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Caroline's POV
Today is my first day as a teacher. I've decided to teach kindergarten. I'm excited to be around the children. Stefan and I broke up about three months ago, but it was a smooth break up, we are still good friends. I don't talk to him very often anymore though. I still talk to Bonnie a little. Damon and Elena, not so much. I set everything up at my desk. I put crayons on every table, along with some coloring sheets. I make sure there is a lounge area for nap time. Everything in the classroom is set up. The first kid just arrived, she's a little girl named Evelynn. "Hi Evelynn! My name is Ms Forbes." I say. "Hi." She says quietly.
"What do you like to do?"
"I like to draw and watch cartoons. And play with my toys."
"Drawing is fun. I knew someone who was a great artist. Do you want to color the picture?"
"Yes!" She says. I hand her crayons and a picture of a dog to color.
The next kid walks in.
"Hi! I'm Ms Forbes, what's your name?" I say to the dark headed boy.
"Noah this is Evelynn! Would you like to color with her?"
"Yeah!" Noah says and sits next to her.
I'm off to a good start. Once all the kids arrive, I start to call attendance.
"Jennifer?" I say.
"Here!" She yells.
"Hope...Mikaelson?" Is this one of the originals kids, no can't be. Probably just similar surnames.
"That's me!" She says, she has auburn hair. She's adorable, but doesn't look like the Mikaelson's.
"Here." Amelia is sitting next to Hope.
"Everyone is here! Okay, let's go around the room and say their name and favorite color and animal. I'll go first, my name is Ms Forbes, and my favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is a dog." I say.
We go around the room, Hope's favorite color is pink and she loves wolves. Which is odd for a four year old.
"Okay! Let's find a partner and we're going to start learning about shapes." Everyone is in pairs.
I teach them about different shapes. It's the end of the day, and everyone is about to go home.
"Hope, can I speak with you real quick?"I say.
"Yes ma'am." She says and walks up to me. If she's a Mikaelson, she got that from Elijah.
"Hope, what's your dad's name?"
"I'm not sure. I call him daddy." She says.
"Any aunts or uncles?"
"Ms Forbes, why are you asking me this?"
"Just wondering."
"I have uncles and aunt, aunt Rebekah, uncle Elijah, uncle Kol, also aunt davina, but daddy says she isn't actually my aunt."
"That's a lot of family members." I say.
"And My mom is having another baby."
"With your dad?"
"With my step dad."
"Oh. Who's picking you up today?"
"Uncle Elijah."
"Can I meet him?"
"Yeah! Come on. He always look so cool!" She grabs my hand and we walk outside together. Elijah is standing there waiting for Hope.
"Hi Uncle Elijah!" Hope says.
He picks her up, "Hello Hope, Ms. Forbes." He says.
"How do you know her?" Hope says.
"Old friend. Hope how about you wait in the car while I talk to Ms Forbes?"
"Okay." He puts her in the car and gives her some paper and pencils.
"Klaus has a kid?!?" I say.
"Yes with Hayley."
"And Hayley is pregnant?"
"With Jackson's son."
"Jackson, her pack leader?"
"Yes. I did not know you wanted to be a teacher."
"Since I can't have kids, I decided this would be a way I could be around kids. Is Hope supernatural?"
"Yes, vampire, witch, and werewolf."
"Home run."
"Yes. I will see you tomorrow, I must get Hope home for dinner."
"Bye Elijah!" I wave to Hope.
"Goodbye Ms Forbes." He gets in the car and drives away.
I walk back into my classroom. There's a woman standing in the classroom.
"Hello?" I say.
"You're Hope's teacher?" She says.
"Who's asking?"
"My name is Davina."
"Her aunt?"
"Sort of."
"Why are you Here?"
"Hope is very important to me. She is also very important to some powerful people. Keep her safe."
"Oh." I laugh. "you don't know who I am." I say.
"You're Hope's teacher."
"I'm Caroline." Her eyes widen.
"The Caroline?"
"Yes, my name is Caroline Forbes."
