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"Everyone can hold my baby except me!!" I complain to Rebekah who is holding my new born baby boy.
"Caroline you know if you hold him, you'll risk death for both of you."
"This isn't fair! Why hasn't the curse been taking off of us?" I say and stare at my son.
"You know Nik and Elijah are working their asses off trying to."
"They need to try harder!"
"Trust me, they are trying." She says and gives Henry his bottle.
I wake up in terrible pain. My flesh feels like it has vervain on it. I'm currently 8 months pregnant.
I scream as loud as I can.
"Caroline! What's wrong?" Klaus says waking up as soon I start screaming.
"I-it burns!" I scream again.
Kol and Bonnie come running in.
"What's happening to me Bonnie!!" I yell again.
"I don't know!" She says, "I need to look in my spell books. Kol come help me! Get Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah, and Stefan to help too." Bonnie says and they run out of the room.
"Klaus it hurts."
"I know it does love, but we'll fix it I promise." He bites his wrist and puts in front of my mouth. Original blood will feed our son and help heal me faster.
I start to drink his blood but I immediately throw it up.
Bonnie comes running in the room, "WE NEED TO DELIVER HENRY NOW!" She screams.
"Why? He's not ready!" I say.
"Caroline, some witches out a spell on you and Henry, a curse. Where if you two are physically touching, you're both slowly dying. We need to deliver him now. We don't have much time." She explains.
"Love it's alright. It'll protect both of you."
Klaus helps me up and everyone goes into the living room. Kol throws everything off the coffee table and Klaus sits me on it. I scream again. More of my skin burns.
"Bonnie! Hurry!!" Klaus says.
"Caroline, you need to push, no matter how bad it hurts."
"Okay, I can do it." I say and push, Bonnie starts chanting and I start screaming. I grab Klaus' hand so tightly he starts bleeding.
"I'm sorry!" I say to Klaus.
"Love it's fine." He says and smiles.
"How could you do this to me?!?! It's all your fault!!! I'm in so much pain cause of you!!" I scream and him.
"Yes it is my fault, but it's also your's." He says.
"Shut up!!" I say and the pain stops.
"Is that my baby?" I say looking at the child Bonnie is holding.
"Yes, this is Henry." Bonnie says and hands the baby to Klaus.
"Let me hold him!" I say.
"Caroline you can't!" Bonnie says.
I start crying, "I just want to hold my son!"
"Niklaus, take the kid out of here." Elijah says.
He does as Elijah says and walks away, "no! My baby! Henry!" I continue crying.
"Caroline, do you want your baby to live?" Elijah says.
I nod my head, "then you need to stay away from him."
End of flashback
"It's been three weeks!!" I say to Rebekah.
"Caroline, I know it's hard. But it's the only way to keep him safe." She says and sits him in his crib.
"He's so perfect, but he has never felt his mother's touch."
"But he feels your love." She says.
"I just want to hold my baby!! He's my son!!" I walk over to the crib.
"Caroline, don't."
"No Rebekah, I can touch my son." She speeds behind me and snaps my neck.
I wake up in my bed. Klaus walks in the room.
"I'm going to kill her!" I say referring to Rebekah.
Klaus grabs my wrist, "no you're not. She is protecting Henry, just like I asked. You can't touch him. I know it's hard seeing everyone holding him, holding our son. And you not being able to. You just have to wait a little longer. We found the witches who put the spell on you. We just need to deal with them."
"I love you." I say and hug him.
"I love you too Caroline." He says.
"I hate this. Everyone can hold him and feed him and dress him except me!! His mother!" I complain to Klaus.
"Don't worry, it won't be like this much longer."
"I hope so." I say and walk out of the room. Hayley is downstairs with Hope and Henry.
"Hey Caroline." Hayley says.
"Hey! How is he?" I ask and sit next to Hope on the couch.
"He's just been playing with his rattle." She says and shakes his rattle again. He giggles.
"Elijah and I are going out tonight, can you watch Hope tonight?" Hayley asks.
"Of course." I say. "Is everyone else going out too?"
"Not with us, but I think everyone except Bonnie." Hayley picks up Henry, "I'm going to put him in his crib so I can get ready." She walks upstairs with him.
"Caroline I'm sorry you can't hold him." Hope says.
"It's okay, I will be able to soon."
"Why did you name his Henry."
"His real name is Henrik, but Henry for short. Henrik was you Dad's little brother."
"Was he nice?"
"I don't know, I never met him."
"I want to met him." She says.
"I do too. What do you want to do tonight?" I ask her.
"I want to paint or watch movies and eat ice cream!" She says.
"Ice cream!"
"Yeah!! It's the best!"
"I agree, what's your favorite type of ice cream?"
"Mint Chocolate Chip!"
"Me too! We are going to go to the store and buy all the mint chocolate chip ice cream they have!"
"You're the best Caroline!" She says and hugs me. I hug her back.
"Let's get you out of your pajamas and into clothes to go to the store in." I say and grab her hand.
We walk up to her room.
"How about this?" I say holding a yellow dress.
"Yes! With these boots."
"Will you put my hair up?"
"Yeah, put on your outfit first." She walks in the bathroom and comes out dressed.
"Hope! You look gorgeous!"
"Thank you Caroline." I put her hair up in a pony tail.
We walk downstairs.
"Hope, me and Elijah are goin gout, listen to Caroline and Bonnie. I love you." Hayley says and hugs Hope.
"I love you too  mommy." Hope says.
They start walking out the door, "Well be back soon." Hayley says.
"Bye!" I say.
