets only the best." Rebekah says and puts more clothes in the cart. "So, are you and Caroline a thing now?"
"No. We're just parents living in the same house."
"So you will Be soon?"
"Hopefully." I say and we pay for everything.
Elijah, Kol, and Freya are home when we arrive. I pick up Aubrey and Rebekah grabs as many bags as she can hold.
"Niklaus, Rebekah whe-" Elijah stops talking when he sees my daughter.
"Woah, that's a baby." Kol says.
"Yes, her name is Aubrey." I say.
Rebekah walks in with the bags and sits them on the table.
"Is she your's?" Elijah asks.
"Who's her mother?"
"Caroline." Rebekah answers.
"Nice." Kol says.
Elijah walks over to her, "may I?"
He takes Aubrey from me.
"Question. How is she alive or a thing?" Kol asks and looks at her like she's an alien.
"This shouldn't be possible. Is it the hybrid or the original part that makes it possible?" Freya says.
"I'm not sure. But she's real, she's alive." I say. "And we need to speak prepare her room."
"The room on the top floor is cleared out, that could be Aubrey's room." Elijah suggests.
"Perfect. The crib will be here soon." I say. "I need to call Caroline." I say and walk outside.
"Hey Klaus! How's Aubrey?"
"She's good. We're about to prepare her room. Rebekah and I took her shopping. We got a new crib for her."
"So I don't need to bring the crib?"
"No. When do you think you'll be here?"
"Probably tomorrow morning." She says. "Klaus I have to go, the movers just got here."
"Okay, Goodbye Love."
"Bye." She says and hangs up the phone.
"Is Caroline coming here?" Elijah asks when I walk in.
"Yes. We must prepare a room for her as well."
"Alright." Elijah says.
"Rebekah. Where did you put everything we just bought?"
"It's on the dining room table, the rest is in the bedroom."
"Kol, Elijah, let's start on the room for Aubrey." I say.
"I'll watch the sweet thing!" Rebekah says and smiles.
Caroline's POV
Bonnie and I just finished packing and she is riding over to New Orleans with me.
"So Care, a baby?"
"Yeah. I never thought I could have kids after becoming a vampire. I'm just glad I'm finally a mom."
"Are you glad it's Klaus'"
"Actually, Yes. The Mikaelsons care about each other. They protect each other. I know Aubrey will always be safe, and I'll never have to worry about her. I also know that if I somehow die, she'll always have family. And I think Klaus will be a really good dad. You guys may not trust him, but I do. I don't think I'll have to worry about him trying to make hybrids with her blood."
"He can make hybrids with her blood?"
"Yes. I saw a witch while I was pregnant, one Damon recommended me, and she told me. She's the only living tribyrid, maybe the only one ever."
"Why Damon?"
"He approved of my relationship and I know he wouldn't tell any of you. Not even Elena."
"I kind of wished you told me."
"Im sorry Bon, but you would have told someone. Now did you come here to help me or to see Kol?"
"Care! I came to help you."
"If you say so."
Rebekah's POV
My niece is so amazing! I hated Nik and Caroline's little relationship at first, but somehow I got a niece out of it. Now it's my favorite relationship. Aubrey and I are baking cookies while my brothers are getting the room ready. Freya is outside practicing her magic.
"Chocolate chip or macadamia nut?" I say to Aubrey as if she's going to reply.
"Chocolate chip it is."
"Niklaus! Put Kol down now!" Elijah yells.
"Come on pretty girl, we need to see what the stupid boys are doing." I say and pick her up from the counter top. She giggles.
We walk into what is supposed to be Aubrey's bedroom.
"What is going on in here?" I say and sit Aubrey on the floor.
"Hi little wolf." Klaus puts Kol down and goes over to his daughter. But I pick her up before he gets to her.
"You need to finish the room. Now stop arguing, we're trying to bake." I say.
"Rebekah, let me hold my daughter."
"Finish the room." I say and walk away.
"Daddy needs to work harder to finish your room. Or they'll feel the wraith of Aunt Rebekah." I say to Aubrey.
Caroline's POV
"Finally! We're here! I'm ready to see my baby." I say to Bonnie.
"Let's go then." Bonnie says and grabs her phone.
We knock on the door and Rebekah answers. "Caroline, Bonnie, come in."
"Where is Aubrey?" I say as I walk through the door.
"Elijah is reading her a book in the library." Rebekah says and goes bag to the magazine she was looking at.
"And where is that?" Bonnie says.
"First door on the right." Rebekah says without looking up from her magazine. Bonnie and I walk to the library and knock on the door.
"Come in." Elijah says and I open the door.
"Momma!" Aubrey says.
"Hi baby!" I say in my baby voice and take her from Elijah. "Hi Elijah."
"Hello Ms Forbes, Ms Bennett."
"Hey." Bonnie says.
"Is Klaus here?" I ask.
"No. He went out with Kol. He should be back soon if you need him." Elijah says.
"What book were you reading her?" Bonnie asks.
"If you give a mouse a cookie. She picked it out."
"Oh! I love that book!" I say. "Can I see her room?"
"Yes. Follow me." Elijah says.
I give Aubrey a kiss on the head.
"This house is beautiful." Bonnie says.
"We built it ourselves."
"Did Rebekah decorate?" I say.
"Yes." Elijah says. "Here we are."
"It's beautiful!" I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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