"You're the one Klaus is head over heels for?"
"You sound disappointed."
"Not at all. I'm glad I've finally met you. Now I know who he cares about so much."
"How are you Hope's aunt?"
"I'm dating Kol."
"You're a witch aren't you?"
"Yes, and you're a vampire."
"Yeah. You and Kol serious?"
"He said he loves me, and you know how the Mikaelsons' are."
"I do. It's been so long since I've seen everyone. I saw Elijah, he picked up Hope."
"Elijah been spending a lot of time out."
"Doing What?"
"More like doing who."
"Who's he been with?"
"Someone named Katherine."
"Yeah, is she important?"
"She turned me into a vampire, and she's a friend's doppelgänger. Klaus also hates her."
"No wonder he doesn't want people to know."
"Then how do you know?"
"I was walking back to Klaus' house and saw them together. They were having dinner."
"Does he know you know?"
"No." I laugh, I think Davina and I are going to be good friends.
"Caroline, you should come over for dinner tonight."
"I don't know if I'm ready to see Klaus yet."
"I understand."
"Does Klaus know I'm Hope's teacher?"
"No, he doesn't talk about you a lot since he met Camille."
"Who's Camille?"
"His girlfriend, it won't work out though, She's human."
I don't like the fact that Klaus has another girlfriend.
"Oh. We should talk more, I think we'll be great friends." I say.
"Okay, here's my number, call me later."
"Okay! Hey Davina, could you not tell Klaus about me, and ask Elijah not to too?"
"Yeah, of course." I wave to her and she walks out of my classroom. I put her number in my phone and clean up my classroom.
I go home to my little apartment and call Bonnie.
"Hey Care! How's the first day?"
"Bonnie! You will not believe who's kid in teaching!"
"Oh god, who's?"
"He has a kid? How? With who?"
"The wereslut Hayley, and she pregnant again, but it's not his this time." I say.
"Klaus hates Hayley, why would he sleep with her?"
"Literally no clue, but in the plus side, Kol's girlfriend, Davina, is really nice. She came today to threaten me, but when I told her my name, she got excited that she finally met the Caroline."
"Sounds like Klaus isn't over you."
"But I think he is, he's dating a new girl, Camille."
"Doesn't mean he's over you."
"He probably is."
"If you say so."
"How's everything over there?"
"Ah, good. Enzo and I are going on a trip, and Stefan has got a new girlfriend. Who he spends all of his time with. Damon and Elena are god knows where. Matt and Jeremy went to school somewhere, not really sure where."
"Bonnie, no one is over there, you should come here. You can stay at my apartment, I have a guest bedroom."
"I can't leave Enzo here."
"Who said you had to leave him?"
"Maybe, I'll think about it,"
There's a knock on my door.
"I'll call you back Bonnie." I say and hang up.
I open the door to see my neighbor.
"Hey! Caroline right?"
"Well, I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Leslie."
"Caroline. It's nice to meet you."
"You too. Have a good day." She says and walks away.
She was really weird.
I sit on my sofa and text davina
C- Hey! Davina it's Caroline.
D- Hey Care! How you adjusting to New Orleans life?
C- My neighbor is really creepy, and I like being a teacher.
D- I'm glad you're happy here.
C- so you're dating Kol?
D- Yes.
C- What's he like when he's not being a dick.
D- He's actually really cool, he has to be comfortable around you first though.
C- So like Klaus.
D- The Mikaelsons have a way
I laugh.
C- it's good talking to someone new.
D- Kind of refreshing, I'm usually only talking to the Mikaelsons or Hayley.
C- How do you stand that?
D- They're not actually bad people. It will be good to have someone to talk to about Kol rather than his sister.
C- I was more talking about Hayley rather than the Mikaelsons. I bet Rebekah loves to hear about Kol.
D- What's your problem with Hayley? It's terrible! Cause I need someone to talk to my problems with Kol, and she defends him on everything!
C- My ex cheated on me with her. I also don't like her cause she has a kid with Klaus, and I know I'll never be able to do that. Well now you can talk to me about Kol.
