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She's gone. She left with her. How? HOW? I scream and throw her favorite flower vase at the wall.
"Niklaus! What is wrong with you?" Elijah says.
"Caroline left with Harmony?"
"What did you do?"
"I don't know."
"Stop treating me like I'm lesser. Call your little girlfriend, she will know where they are."
He pulls out his phone.
"Hey Elijah! I'm on my way home." Elena says.
"Elena, have you seen Caroline or Harmony?"
"No, she said her, Klaus, and Harmony are taking a vacation somewhere."
"Are you lying for her?"
"Then why is Niklaus in front of me?"
"Did he miss his flight? Care said he might be home late."
"Elena. Stop. Lying."
"OKAY! She left with Harmony. Because Klaus killed her mother."
"Niklaus, is this true?"
"Then why would Caroline believe it?"
"Because Stefan told her and had evidence." Elena says.
"How is there evidence if I didn't kill her?" I say.
"Stefan's still in love with her." Elena realizes.
"What?" I say.
"Before she came to New Orleans, she was with Stefan."
"She must have went back to him." I say. "I need to go to New Orleans."
"We'll go with you." Elena says.
"Hurry, we're leaving in an hour." I say and walk into our bedroom and pack a small bag of essentials.
Soon after I finish packing Elena arrive and packs as well.
We walk to the car and Elijah gets in the driver's seat. Elena sits next to him and I go in the back.
I cant take my mind off of how Caroline trusted Stefan before me. She trusted Stefan over her child's father and her husband.
"What was the evidence that Stefan had?" I ask Elena.
She gives me her phone which has a photo of a letter that says, "I told you not to stay with him, not to leave Mystic Falls. He is using you Caroline. You cannot trust him or his family. They are after me because I found out the truth about them. Come to Mystic Falls. I need to take to you. If they kill me before you get here, I have something for you. If I don't make it, I have given Stefan this letter. You cannot trust Niklaus or any of the Mikaelsons.
Be Safe, Mom" I give Elena the phone back.
"She was compelled to write this." I say.
"That's what I was thinking." Elena says, "If there was a problem, Caroline's mom would know how to get it across quicker."
Elijah presses the gas pedal harder.
We arrive in Mystic Falls and goes to the boarding house.
"I will go in to see if Care and Harmony are in there." Elena says and we both nod.
Elena's POV
I walk in the boarding house, "Care! Are you okay? I came as soon as I got your message!!"
"Elena!" Caroline hugs me.
"What happened? Are you and Harmony okay?"
"Me and Harmony are fine. Klaus killed my mother."
"How do you know?"
"I showed you the letter and Stefan told me."
"What did she find out about them that they would kill her for?"
"That's what we're trying to figure out." She says and we walk into the living room where Harmony is playing with her toys.
"Aunt Elena! Did daddy come with you? I miss him!" She says and hugs me. I pick her up.
"No, dad is still home. They are doing some business. He's a very busy man."
"But he always makes time for me. I want daddy!" She says.
I look at Caroline. "CanI talk to you?"
"Yeah. I sit Harmony down and walk into one of the bedrooms.
"Caroline! She is literally crying for Klaus."
"I know. But Stefan told me it's not safe for us to go back to New Orleans."
"Why do you trust him more than your husband?"
"Stefan has always been there for me, and because of the note."
"If you were in danger, dont you think your mom would find a way to contact you faster than a letter? Do you not trust Klaus, do you really think he would do this to the love of his live's mother? His daughter's only grandmother? Caroline I know you're not stupid! Stefan is still in love with you! He compelled her to write that letter, then he killed your mother. Klaus didn't do this! I promise!"
"We have to get out of here!" Caroline says and we run into the living room to get Harmony.
Stefan is holding Harmony, "Where do you think you're going?"
"Give me my daughter! Don't you think you've taken enough away from me! My mother, how could you Stefan?" Caroline says.
"Caroline, I didnt kill her."
"Yes you did! And I believed you over Klaus!"
Harmony starts crying, "Mommy please stop yelling."
I scream, "ELIJAH!" As loud as I can, I hope he heard me.
A wooden stake comes flying through the room and cuts Stefan's arm.
When he is distracted by the cut, I run forward and grab Harmony. I shield Harmony and jump through the window as my only exit. Caroline follows after me. Caroline takes Harmony and comforts her. Elijah and Klaus continue throwing stakes throw the wall.
"Take them and go somewhere safe. I dont want them to see this." Klaus says and throws the keys to me.
Klaus' POV
I throw another stake throw the wall and hear it go in Stefan. I throw several more in the saw area to ensure his death.
"Niklaus, I believe he is dead."
"I was judging conforming the kill." I say and throw one more stake.
Elijah calls Elena and she tells him they are at Caroline's house. We speed over there. We both rush in the house.
"Daddy!" Harmony screams when she sees me. She runs to me and I pick her up.
"Hello sweetheart."
"I missed you!"
"I missed you too. But now we can go back home."
"YAY!" I sit her down and walk over to Caroline.
"Are you alright love?"
She hugs me, "I'm sorry I didnt believe you. I was so easy to leave."
"It's alright." I say.
"I love you Klaus."
"I love you too." I say and kiss her forehead.

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