Bonnie walks in the living room holding Henry.
"Hi baby." I say to Henry. He giggles. Bonnie sits him on his blanket on the floor and hands him a rattle.
"I think he realized he has magic, which is weird because hes only a few weeks old." Bonnie says and sits next to Hope on the couch.
"Why do you think he knows about his magic?" I ask.
"I was changing him, when the baby powder flew everywhere. I had to change both of our outfits and clean the nursery."
Hope laughs, "Oh yeah laugh now, Wait till he does something to you." Bonnie says and Hope continues laugh.
"Caroline are we still going to the store?" Hope asks.
"I dont know Hope, I'm not feeling too well." I say and sit on the couch.Just then Henry starts crying and winds start blowing around the house.
I cant move at all, "Bonnie get the kids and go!" She picks up Henry and grabs Hope's hand and tries to leave.
"The door wont open!" Bonnie says and pulls on the door harder.
Pain rushes through out my whole body and I scream.
Henry starts crying even louder.
"Caroline, you need to stop screaming, it's powering whoever is doing this!"
I try to hold in my screams.
Bonnie comforts Hope and Henry to quiet them down.
The front door flys open and a witch walks in.
"Ah! Caroline, so glad I finally get the chance to meet you!" He says. I fly up against the wall and he uses his magic to hold me up.
"How rude of me, I'm Roy, I forgot to introduce myself." He says. "I wouldn't do that if I were you Bennett." He says when Bonnie starts chanting, she stops.
"You're the one who put the spell on me." I say.
"Ding ding ding! You're not as stupid as I thought you were." Roy says and walks over to Hope.
"Don't you touch her!" I scream.
"Caroline, you are in no position to command me." He says and grabs Hope's hand. He pulls her in the corner and spells it so she wont be able to use her magic or leave the area.
"I would never hurt a child." He says, "Unless it's a Mikaelson. Which she is, but I'll save her for later."
He walks over to Bonnie, "I didnt think I would ever meet a Bennett witch." He says and twirls Bonnie's hair.
She hits his hand away.
"How rude of you Bonnie!" He screams and slams her against the wall. Henry screams again.
"Thank you little man, I love power." Roy says. "How perfect is it that all the originals leave on one night? Leaving two helpless girls alone to watch the children. Klaus, gone, Rebekah, gone, Elijah, gone, Kol, gone. Glorious, isnt it?" He says and smiles.
"Question for you Caroline, how is it not being able to touch your son?"
"Go to hell." I say.
"Don't worry, you're about to. I'm going to kill you in front of your step daughter, best friend, and son. Did I mention, you will never touch your son, take it in for a few seconds.This is the last time you'll see any of them. Why? Oh, because you'll be dead." He says and laughs. He slams Bonnie against the wall again and it knocks her out.
"Bonnie!" I scream.
He walks over to me, "I can see why the Hybrid is in love with you. You're just something else."
He lets me fall and ties me to a chair with vervain.
Just then, he flys into the wall.
"Looks like you forgot about a Mikaelson." Freya says.
She undos Hope's trap, "Hope, get Henry and call daddy, tell him we have an unwanted guest."
"Yes, aunt Freya." She runs and picks up Henry then speeds upstairs.
"You're the one who put the curse on my nephew." Freya says.
"Aren't you a smart cookie?" He says and he falls to the floor grabbing his head.
"I dont like your attitude." She says.
He hits her legs and she falls to the floor. "I dont like being hurt Freya."
He picks her up, but she hits the back of his head causing them both to fall. The vervain that is tying me to the chair breaks. I stand up and speed over to help Freya.
"Oh no you dont." Roy says and slams me against the wall. When he is distracted, Hope speeds down the stairs and bites his arm.
He screams out in pain.
"Dad told me that might come in handy some day." She says.
Freya runs over to help me up and Hope looks at Roy.
"Daddy and Uncle Kol are on their way home."
"Where is Henry?" I ask Hope.
"Asleep in his nursery." She says and walks over to us.
"Caroline, let's tie him up, I think Nik and Kol will want to deal with him." Freya says. We tie him to the dining room chair.
"I'm going to see if Bonnie is alright." I say and walk back in the living room.
"Care! Are you okay?" Bonnie says and runs to hug me.
"We're fine! Hope bit Roy, he wont be alive much longer." I say.
The front door flys opens and Klaus and Kol rush in.
"Caroline, love, where is he?" Klaus says.
Kol rushes over to Bonnie, "I'm fine Kol, really." Bonnie says.
"Klaus, Hope bit him, he's going to die." I say.
"Is he still in the house?"
"Yes, the dining room with Hope and Freya. Henry is upstairs." I say.
"He's the one who put the curse on you two." Kol says.
"Yes." Bonnie says. We all walk into the dining room.
"Daddy! I saved them!" Hope says.
"I'm proud of you. Hope will you go to your room?" Klaus says.
"Okay." She says and walks upstairs.
"I'm going to let you deal with him. I'll be in the shower." Freya says and walks to her room.
"Caroline, how about we go check on Henry?" Bonnie says.
"Yeah." I say and we walk up to his nursery. He is just laying there awake
I hear the door downstairs open and close.
"I'm going to go lay down, my body is sore." Bonnie says and walks out of the room, and Klaus walks in.
"Hey." I say. Klaus picks up Henry.
"Would you like to hold him love?" He asks me.
"I can hold him?" I say.
"Yes, the witch is dead, we broke the curse." I take Henry from his hands.
"Hi my baby." I say to him.
"Mommy!" He says and I smile.

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