D- Im sorry Caroline. So, want to meet for breakfast tomorrow?
C- Don't be sorry. I can't, I have to get ready for my class.
D- Oh, I forgot about that.
C- I get a lunch break, we can meet up then.
D- Alright! Text me then.
C- Bye!
D- Bye
I start to think about if I'm really over Klaus. Was Stefan just a filler? I need to figure out my feelings, I don't want to ruin a relationship because I thought I wanted to be with someone. I need to find out more about Camille.
The next day
"Welcome back everyone! Today, we're going to learn how to count." I say. "Let's all sit on the carpet so we can count together." The kids move to the carpet.
"Okay. Ready? Repeat after me 1 2 3 4 5."
12345 the class says.
"Very good." I say. "Let's count our fingers. How many do we have on one hand?"
Amelia raises her hand, "five!"
"Very good Amelia." I give her a piece of candy.
"Pair up, I'm going to give you some blocks, I need you to count as high as you can using the blocks."
I pass out the blocks and watch the children count.
There's a knock on the door, so I go and answer it.
"Hello! What can I do for you?" I say to the lady who works in the front office.
"Hope Mikaelson is needed in the front office."
"For what?"
"Her father and aunt are here, he needs to see her for something."
"Hope! Come here please?" I say.
"Yes Ms Forbes?"
"Your dad is in the front office, he needs you real quick." I say.
"Come meet him!" She says.
"Not now honey, I have to help the children learn."
"Mrs Jamison can watch them."
"Hope, I said no."
She grabs Mrs Jamison's hand and they walk to the front office.
"Sorry for the interruption, who thinks they have the tallest tower?"
Noah and Evelynn raise their hands.
"Wow! This is tall!" I say.
"Yeah! All the way to 14!" Noah says.
"Okay everyone, let's read the numbers on the blocks." I say and we do as said.
Hope comes back a few moments later, "Mrs Jamison needs to see you Ms Forbes."
"Ah, okay." I say and get the assistant to watch the children. Hope comes with me to the front office.
Oh no, Klaus and Rebekah are there.
I walk in the office and act like I don't see Rebekah and Klaus.
"Yes Mrs Jamison?"
"I need you to have all of your children back to the cafeteria at two."
"Yes ma'am, but can I ask for what?"
"We need to have a assembly."
"Okay." I walk back to the classroom. That was close, I thought they were going to notice me.
Lunch with Davina
"Hows your day?" Davina says.
"Stressful. I almost ran into Klaus and Rebekah."
"And that's a problem because?"
"I don't want to break up Klaus and Camille till I know for sure what my feelings are."
"I guess that makes sense."
"How are you and Kol?"
"Okay ish, we got into a fight last night because I don't want to become a vampire and lose my magic."
"Bonnie and Enzo are going through the same thing."
"Two good friends from back home."
"Oh. I love him, I really do, but I don't know if I want to live forever."
"I understand, I didn't want to be a vampire either, but I got used to it."
"But you didn't have powerful magic like I do, I'm not ready to give that up."
"You may never be, and you shouldn't worry yet, because you need to know there's a future."
"I hope there's a future with him."
"Me too, I don't think I've ever seen Kol in love."
"That's because he's usually not. Never really is. Just like Klaus."
"But when they're in love, they really care." I say.
"Was Klaus in love with you?"
"I think so. He never actually said it, but he never hurt me."
"Klaus hurts everyone, unless they're important to him or someone he loves."
"Guess that means he wasn't in love with me."
"What do you mean?"
"He hurt Elena."
"The doppelgänger?"
"Probably because he needed her blood. You know how he is. Care, Do you miss him?"
"Caroline, are you lying?"
"N-no." Im a terrible liar.
"Care, you should come over for dinner and see everyone."
"I don't know if I'm ready. And I don't want to break up Klaus and Camille."
"Alright. I should get going, Kol and I are going to see a movie."
"Bye Davina!"
"Bye Care." I say and she walks away.

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